Tuesday 9 April 2024


 It was a nice gathering of friends that particular weekends, everyone want to unwind and forget the stress of the week. It was a time to have fun, drink and womanized if need arise. A group of friends sit out having time drinking and sharing stories about past experiences from either themselves or people they know who confide in them. It was a great time for Rocky, he thinks he deserved every moment of that night, he was even trying to catch the eyes of one of the ladies around them hoping he could sleep with something warm by his side to reduced that damn pain in his back, he was admiring her figure noting the long legs from her toes going upward to her bum short, he shudder with anticipation and when she laughed he can't help but noticed her full lips, oh man he swore, if only she could look my way he rant in his head, maybe I need to go direct.

All this was going in his head when he noticed the silence, he turned around and was surprised to see Stephen hushing everyone to silence. "Damnit, it is a night to unwind not to mourn, he was getting feedup and pointedly called Stephen who still motion him to silence, he grumble and fold his hands to see what this is all about." As I was saying Stephen break the silence, while going home late one night, I was tired and couldn't see a cab, so I just figure to walk and keep hailing any cab that comes my way. While walking, a man join me and I never get to see his face, it wasn't that much dark, I was just tired and don't care who he was but I was glad of his companionship since it was late. He paused and look about his friends, guys you may think I'm mad or I was imagining things.

"Damnit get on with your story Rocky angrily told him since he have a prospective lady, he just want the story to end so he can get scored.

Anyway, Stephen continue, as we were walking this man bring the story of ghost, he asked me if I believe in ghost. I just laughed and said of course I do, but I have never seen one and I know it is impossible to do so. He just laugh and said look my legs and I drag my eyes down, low and behold this man legs were not touching the ground. I was shocked and slowly I raised my eyes to his face guys, he had no eyes, no nose the next thing I know I was being pour water, and when I come about, it was morning. I faint right there till morning.

Wow! Someone exclaimed, are you for real?

Of course, I will never just bring such story up Stephen defend himself.

That is true, there are lot of ghost roaming about someone told them, like this my neighbor. He claimed he was sleeping and his mirror was facing the bed, he has no idea what woke him up, he checked the time and it was just a little past twelve midnight, as he raised his head by chance he glance at the mirror and there stand a ghost watching him, he jumped out of bed and ran out shouting I'm dead oh.

Hey guys, you are getting me scared, a girl at the end of the table complain.

Then used salt to put at your door step, before you enter house, a guy sitting near Rocky told her.

Why? Rocky asked.

When I was told it stop ghost from crossing it.

Told by who?

Never mind, another guy interrupt them, my own experience is while driving at midnight between one and "two' o' clock in the night, I was heading home and the road was deserted with no other drivers but me, seem like an apocalyptic setting because it was a dark night and it feels like I was alone in the world, so I increased the speed of the car from sixty to one hundred and suddenly I saw a figure in white, at the middle of the road and before I could match the break, I ram into the figure but guess what, the figure was a ghost and it just passed through the passenger seat, looking at me and motioning me to follow him, guys I increased the speed to two hundred.

Can a ghost haunted someone, Stephen asked.

Why not wait when your friend visit you, you can asked him beside it is getting late again the lady Rocky was fantasizing about told him.

No way, I don't want such experience again.

They all laughed at him, Rocky was not happy about how this ghost story and haunted ghost shit affect him, but he chose to leave the lady along and get back home. He wave them goodbye and went out of the club, he hail a cab and got in, while the cab is in motion he complain to the drive about Stephen story. While he talk, he was looking outside the cab window, admiring the ladies of the night standing there waiting for customer.

What were you saying? The cab man asked him.

Well my friend talk of meeting a ghost with no eyes and nose, and his foot not touching ground while he walk.

Do you mean like this, the cab man asked while turning to face Rocky.

Rocky turned from the window and look at the can man and was shocked to see he has no eyes and nose. When he came about, he was in the cab with people walking a out looking at him in a strange way.

Sunday 7 April 2024


 Richard couldn't stop staring at Selina, he feel amazed and emotional just looking at her. He inhale her scent and couldn't stop feeling glad he made the best of choice even thought there was doubt and challenge, it was their wedding night and they both sat on the bed when all this drama started, he looks her in the eyes and a tears or two drop from his eyes, he raised a hand and stroke her cheek.

Selina was shocked to see Richard crying and thinking she had done something or he had seen something that would make him feel so bad to even made him cry, she can't stopped feeling like she is done for, she hold his gaze and asked him"Richard! What is wrong? What have I done to give you tears please forgive me.

He bow his head and a shocked sob left his lips. "Please Richard you are scaring me. What have I done?

Richard couldn't help but feel every fibre of his body shake, he place a finger on Selina's lips to silence her, he didn't know how to thank her for giving him her heart and her love, he just think of one thing to make their night a perfect on and so he gave her a song by Celine Dion cementing his love and vow to the last of his breath, he opened his mouth while head still bow and sang:

For all those times you stood by me

For all the truth that you made me see

For all the joy you brought to my life

For all the wrong that you made right

For every dream you made come true

For all the love I found in you

I'll be forever thankful baby

You're the one who held me up

Never let me fall

You're the one who saw me through through it all

Selina feel jolted, her heart was fluttering w-le Richard sang that song, her favourite artist is Celine Dion, how could he knew? This is so great, she put a finger on his lips to silence him and take up the chorus:

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'cause you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

Ooh, baby

Richard take her finger off his lips and continue:

You gave me wings and made me fly

You touched my hand, I could touch the sky

I lost my faith, you gave it back to me

You said no star was out of reach

You stood by me and I stood tall

I had your love, I had it all

I'm grateful for each day you gave me

Maybe I don't know that much

But I know this much is true

I was blessed because I was loved by you

Selina smiles deep down her joy knows no bond her tears flow freely and she go on:

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'cause you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

Richard smiles and feel the world is too small for him knowing he has someone to shoulder it with and he croon on:

You were always there for me

The tender wind that carried me

A light in the dark shining your love into my life

You've been my inspiration

Through the lies you were the truth

My world is a better place because of you

Selina smiles more with eye brimming with tears of joy and love she sang on:

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'cause you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me 

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

(My voice.)

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'cause you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

That was so beautiful a gift she cried out, thank you for giving me this moment and I will always respect and submitted to you with my whole heart and being my love. 

Richard was beaming and was glad to have made her happy, he lean in and kissed her and then he pull back and looked her in the eyes, thank you for making me wait before we could get intimate, I know you are a virgin and I trust your honesty my love I received so much laugh and get so many ridiculous message from people who mock me because I never had sex with you for the two years we dated I..she cut him off, never apology my love get on with the tasks at hand.

And so they consummate their marriage sorrounded by love and the bliss of getting that ultimate released.

The End.


Song was written by Diana Warren and sang by Celine Dion.

Cull from the album"Falling into you(1996)

Saturday 6 April 2024


  What is that noise? Harlem asked as he and his friends battle in the deep snow that is above their kneels finding shelter, it was a bad idea right from the start he guessed as he wasn't comfortable about the getaway trip. It was the holiday season and due to boredom and a broken heart, he was coaxed by his friends to embark on this trip even after he complained to them about the heavy snow falling and how everyone wanted to be indoors."what noise are you hearing under this snowfall? Peter asked.

I'm not sure seems like I heard a scream in the distance.

Wow, are you okay? Jay asked with his teeth shattering, he wasn't happy about this trip but what could he do when his crush Zoe was eager to come along? Everything was okay while the trip started until their car developed fault none of them even knew anything about cars, damnit how could this be happening, after all, he asked them to let handamd Zoe stay in the car which was the best option but the fools wanted everyone to come just in case they find shelter as if the car will not do with their body heat. He looked at Zoe sideway and there was a fluttering in his heart, her nose had turned pink due to the cold and she shivered a bit. He shifts to her side

" Hey, Zoe.


