Tuesday 7 February 2023

The Virgin

 It was one fateful raining Monday morning Jasmine was walking on the street under a heavy down pour and no one notice her tears due to the rain. She was just walking and her mind was blank and it has no care for the world or things around her, she was dead to the world and the world is meaningless to her, for her world has just been shattered and she is confused and not knowing what to do.

Jasmine has always been wary of Mondays for she hate Mondays with passion knowing it was the first day of the week and the day that works start and the nagging of her supervisor to meet deadline and to meet the sales target of that day and week. But this particular Monday is not about work, for she has taken permission that fateful day to distribute her wedding invitation card. Her wedding will be taking place on the weekend of same Monday that her world was shattered and she feel everything is lost. Hence the aimless walking under the heavy downpour without a care where she is going for she knew deep down that it is all over and Ken her finance will not believe her story and he will not take her back for it has been her rules right from the beginning of their relationship three years ago she had said no sex till marriage.

Her walk under the rain and with tears mingling with the rain water on her face she keep walking and later find herself on the third mainland bridge right there over looking the lagoon, and she stop to reconsidered about what she want to do knowing it is no going back. But her hurt is fresh and she was so far gone with the world that she know she had to do it, and then she climb over the rail.

Ken is a budding media guy with one of the best media station in the country, he is smart and he knows the in and out of how to survive in a dangerous and competitive profession as a news presenter. Since social media has come to stay, it is getting hard these days as everyone with camera phone is a potential reporter and buying of news, picture or video is not cool knowing you are getting second hand report. On this particular Monday morning he was on duty monitoring happening around the third mainland bridge after the federal government has announced about closures for a particular weeks to carry out repairs. While he was in the station getting feedback from people on ground. And that is how he get to see Jasmine flashing on his screen and she is about to jump into the lagoon.

Reporter: we are witnessing something going on here, under this rain a lady is about to jump of the bridge into the lagoon reason is yet to be known, this is Jason reporting live from the scene.

Ken quickly grab his phone and called Jason and he answered on the second ring.

Jason this is Ken, please stop her not to jump that is my finances Jasmine and we are about to marry this weekend, I don't know what is going on please stop her.

Hey Ken are you sure? Because she could be anyone.

That is her