I know you are cold, do you mind letting me have my arms around you so our body heat can do some work?

You can stuff your body heat up somewhere Jay leave me alone I can manage.

Damnit Zoe! your heart can't be as cold as the snow.

It is colder than the snow when it doesn't favor you.

Jay was furious, glanced away and saw Anthonia smirking." What is so funny?

Come on Jay never give up when the battle is not yet even fought for, you can't just let her be you know, a girl like when guys run after them and see Jay if she agrees to see now where is the fun in tormenting you?

Damn, Jay mutter under his breath and moves forward hoping to get the two ladies behind him. While trudging through the snow he heard his name called, when he turned back he saw Zoe looking at him in a ladylike manner." What is it? He doesn't care about how harshly he said it to her.

You know Jay a gentle mam will always say ladies first.

You can stuff your gentlw man somewhere he turned back to the front seeing Harlem stop with Peter crushing over something on the snow, he hurried over to them." What is the matter with you too? Do you guys want my balls to freeze while you just stand there looking at nothing.?

There is blood on the snow, Harlem told him.

Blood? Whose blood?

How would I know, I just saw it right now.

It looks fresh Zoe pipe in, are you sure it wasn't that scream you say you hear Harlem?

Now you remind me I think it might be, he stands and looks around. 

What are you looking at? Anthonia asked him.

There is no track.

I don't think I want to be around here if what did this show up, Jay shiver and looked around, he seemed to think he was colder than when they started, he tried to wiggle his toe in his boot, but swore he couldn't feel it, he start panicking and looking all about not knowing if this will be his last day on earth.

Get your act together Peter smack him on the head, you are hyperventilating." We are all going to die, there is a lot of blood on the snow oh man I never wanted this trip, but Zoe made me come along.

Shut up Zoe snarled I never made you do anything you fool.

While they were bickering, Harlem turned around and saw a dark form coming their way, what baffled him was how the figure glided atop the snow without any hint of hindrance." Guys cut it, take a look at what I'm seeing, I hope it is not my imagination. They all turned and looked at what Harlem was nodding at, Anthonia muffled a scream while Jay took a step back." Who is there and who are you? Peter asked not even caring to look at the figure which glided to them. When the figure was a few feet from them, Harlem let out a breath he wasn't even sure he was holding, looking at the figure his heart hammering in his chest. What a hideous face with a hole on one side of the jaw and the other side rotten with skin peeling off, the figure has one eye red and the other black, it smacks his lip with a hideous grin 

What brings you to the road the of unknown? No one thread this path for death awaits anyone who passed here at the falling of snow.

We are looking for shelter, Harlem answered, and our vehicle broke down back along the road.

This is not a road for humans, a price needs to be paid or all wi die when their blood is spilled on the snow.

What price? Peter wants to know and holds his breath knowing they are done for.

A life for a life.

No! Harlem exclaimed

Well then all of you will die here, the figure proclaimed.

No! This can't be happening." Harlem shouted we have done nothing".

You fool, the figure snarled and glid to a few meters from Harlem." How dare you contradict me in my domain?

We never chose to come here, the road leads us here.

The figure laughed and looked at all of them, Jay took a step backward clutching at Anthonia's hands, he was shocked to see malice radiating from the figure yet they could see the face. Hecoughedh and looked at Peter who just stood there not caring what the figure was saying, Peter was just looking around as if he knew where he wanted to go. Jay forgets about his cold and looks at the figure." So you chose to waylay travelers so you can have your fill of blood just like the one you just had a few meters back there he said pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

"They were three and one had to sacrifice himself for the other two to pass".

Are you done yapping your mouth? Peter asked the figure. Peter was getting angry Jay could tell, from the way his nose was flaring and how red his eyes were, he leaned into Anthonia and was amazed she didn't complain, he smuggled a little closer and figured they could deal with this figure in any way they want, let him just have a feel of Anthonia.

"What are you trying to do Jay? Anthonia asked".

You know I can't die a virgin.

That is very sad Jay, but I'm not going to let you die here she said while he trembled, trying to show she was not afraid. There was a scream which made them both jump and a loud hiss from the snow and everyone head snapped from the hissing noise looking at Jay and the steam rising from where he stood." Wow Jay, did you just wet your pants?

This is not the time for that you know, Peter was saying, he turned to the dark figure there is nothing we can do about any sacrifice because we are protected by the chain of the dead. And with that, he brought the chain out which started glowing a brilliant white light and the figure trembled with a snarled as it fled from them.

That was scary, Zoe was the first to find her voice, and she turned to Jay and Anthonia, a nice couple. Anthonia shakes her head and pushes Jay " Stumbled in the snow which is above his kneel witchers." What the hell was that for?

Trying to get Coxy Jay?

Never mind, Peter is that what was given to us before we left?

Yeah, seems like my grandma needs to answer some questions.

Thursday 4 April 2024


 My dad has invited you over for dinner, tonight.

Why would your dad invite me for dinner?

Silly, because you are my boyfriend.

And what is me bringing your boyfriend got to do with the invitation?

Because I told him about you.

Why would you tell your dad about me, Mira?

Well, he just wants to know who I'm dating, that is all.

Do you mean he wants to analyze and interrogate who you are dating?

That is not it and you knew what I meant.

Well you are not supposed to just drop it like this, I have a meeting tonight.

You aren't going to give me that excuse Mikel?

What excuses?

Don't make anything out of this please just try and be there by "eight o'clock this evening.

Alright, but I will not be staying long, I have an engagement by " nine thirty this evening.

That is okay hon.

Mikel is not happy about the whole situation, he has been dating Mira for about six months now and he wasn't sure it would even have gone this far due to his work. Well, he sure will give it a try and see what her old man is about besides he has nothing to hide or to be suspicious of, so why not just go there and have free food before going on his engagement, seems fair he killed two birds with one stone.

Mira was happy to get Mikel to agree to come for dinner, she knows she is in love, well she is twenty-two and Mikel is twenty-six. She can't see any reason why they can't marry after all some people marry at eighteen and even below too. Well what can she do to get him proposed is all that matters. For now, let her family know him first and things can get started from there anyway hopefully he is Mr right she giggled and can't wait to see how things go with her family.

Mikel gets set to see Mira's family that evening, he just takes it as one of those things when it comes to relationships. Was it worth it? He questioned himself but came to no answer that he dim fit for reassurance so he dressed up and went to her family house. He rang the bell and her brother was the one who answered the door." Good evening, you must be Jake?

.Yeah, that is right. Jake said extending his hands to Mikel for a handshake. And Mikel shakes him and compliments his grips." Nice grip, I saw your game last Friday night for The PATHFINDERS, you made just one single mistake that caused your team to lose that match, you were marvelous.

That is very kind of you with the compliment, only if you heard the comment made by the PHOENIX guy who tackled me.

Ha you mean the guy with the sandy hair, with the stupid grin?

Yeah, the same guy. At this Mikel laughed and looked at Jake with a twinkle in his eyes." Now that fool of a guy is my nephew Jakob, that was how I was at the game. They were interrupted by Mira." Jake, why keep him to yourself? Never mind come with me, Mikel. And she ushered him to the dining table where Mr and Mrs Anold were waiting." Dad and mum, this is my boyfriend. Mikel meet my parents Mr and Mrs Anold.

Good evening Mikel and please have a seat, Mr. Anold said while extending his hands for a handshake, it is nice to finally meet you, we haven't heard any other word from Mira except Mikel this or that. 

Mikel smiles, good evening sir, it's an honor to meet you and your family and I appreciate your invitation.

Thank you, so can we get started now?

Sure. So Mira does the serving an$ they were having a good meal when Mr Anold turned to Mikel." So how did you meet my daughter?

Dad? Mira looks at him, he just shrugs his shoulder.

It is okay Mira, Mikel turned to her ly, I met her by accident. I was in a hurry and kinda spilled some stuff on her so I offered to pay for it and one thinledad to another I asked her out for lunch and here we are. He wasn't honest at all, he was chasing a case as a spy, but no one needed to know.

So what do you do?

I'm a consultant sir.

A consultant?

Yes sir.

What do you consult or I should say what do people meet you for to consulted ?

I worked with a consulting agency sir, we deal with biotech research and some inventions for big organizations.

Interesting. And at that, there was a huge explosion and everyone stifled gasps, Jake went to the window and part the curtain a huge ball of fire could be seen in a distance far from them. He went to the television and turned it on. The newscast is saying there was an explosion just now at First Avenue Drive B flat twenty-seven. At this, Mikel jumped up.

What is wrong? Mira asked him.

That is my brother's house he replied, he brought out his phone and dialed the house to make sure." Damnit out of operation. He dials Jakob's mobile and when it rings he breathes a sigh of relief when he hears his nephew's voice." Jakob, is this you?


Have you seen the damn news?

No what is wrong?

Your damn parents are wrong.

What are you talking about man?

Someone set an explosion in your parent's house and it just detonated.

Jesus, are you sure?

Of course, I am, where are you?

No idea, mum just dragged me to the airport and we just waited to board our plane.

Your parents are not fit to be in the profession they chose man, seems like they have been exposed and now people are after them.

Can you help us?

I'm only a consultant man.

Don't give me that crappy answer uncle, I know what I know.

Well, your old man needs to change his profession.

Easier said than done.

"Yeah, I will have to get back to you please stay safe.

Wait! Are you not going to talk to my mu?.

No, she will only make me angry, me and your mum have never been on good terms you know that so let it rest, I will get your parents out of this mess. And he cut the call only to turn and see the whole Arnold family looking at him." What!

That is a mess up, I'm sorry your brother is in trouble, can't the government do something? Mr Anold asked.

I don't think so, they can only try to keep you in a safe house or another with a change of identity, when you are blown you are on your own, unless you go about killing those after you or the person who gives the order.

What will you do? Mira asked him.

Oh, nothing.

But you said you would get them out of the mess.

"Sure, I will.

But how?

Through my agency, you know doing my consultation things.

"Okay,. And without another word he left, Mikel was furious at his brother and his lackluster attitude to the situation, he was not surprised to see his brother in a bar having a nice drink without caring what was happening around him, he was even shocked to see that he has stayed alive this long in the game, well thanks to him for eliminating every threat to his family. Now he has a task to do but first, he needs to know who is after his brother so he can pay them back in their language.

As Mikel stormed out of the Arnold family's house, his mind raced with plans and strategies. He needed to act fast to protect his brother and his family. Ignoring the concerned looks from Mira and her family, he rushed to his car and dialed a number on his phone.

"Tony, it's Mikel. I need everything you can find on a recent explosion at First Avenue Drive, flat twenty-seven. Fast."

Tony, his trusted contact at the agency, acknowledged the request and promised to get back to him soon. Mikel knew time was of the essence.

Meanwhile, at the airport, Jakob and his mother anxiously awaited their flight. The fear of being hunted hung heavy in the air as they boarded the plane, hoping to escape the danger lurking behind them.

Back in the city, Mikel received a call from Tony with the information he requested. Armed with new leads, he began to piece together the puzzle of who was behind the attack on his family.

Days turned into nights as Mikel delved deeper into the dangerous underworld, following trails of betrayal and deceit. With each revelation, his determination only grew stronger. He would stop at nothing to ensure justice for his family.

Finally, after a painstaking investigation, Mikel uncovered the identity of the mastermind behind the attack – a rival syndicate leader seeking to eliminate his competition. With this knowledge in hand, Mikel orchestrated a daring plan to confront the enemy head-on.

Under the cover of darkness, Mikel and his team infiltrated the enemy's stronghold and prepared for a showdown of epic proportions. Gunfire echoed through the night as Mikel fought with everything he had, determined to bring down those who threatened his family.

In a fierce and relentless battle, Mikel emerged victorious, the enemy defeated and his family's safety secured. But the victory came at a cost, as Mikel bore the scars of battle both physical and emotional.

Returning home, Mikel found solace in the embrace of Mira, grateful for her unwavering support throughout the ordeal. Together, they faced the challenges ahead, knowing that their love had been tested and proven true in the face of danger.

As dawn broke over the city, Mikel stood tall, a silent guardian watching over his family, ready to face whatever challenges the future might bring. For he knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome anything.


You can do me anything, but don't kill me. Gerard was pleading to his captors, as the most senior officer in the base who had just been captured by one of the most dreaded terrorist groups. They all laughed hard with spittle flying about from some of them and others even rolling on the ground with glee mocking and humiliating him, they video him getting undressed and naked while they wipe him." So you can beg eh, one of the terrorists was laughing while using a stick to hit his manhood.

Gerard moaned in pain but could do nothing, he prayed his torment would end and he could rest from such humiliation. He was sad knowing his parent's hearts would be broken if they saw this video of him, but he had no regret in serving his country to bring peace and harmony to the world. He grunted when someone hit him at the back of his leg as he fell, breathing hard looked at his captors with defiance." I can never beg for my life he told them, put it in that record of yours that I never beg and you will be served in your own time. 

I'm only trying to help you people from what will happen if you killed me, humiliating me is one thing, but killing me will get you what you never bargained for.

"Huh, did you hear that? The leader laugh slapping his leg with the myth of laughter, oh so you are saying we will get served in our own time?

Gerkeepskeep silent knowing he will get nothing from him no matter what he says, they will kill him, he can see it in their eyes the death of his countrymen around is a testament to his ending.

Get him kneeling snarled the leader and you there with the camera make sure you record everything and make no mistake, I want my face and every one of you here in the feed of that video so the world will know who was responsible for this defeat of the ramble they called force, this is just the beginning.

Gerard was manhandled and forcefully kneeled at the front while the leader of the terror group stood behind him with the rest of his gang members arraying at his back. He looked to the cameraman who nodded to indicate everything was set with a thumb up. "He begins, today make a milestone in the struggle for our independence and sovereign from foreign invaders and middlers, we will not sit and fold hands while our resources are carted away by the pretense of a few he paused and a crooked smile appeared on his face which he savors hoping it will irritate those who are to watch the video feed. He places a large hand on top of Gerard's head and cups a fistful which he squeezes making Gerard spasm with pain, he laugh and snarls enjoying his power over his prisoner and causing so much pain is like music to him. He looks around and continues." This worm is part of those who have been causing trouble to our country and I will show the world an example of what awaits anyone who is to come here again, they will know we will never relent on our efforts to ride the world of their likes and with that he slit Gerard's throat and to make it dramatic, he cut off his head while Gerard body spasm oh the ground until it lay still and with that, the video was ended.

Williams is tired of killing people for the government, he has been a killer since he was sixteen, how it started he couldn't remember but he knows it is too much and he believes it is time to retire from such gruesome work. Killing the woman wasn't easy he figures he is growing soft because he hasn't felt in such a way before, what happened he couldn't tell be the deeds had to be done. He was in a foul mood driving back home when his phone beeped, he fished it out and seeing it was a video, he put it back in his pocket, can't be driving and watching which soured his mood more, who could send him a video? Anyway, he plans to check it out as soon as he gets home. When he reached home, he saw Rebecca waiting for him and everything he was worried about went out of his mind, he felt his member getting hard and he couldn't help remember how she handled him oh man he needed that again to reduce the tension of his work." There is no time for any pleasantries Rebecca he told her with a hint of a smile, please let us get to business we can talk later. That was how he missed the video message until the next day when his phone rang while he was trying to get more of Rebecca, he checked and it was his mum, he swore and answered." Good morning mum, what is the meaning of this early morning call huh? I'm about to get busy.

Will! his mum exclaimed oh ll! And she started crying.

Mum, what is wrong?

Will, it is your brother.

Come on Gerard is fine, we talked last weekend and this is Wednesday.

Have you seen the video messages?

No mum.

Well checked it. And she cried more.

Williams opened the message and watched the video how how his brother was humiliated and killed, he was surprised to see tears in his eyes even after all the lives he has taken." What is it Rebecca asked him.

Get out please this is no time for anything, get out and fast. He called his mum." They will pay he vowed. And then he cut the call, he started packing taking things he would need for the journey, he made arrangements for a false passport and a forged paper that made him enter the country as a machinery looking for work. An informant told him a bar where he could get a head start and William went there as soon as he landed in the country, he didn't want to be there long because he had to hurry so he could get to them as fast as lighting, he went to the bar and figure he saw a guy who looks like one of his brother killers, he was not sure so he had to kidnap him when the guy went to the rest room to relieve himself.

I figure I saw you in a video while having a guy's head cut off. 

Who are you? Better let me go if you know what is good for you.

Of course, I will let you go, but first I want to know where is your leader.

The man laughed you fool, do you want to be killed?

Williams wasn't getting bored so he hit the man on the bridge of his nose breaking it.

Then he opens his mouth to scream and William stuffs his socks into his mouth." Are we understanding each other now? He asked. The man nodded.

Good, now before we get started, what is your name? He asked and if you scream you will regret it.


Now "Jaba" I will ask you a question and you will answer, if you delay, a part of your body will be cut off for emphasis let me cut off your right ear, and he did that. While Jaba was moaning in pain, he cut off his left ear too to make him see how serious he was "Jaba" who is your leader?

His name is Fakal.

Any family?

Two sons and a wife.

Where can I get his son's?

I don't know.

Seem like you don't understand me and with that, he cut off his left thumb and index finger. Jaba muffled his screams fearing for the worst.

Where can I get them?

At the Whistler bar.

Now that is not so hard, is it?


Good boy so what should I do with you?

Please I have a family.

Really, and he punched him in his temple to knock him off, he then used his belt to strangle him to death. He left him there and went to the Whistler bar, he figured the sons would be popular and could be identified easily. He was blocked at the entrance by two hefty guards, he never slowed his stride as he punched one in the throat and stabbed the other in the neck, without looking at his handwork he entered the bar, he noticed two more guards coming at him and slides under the punch of the lead guard and was amazed at the air that passed over his head, he figures he would have died if that punch had connect with his head. As he slid, he brought out his Smith and Watson nine millimeter and at the same time attached his silencer. He shot the second guard in the leg turned in catlike agility and shot the second guard in his right hand, making him drop the gun he was aiming at his head. All this happened heartbeat, he turned to notice the two guys sitting at the far end of the bar, he never slowed down as he walked toward them, and when he was within a few meters he shot one of the sons in the head and turned to the other."Your life or your father's life, choose one.

Abdul Fakal was stunned at what he just witnessed and he never thought he would be at the end of violence considering who his father was and the protection he provided, he thought people were so afraid of his father that no one could dare offend him, how wrong he was seeing how Umah was killed in an eye blink. He turned to the man pointing a gun at him." My fa there.

Good boy now take me to him and if you make one wrong move, your head will be blown with a nice round hole is that understandable?

Yes, Abdul nodded.

And so he takes Williams to his car waiting at the back, as soon as the driver comes out to open the door, Williams shoots him in the leg twice and drags Abdul to the driver's seat while he sits behind him." Now drive.

Who are you? Abdul finds his courage after seeing he is still alive.

I'm a nightmare and your father crossed my path.

You should know he has a lot of men in his camp, it will be difficult to get to him, and you may even die attempting to reach him. At this Williams laughed.

What is funny?

See kid, your dad made a mistake killing my brother in that video feed he released a few days ago, and why I laughed, is to thank my luck because all those in the video will be there and for your information, I have single handly destroyed fifteen terrorist based so your father's own is just a child play.

Abdul was now afraid, he remembered a conversation his father was having with his generals about how their base have been overrun and no one knew who was responsible, which led to them destroying the base and killing that soldier, he swallowed hard and was surprised to see his lips are dried, he wet his lips as best he can and wonder what will happen to him." Will you kill me too?

While coming to your country, I planned to kill everyone associated with Fakal, it seems it depends on you.

How? Abdul asked, that have been driving for close to three hours now following a desert road with mountains surrounding them.

Well, it is simple, you chose to live a good life or you chose to take from your father, your choice will decide your fate.

But I chose my father to die.

Does it matter? A terrorist is a terrorist and can never change best is to clean the whole bloodline.

Please don't kill me, we are almost there after those hills will be his camp.

Good, now stop the damn car. After Abdul stops the car, Williams steps out and looks at him," Go to your old man and tell him what is coming, your action in the camp will determine if you will live Now.

Abdul never waited to be told twice, and he drove off like the devil was after him, at the entrance to the camp he never slow when he was flagged down, he moved past the checkpoint and only slow when he reached his father's tent, his father ran out with a curs." What is the meaning of this madness he demanded, You were lucky they recognized your car if not you would have been gunned down he fumes and where is your brother?

Abdul was panting and couldn't answer only pointing at the entrance. " I asked you a question his father said with a snarl on his lips.

He is dead.

Dead? How and when?

One moment we were in a bar drinking and the next a man just came in and shot him.

Who dares to lay a hand on my son? I will skin him alive, and I will eat his heart. Where is this man?

He is coming here now. And at that moment Williams detonate the bomb he attached in the car before he let Abdul go, the explosion was enormous and most of the terrorist were dead before the blast could settle, while others scream at the floor with burns and body part missing, Fakal was lucky as he was shielded by the mass of his men who sorrounded him while he was questioning Abdul when the explosion occurs, he was dazed trying to get his baring, his sight was a blur and then he heard gun shot at the peripheral of his vision, he scrambled back trying to put a distance between him and where the gun shot was coming from, he turned and saw a darking figure cutting down his men in a way he believes was impossible, he scrambled on his hands and kneel while his ear keep ringing from the blast of the explosion as he stand up trying to get away, something hot hit him on his right leg and he fall down again and try to stand but he can't feel his leg, it couldn't obey him, he looks at his leg and was surprised to see a large hole and a shadow fall upon his face and he look up to see a handsome man in his late twenties grinning at him." Are you trying to leave your party Mr Fakal?

Who are you? He cried out and felt the taste of blood in his mouth.

You killed my brother so I'm here for a brother's revenge, when you made that video you were counting on the day of your death.

You killed my son, we are even and besides you will never get out of here, my men will kill you.

Stop yaplin& your mouth, Williams dragged him and started undressing him by using a pocket knife to cut his clothes off not caring about the generous skin he cut too, Fakal was screaming and shouting for help but no one could, he saw his son and smile, but was ashamed to see his son leaving him and running away.

Seems like he wanted to live huh, I gave him a choice and he chose life now back to you, you should know my brother is part of my humanity, he is the one who makes sure I have a hint of morality but you take him away dues taking away my humanity made me an animal with no morality and with that he cut Fakal manhood in one clean swipe of his knife, as Fakal open mouth to scream, he stuff the manhood in his mouth and stabbed the knife in his right eye not so deep that he may die. He saw a hot rod burning and picked it up with care and pressed it in the wound between Fakal's leg to stop the bleeding, he was even kind to stop the bleeding from the bullet hole in his legs too." Now what next he asked.

Please just kill me.

Now why would I do that, I'm not in a hurry you know.

Fakal was crying," I'm sorry.

Hey don't be sorry, the deed is done, you chose a life of crime as you know crime does not pay.

What are you going to do with me?

Well, I was hoping to cut your tongue out and cut off your ten fingers and remove the remaining eye but not kill you as a reminder to others.

No! He screams kill me, I enjoy how your brother beg begged for his life it was too cheap oh how his blood flow was like a stream waiting to flow to the promised land.

Now you said that it seems I will carry out my plan and he cut his tongue with all ten of his fingers and blind his remaining eye." Now let me see how you can give orders er enjoy your new life and with that, he left.left.

Tuesday 2 April 2024


  Calm down, you need to relax you know you are too stiff to let it flow well or to let it penetrate to the fullest of its potential. You can't be frustrating both me and my machine at this time, you need to relax and let my experience do the magic John was saying to Esther.

You need to go easy on it Esther told him with a look full of pain and desires, she is determined to give John her maidenhead to prove she can and trust him since he was recommended by her best friend Cassie, and she wants him to have her first blood so the bond will be greater." Hey, I'm doing it the right way, you are supposed to calm down there and not tighten or stiffen up anytime I try to enter your street.

Well don't blame me, it hurt.

You are twenty-four years old and you are complaining. Beside your street is a narrow way blocked by a blockade and needs to be destroyed to a broadway.

Does it matter? I feel the pain so don't lecture me I think I need a break or to have a drink.

You aren't serious?

I'm as serious as a heart attack. Esther eased out under John and went to the kitchen to have a drink, she sat on the kitchen stool in her birthday suit not caring about the transparent window or was cared to see her if anyone passed by. She was furious and a bit sad about the situation, she thought it would be fun just as Cassie told her back then. She had a good life, and a good family and worked with a Government organization providing relief to the downtrodden and those who's life had been dealt with in the worst kind of manner unimaginable, she has always been busy and had no time for a life of her own but have always been dedicated to the life of a welfare officer until her friend Cassie introduced her to the girls where they talk of their experience and how it feels to have a very good orgasm in heated lovemaking. She had nothing to say when they prompted her and was too shy to even tell them she was a virgin which was a shock to them.

Esther's mother has always told her never to be influenced by peer pressure that it leads to no good, but at the moment Esther thought her mum was not around and that the pressure was more than how her mum put it. And so she had asked Cassie to link her with a nice and caring guy which Cassie was happy to do when deep down she was so full of envy, since she lost her maidenhead at the age of thirteen, she felt every one of her friends need to lose theirs too. And so she had talked to John and asked him not to let her down, the more rougher you run her the better she told him.

Sure, I have never let you down, remember how I run your street and make it a broad way from a narrow way he informed her.

Then do sthe ame to her Cassie fums.

Why the rush? He had asked her.

Don't question or you will lost from Broadway to a two-lane drive the next time you visit Mama.

So that is how John had tried to take Esther's maidenhead before Esther start this drama of what he is experiencing now, he feels bad about it and can't believe what his guys will say to him when he narrated the tales, he knows Ben will laugh the living daylight out of him damn it, this is embarrassing. No man wants to be hard in bed with a woman and then stop halfway shit he fumes only if Cassie could have spiced her drink or talked to her about taking stuff which will make it easier on her,besidese she look as innocent as they can be when sheltered from life horrors.

Imagine asking me to go easy on it what a laugh, when Cassie asked me to roughy the street to a Broadway, let her be done and get back here and she will know how easy I can go in a way she can never walk for a week John vow, he was in a foul mood and thinking what to do when his phone rang, he looks at the caller and was surprised to see Cassie, he looks at the door noticing Esther is not coming anytime soon so he answered the call.

Esther was damn tired of the drama and was having a second thought about going with having sex with John, besides she doesn't love him and he was just recommended by her best friend, come to think of it, she remembers her mum's advice about not getting influenced by peer pressure it never ends well and there is always a payback when it comes to doing what you aren't supposed to do by your freewill. She reflects on her life thinking it was boring but then she knows she is serving society and bringing happiness to the downtrodden and the less privileged society. She remembers Daniel and how he looks at her and the promise to see her again after his six-month contract is done, he understands her well and they both served in the same Non-Governmental Organization. She sighed and stood up going to tell John she had a change of mind and wasn't interested again. Walking on barefoot she made no noise and as she near the bedroom door she heard John talking and mentioning her name made her stop to listen." John was saying hey Cass, that your friend is a stuffy can't believe you made me want to suffer just to break maidenheadhead, she is like a wooden table just there and me to be doing everything damnit.

She could not hear Cassie reply but deduced Cassie still wanted the show to go on from John's reply.

What! I just told you it is getting difficult and Esther is not even my kind of girl and you are just mean because she is still intact huh, you are demanding I run her street so that a lot of potholes appear.

Wow, you are a bad bitch, Cass, don't let her know you hate her.

Esther could take it no more and so she entered the room, John fumbled to cut the call. " Thank God you are back, can we get started fresh?

No, you can get out now.

What do you mean? Are you going to let this keep standing and not take care of it?

She looks down at his erection and shudders." You can take it to Mama Cassie to calm it after all you never plan to go easy on it, it was just a Sharad I feel bad and disgusted John I overheard you on the phone get out now before I call the cop.

John swore under his breath and stood up, he couldn't help but feel angry about the situation, he wore his pants but couldn't be able to zip them up due to his erection, he raised his member with the tip reaching his belly button and then used his pant to hold it there. While going out he stopped near her and whispered I'm sorry.

Sorry, my ass she answered now get out you son of a bitch.

She called Cassie." Thank you for the deception I will learn from it.

I'm sorry Esther I never meant to hurt you.

All the same, thank you and may our friendship end this moment as from today I don't know you, day your day.

But Esther..she cut the call and folded on her bed and wept. Sometimes friendship is not what we believe it to be, sometimes people pretend to love us, but they are just waiting to stab us in the back. Know your friends and your limit of interaction.


  How will you feel to be tormented by a ghost? How will you feel waking up and seeing a ghost in your bed? How will you feel when you wake up, knowing that the dream you had is a reality? These are the questions Jacinta has been asking in h|r mind every day, her problem started when she was thirteen years old and her grandmother died. One day, she was in her room when she saw her grandma in the same room with her, she was shocked and about to scream when her grandma clapped a cold hand over her mouth." Hush my little diamond, Grandma is here for you. Do not make any noise, I will be removing hthousandsslowly alright?

Jacinta nodded and her grandma removed her hand from her mouth." You are dead Jacinta told her. Her grandma laughs oh my little diamond." I'm not dead, but mistaken to be dead.

I saw your body in the morgue.

Yeah you do, and that is the mistake I made and that is why I had to come for you.

What mistake? You are dead, please leave me alone.

Shut up! The question you will be asking is why can you see me and I can touch you?

How is that even possible? Jacinta asked.

Well, little diamond I belong to a powerful secret coven an when you were born, I had to take you to them for initiation, you are a witch.

No! I'm not. Her grandmother laughed hard, oh little diamond you can never run away from them, soon you will take my place, I was not dead when I was found in my room. I was having a meeting which unfortunately kept me where I am today, I will advise you to not make such a mistake that I did. Have a room no one can get access to except you, you will be taking over from me as of today good luck little diamond and with that, she disappeared leaving Jacinta cold and in utter shock.

That was ten years ago, now Jacinta is twenty-three years strong witch who has everything that life has to offer. She is beautiful, rich and elegant but every night is a torment for her for that is when the ghost appears and that is when she has to serve the coven in any way they deem fit. She has killed, she has rendered so many men broken and useless, and she has used spiritual means to collect property from wealthy men. Any young man who approaches her runs mental in no time. She had no friends and her family was afraid of her since none of them knew about their grandma.

Deep down in her heart, Jacinta knew everything was not right she had a good heart and longed for happiness too but the society she found herself made her evil, she had read about how killing a human being can destroy a soul, and she had also peep into the story of Harry Potter and Voldemort by J.K Rawling and seeing how it all start with killing and how at the end Harry asked him for remorse that it was his only way. She knows killing can destroy the soul which in the long run makes so many people have no consciousness. These are things she thinks about, during the day, for at night she have no willpower to overcome the power of the coven. She wondered if her soul was shattered, but she thought a shattered soul would not think of redemption as she is thinking now, would it? She couldn't help but was surprised to see tears flowing from her eyes, she dried her eyes and looked about her exotic mansion, with all her wealth she had no one to share it with and she was always depressed and lonely.

The wealth has never given her any peace of mind or happiness, she has no boyfriend and her family has written her off, what a sad and hopeless life she lives on. Will this have to be the kind of life she will live till old age? She stood up and went out, walking aimlessly along the street, just trying to clear her head. While moving without a care where she may end up as she turned a corner along the street, she heard a voice preaching and she stood at the edge of the street to listen.

Dre was sad to see the multitude of people suffering in the street and homeless too, he felt bad because he must have been part of those who caused such suffering, his past life wasn't a good one and he was glad to be a change man. He is overwhelmed with compassion and tries to comfort them in the only way he knows best, by bringing them closer to God.

Brothers and sisters, can I have your attention, please? Dre was expectant, and when a few turned his way, he exhaled the breath he wasn't aware he was holding. My name is Dre and I'm here to preach the gospel of Jesus to you. Things may seem bad, but you need to trust in him for with God all things are possible.

We are starving and homeless, why border when he has abandoned us? Someone asked and others nodded in agreement.

Now that is not true, God will never abandon his people, remember the Israelites, he was with them for forty years in the wilderness now hear this song by Don Moen and he sings:

God will make a way

Where there seems to be no way

He will work in a way we cannot see

He will be my guide, hold me closely to his side

With love and strength for each new day

He will make a way.

And where is the way that he has made for us? Is this suffering the way? Someone asked.

No! This is not the way remember "with love and strength for each new day he will make a way". But I can see only hopelessness here, there is no love or the strength to face a new day among you. Come closer to God and let him guide you.

How will he guide us? A man at the back asked 

First, you must confess your sins and be born again.

Do I have to enter my mother's womb a second time? Asked a woman.

No! You must be baptized by immersion, in a river or a stream.

Will that make a way for me? Asked a y{ung lady walking by, who stopped to listen, I worked in a brothel and I have committed adultery and fornication which is against the teTen Commandmentswill I be redeemed?

Dre looks at her" sister there is a song titled All Things Are Possible" by Women of Faith, it goes like this:

Almighty God

My redeemer

My hiding place

My safe refuge

No other name like Jesus

No power can stand against you

My feet are planted on his rock and I. Will not be shaken.

You may have sins and committed many crimes, but God is merciful and he has given us a second chance through his only begotten son Jesus Christ our Lord that we may be saved, your sins will be forgiven if you give your life to God.

What about murdered? Asked an old man sitting with his back resting on a wall. At this, Jacinta peeks up knowing that she has committed countless murders through her hands and by others, she edges a little closer wanting to hear what this preacher Dre has to say about murders. She hopes he can be redeemed but she knows her crime is more than what the people are confessing, she holds her breath and listens when Dre opens his mouth, she snaps out of her thought I says, my name is Dre but I used to be known as Killer D. At this there were gasps all over and many people were shocked even Jacinta couldn't believe this was the man who brings terror to the people, a man who is reputed to be a water of human flesh, a man who have committed so much sin that it was said he bath in the blood of a newborn baby to fortify his power. He shows no mercy and kills without a thought she feels hope in her heart knowing if this man can be sasavedhe too can.

Dre raised his hands to silence the crowd that had gathered seem like those walking had stopped to hear what was going on. He turned to them and said my brothers and sisters there is only one power in this life and that is The Power of God, there is no other power that can save you, there is no other power that can give you peace of mind except The Power of God. I was a notorious criminal who had done so much evil that I never deserved to live, but God had a plan for me and today I stand here preaching to you like I said earlier with God all things are possible.

How and what happened to change yoú? A teen asked him.

Well five years ago, I was contacted by a coven to eliminate a certain man, turned out this man had been fighting them and winning by saving those afflicted with all manner of evil at this Jacinta thought to take her back and if she is not mistaken, it was her coven, she remembers the frustration of what the man had done to them, so this was why they never heard from the killer again she look at Dre with a new hope.

So this man turned out to be pastor Paul, who prayed that night and I was baptized the next day, I chose evangelism to spread the good news from town to town and state to state.

Jacinta couldn't hold herself anymore she cried out." I will give my life to Jesus please help me. I have been a member of a powerful coven and I want to start new again.

Dre looked at her and asked her to come to him, he told her there is no power except The Power of God now say this after me:

"I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for my sins, and that He rose again from the dead. I now confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I surrender my life to Him and choose to follow Him all the days of my life."

After that, he told her she must be baptized to be born again. 

And what will happen tonight she asked for the night is when I face them.

And he asked her to read this :

Psalm 121 is a well-known passage from the Old Testament.

"I lift my eyes to the mountains—

    where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,

    the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—

    he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel

    will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you—

    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day,

    nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm—

    he will watch over your life;

the Lord will watch over your coming and going

    both now and forevermore." (Psalm 121, 1-8 Nkjv)

And with that, the whole crowd went on their kneels asking to be saved and he asked them to pray the lord's prayer:

"Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come,

you will be done,

    on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts,

    as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:9-13, ESV)

There was weeping and everyone couldn't hold back the tears of joy of accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and personal saviour. Jacinta went back home with a lighter heart and a joy beyond comprehension, she couldn't stop laughing and crying because problems had been solved and Jesus had taken away her pains. She vowed to start a new life and dedicated her young life to preaching the gospel and winning souls for God.

Sunday 31 March 2024


 This is not supposed to happen now, I have so many plans to make and so many things to do before all this nonsense, Julliet fumes. How could this man not wait and let me know he was going to do the deeds while I was at the office?, how could he just act like that without even letting me know now I came home to see this mess oh no Donald has finished me! What do I do with this dead body now in my sitting room she feels betrayed after all they had a plan that they had scheduled to stick to, why would Donald renegade on the plan? Why would he even carry out such an act without informing me there is any change? She brought out her phone and dialed Donald's number, she was furious. He answered on the second ring " HellJulietet what is the matter, I'm having a hard time now is not a good time to call Donald to explain.

How dare you tell me that Donald after what you just did.

Calm down.

I should calm down. After the mess you caused in my house, she shouted.

Stop shouting at me Julliet, it seems you are forgetting who you are talking with, how dare you shout at me, this will be the last time you raise your voice or else.

But how could you betray me in such a way? Why not let me into the plans if it has been changed?

Shut up!

But. He interrupted her" Just shut up you fool, you don't go on the phone yapping about things like that, how dare you try to ruin me.

I don't understand, how can I ruin you when you just did the same to me?

Oh Lord, how do I get into partnership with such a fool? Donald question. I have always been a good manager, how do I even meet this woman?

You know I can hear you, Don?

So what? Are you going to sing the plans to the whole world?


And you you are here yapping your mouthJuliett?

But how can you do it like that without my knowledge?

What are you even talking about Juliet? What did I even do?

Well, you know how we plan to kill my boyfriend so we can run away with his wealth?

Of course, I do.

No! It seems you don't know and seem like you don't care about going through the plans.

Why would you think so?

Well, I just came home from work and Diddy is dead on the floor with blood everywhere, now you can see why I'm angry because we planned to kill him and not like this, so why did you do it without my knowledge?

Donald laughed hard and long over the phone, and Julliet was getting angrier while listening to his laugh. " What is so funny Don?

Well, you must be joking because I haven't been to that side of town for two months now, in fact, I'm out of town as we are talking so if you think I did anything you are solely mistaken unless you are missing me and want me to come and you that orgasms you so crave about huh.

So if you didn't kill him who does? Then she heard someone clapping behind her and she turned to see Diddy standing and clapping, she was stunned at the same time she lost what Donald was saying to her as the phone fell her hands 

So what am I hearing from you Julliet? Are you for really or we are in Hollywood shooting a movie scene?

I'm sorry Diddy, you wouldn't understand, it was just talk I ..Diddy interrupted the interrupted wave of his hands. " Never mind Julliet you planning to have me killed so you can take my property wow.

I'm sorry.

Diddy laughed hard, wow so you are sorry about having me killed and stealing from me with no remorse wow Jully.

I was just on my own trying to find a way to see your reaction if I pretend to be dead, I want to see how you love me and what you will do seeing me laying there with blood all over me. So I went to the butcher and asked for a pint of blood from him after I told him the plans which he was kind enough to give me and then I came back home to do the pretense of being dead hoping to see a grief strstrickenaction from you, but I was solely and utterly disappointed, not only to see you come in and do nothing but to hear you calling your boyfriend and demanding if he had killed me without your knowledge before your agreement oh Juliet! But why? Why this after all I have done for you and your family, after all the sacrifices I have made to see that you and your family are comfortable, but why? SPEAK UP HE SHOUTED. She cried and started crying." I'm sorry I never loved you and I have always been in love with Donald, but he is poor and can't give me the life I always wanted and I thought I could get it from you.

Diddy laughed hard again, truly you are a foolish woman, how will you manage to even think you can steal from me, how much or what will you take from here? See this house and everything within aren't even mine, these are all my elder property and I was just looking after it for him since he is based abroad with his family and comes once a year.

What! She exclaimed, you mean all these aren't yours?

Of course not, my brother keeps a monthly payment for the maintenance of his property, and that is why I can live a good life. The worst part is that your parents and siblings are in the other room and everything we have said here they have heard it.

Julliet was shocked and she ran to the transom and found her mother weeping and her dad in a chair just sitting there and nodding his head and muttering an unintelligible word, she fell on her kneels crying and calling to them but no one listened to her, she keeps crying and then her younger brother who is just ten years came to her, she looks up hoping to see forgiveness in his eyes but was shocked to see the anger there." Big sister, I'm ashamed of you and your greediness, uncle Diddy has been kind to me with the little money he has, yet he pays my school fees and buys me clothes, before we came here to see this, Daddy was saying he has also paid our rent courtesy of uncle Diddy and yet this is how you pay him back when he is about to propose to you? You claim to love Donald, that fool of aam who try to rape Melissa if not for the intervention of our neighbor Uncle Peter. I hate you. And he went back to his mum.

Diddy came in and turned to Mr Burna, Julliet's father, I'm sorry sir it didn't work out as planned.

My son you are a good man, please forgive me, for I'm to be blamed for my daughter's behavior, it shows I failed as a father, murder that was what she was planning oh no I'm dead.

Please don't say so, you aren't to be blamed, sir you have a good heart and you are a kind and generous man don't ever blame yourself for the action of a jezebel. Mrs Burna turned to Mr Diddy" How can you say so after all you have done for us and yet this betrayal, murder! 

Please calm down.

Juliet turned to them, I'm sorry please forgive me, it was the devil.

Yeah, and his name is Donald her younger brother pipes in, only if you can go and meet him now it will be best for all.

Yes that is true, you can pack your stuff and get out of my house Diddy told her beside me and Melissa have agreed to marry, she has always suspected you and was kind enough to suggest this surprise. Mr Burna looked to his wife and they both smiled and turned to Mr Diddy "Yes we will accept.

And with that,t they all went out leaving Julliet to cry more and beg which no one listened to to her, she hurried out and picked up her phone and dialed Donald's number and he answered after the third ring." What is it?

Donald, I'm in a mess I need you to please come back to me.

Sorry Jully I'm busy and can't, besides I'm at my wedding which is about to start, don't call me again please and he cut the call. Julliet was shocked and kept shouting but no words could describe what she was screaming about, she left Me Diddy house feeling as if the world was pressing on her and she couldn't breathe, while walking aimlessly she was thinking about how to take her revenge when she was knocked by a hit and run driver and unfortunately for her spinal cord was crutched which keep her on a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Sunday 24 March 2024

The Ghost


Precious has always lived a sheltered life, she is an innocent beautiful girl, tall for a girl of twenty. She has hips that sway like a drunken sailor on a ship. Her eyes are deep brown with a lip that will make a man want to kiss her again and again. 

So many eligible bachelors have sooth her hand in marriage but she has always turned them down. Precious always wants to marry for love and not because a man has money or is famous. She just wants a quiet and honest man who cares about her more than anything. On this fateful morning with the sun climbing the horizon like a female breast, Precious was on her way to the market hoping to be early so she could get back home and focus on other chores. Then appears a man out of nowhere from a distance he looks translucent with his white suit and a hat pulled low over his face while coming from a distance he flicked in and out of appearance and Precious thought it was the light playing tricks on her.

When they were near, Precious was surprised to see this stranger's physique and she put it in mind as one of those things she randomly sees in men. When they passed each other, the stranger stopped and called to her " Excuse me please". Precious stopped and turned to him, " Can I help you, Sir"?

I think so, I can't help but admire your beauty from afar, may I be honored to know who you are?

I'm sorry sir, I can't just give a total stranger my personal information.

I see my bad, please don't be offended, my name is Sidney and I'm new in town. I was just trying to familiarize myself with the locality.

Doesn't matter, I can't help you.

That is very bad of you, what if the situation is reversed and you are the one new in town and I treat you so?

I'm sorry, I'm heading to the market and can't delay sir I wish I could help you but there is nothing I can do.

How about I join you?

Precious feeling bad for her reaction earlier, tries to be friendly. She reasoned this kind of situation could have been her too and it can happen to anyone, she remembers how her pastor preached about loving one another and including strangers, she turned to Sidney and saw an expectant appeal in his eyes, come to think of it she hasn't seen his eyes back then when he draw her attention or was she mistaken? So with that, she agrees for Sidney to follow her to the market.

Sure, you can.

Perfect. Thank you.

So they both went to the market and she showed him places and how the town is, and he made her laugh and forget her worries and doubt, he told her a story about the other side and she shuddered and thought it was just a talk. Are you saying ghosts are real?

Yes, they are real he answered.

Why would they not rest after they have been buried?

Who knows he replies, maybe they haven't fulfilled their purpose or maybe they need revenge.

That is creepy, can we talk about other things, please?

Sure, but you haven't told me about your name yet.

Sorry, my name is Precious.

That is a beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you, you are too beautiful and I wish to marry you. She laughed thinking how funny he was, but she couldn't help thinking about how handsome he was how he made her so happy in just a few minutes they met, and how he made her not think of any other thing than about him. There was a hint of a flush on her cheek when she looked at him. Suddenly he stopped and held her hands "Precious you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the two hundred years I have roamed the earth and in the one hundred and fifty countries I have been to, I can't help; it want to be with you and will be happy if you will be my wife, I will be honored". She could do nothing but get mesmerized by him and she couldn't say no while looking at those eyes, it felt like looking at her soul and she heard a small voice in her head telling her to say yes and she agreed.

Sidney was overjoyed and he kissed her which finally sealed her date, for she had never been kissed by a man before and Sidney's power was in his kiss. And so she went to the market and he promised to visit her the next day. "But you don't know my house she told him".

Don't worry, I already know your name and will always find your home.


Mr Cardosa was a retired army general who spent most of his time running a private security firm, he had a stout shoulder with a beefy physique, a strong jaw, and a nose that had been broken numerous times. His eyes are always cold and twisting and they get narrower when he is angry, just as they did on this particular morning, he was having a nice sleep when the doorbell rang. Mr. Cardosa checked the time and it was just a few minutes past five he got angry wondering who could be visiting at this time. When he opened the door, he saw a young man in a white suit and could swear he looked translucent, but blamed it on his eyes and that he had just woken up. " Who the ruddy hell are you ? And why trouble us at this hour? Speak fast or you have a lot to answer to today".

Sorry sir, you must be Precious dad, my name is Sidney and I'm here to inform you that I will be marrying your daughter today and right now.

Mr Cardosa wasn't having it funny and his eyes got narrower, he knew he needed to calm down before he raised all hell on this kid. He inhaled and exhaled slowly as the doctor told him to calm down. He turned to the young man but lost his anger and asked, "Are you not supposed to be in bed at this time"?

Sorry sir I don't sleep.

You mean you couldn't sleep?

No sir, I don't sleep at all.

Are you stupid?

No sir.

Are you a damn ghost?

Yes sir.

Mr. Cardosa started laughing and Sidney joined him, Mr. Cardosa couldn't help but blame his bad luck on drugs, he had heard how young men have ruined their lives due to hard drugs and he couldn't put it past this young man to be suffering from the same date, while still laughing he slams the door and couldn't help but feel bad that this could happen to him when the day hasn't even started or was this a sign he shouldn't go out throughout the day? He returned to his room but sleep eluded him and he went to Precious's room with a snarl he kicked her door open, Precious jumped with a start, and with sleepy eyes she turned to the door" Dad?

Shut up, who is the fool named Sidney?

Dad! What is the matter with Sidney?

I'm the one asking the question, that fool was at the door at this time, talking of how he came to marry you.

Oh, I thought he was joking. She said this with a faraway look on her face and her dad had to gently slap her face to get her attention again" What is wrong with you? I don't want to see you with that fool again or you will regret it.

But dad I.. and he cut her off, " I don't want to see you with that guy again and that is final.

And then Sidney appears right between them with a smirk on his face he turned to Mr Cardosa, but I have always been here and will always be around.

Both father and daughter faint.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

The Misted Land

  There was a land, in the center of the world occupied by a people who have known war and peace in equal measure. This land is rich with minerals and every available crop so the people are content but then there is only one setback to this land, it is bordered by the land of Mist better known as the land of the living dead. Our story starts on a sunny day when everyone is content with his or her lots and looking forward to the end of summer. Old Master Tam the farmer was having a good time in his field knowing his family would have something to eat and there would still be enough for sale in the market. His land is bordered by the land of Mist a whirling mist from end to end with no hint of visibility and is infested with all manner of beasts and the living dead.

Master Tam was harvesting the potato crop when he sidestepped a root and stumbled into the land of Mist, at first he wasn't aware of his mistake and he chuckled softly to himself, he just shook his head and thought if anyone saw him they would think he is drunk, like the town drunk Dune. He got to his feet and clean his ass only to freeze when he noticed his surrounding as the whirling mist clung to him. He turned to the direction his farm is and was surprised to noticed he couldn't see his farm and he got baffled knowing his farm was supposed to be right in front of him. He wants to take a step but then stops when he remembers tales of how taking a single step is like taking one hundred steps in the land of Mist. While he was contemplating what to do, he heard someone calling his name right behind him. Master Tam was not used to being frightened by anything and he even lived at the boundary of the Land of Mist, but this time he got scared knowing he was done for, for no one had ever escaped the mist unscarred except that old fool, Zang.

He turned around and was shocked to see his grandfather standing a few feet away from him with an expressionless face.

Grandfather! Is that you?

So it seems you turned out to be a flop like your father after all. How can you be toiling the soil generation after generation?

Master Tam got angry but said nothing knowing it was unwise to provoke the dead, he was afraid of his grandfather.

Do you have nothing to say BOY!

, I'm sorry grandfather was his answer.

Oh really, are you so weak to man up to me?

No, you are my long-dead grandfather and I only have respect for you.

Don't be a sentimental fool, if your father had listened to me you could be on the throne by now he snarled.

Sorry grandfather, but that is in the past. I forge my path now.

How dare you! After everything I sacrifice for your father? Do you dare to say such to me?

Well grandfather did you bring me here to vent your frustrations or to let me join you? Please do your wish and let me be.

His grandfather was angry and was tempted to take Tam with him but he considered knowing Tam is the last of his generation, he was thinking of paying him in a very bad way but changed his mind.

You can go Tam but mind you, next time if you fall into the mist again, I will possess your soul and see what I make of you in the land of the living.

How do I know my way home Tam enquires?

Give this mist your blood and beg for direction to the land of living. Tam did as he was told and the mist swirled around him and tugged him in a particular direction which he followed for three days before he reached the land of the living.

After Master Tam returned from his encounter with the land of Mist and his grandfather's spirit, he couldn't shake off the feeling of foreboding. Despite his best efforts to focus on his farm and his family, his mind kept drifting back to the swirling mist and the threats of his ancestors.

One evening, as the sun dipped low on the horizon, Master Tam gathered the courage to share his experience with the village elder, Wise Oren. The old sage listened intently, stroking his long white beard in contemplation.

"You have stumbled upon a great danger, Master Tam," Wise Oren said gravely. "The land of Mist has long been a curse upon our people. It is said that the souls trapped within it hunger for the living, seeking to drag them into eternal darkness."

Master Tam nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of his newfound knowledge. "But what can we do, Wise Oren? How can we protect ourselves from such a malevolent force?"

Wise Oren's eyes gleamed with determination. "There is a way, but it will require great sacrifice and courage. Legend speaks of a sacred artifact, the Amulet of Light, that has the power to banish the darkness of the land of Mist. It is said to be hidden deep within the heart of the mist itself."

Master Tam's resolve hardened. "Then I shall retrieve this amulet and rid our land of this curse once and for all."

And so, armed with nothing but his determination and a small torch, Master Tam ventured into the swirling depths of the land of Mist. The mist seemed to coil around him, whispering sinister promises of doom, but he pressed on, his eyes fixed on the flickering light ahead.

Hours turned into days as Master Tam wandered deeper into the mist, his torch flickering weakly against the oppressive darkness. Just when he felt his strength beginning to wane, he stumbled upon a clearing bathed in an ethereal glow.

There, nestled amidst a bed of luminous flowers, lay the Amulet of Light, pulsating with a gentle radiance. With trembling hands, Master Tam reached out and clasped the artifact to his chest.

But his victory was short-lived, for as he turned to leave, a horde of twisted creatures emerged from the shadows, their eyes blazing with unholy hunger. Master Tam knew that he could not hope to defeat them all, but he refused to surrender to despair.

With a defiant cry, he raised the Amulet of Light high above his head, unleashing its power in a blinding burst of pure energy. The creatures shrieked in agony as they were consumed by the brilliant light, their dark forms dissolving into nothingness.

As the last echoes of their screams faded into silence, Master Tam collapsed to his knees, the weight of his ordeal finally catching up to him. But even as darkness threatened to claim him, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that he had fulfilled his duty to his people.

In the end, Master Tam's sacrifice was not in vain, for his bravery had saved his country from the grip of the land of Mist. But as the villagers gathered to celebrate their newfound freedom, they mourned the loss of their hero, knowing that he would never return to them again. And so, Master Tam passed into legend, his name whispered with reverence for generations to come.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...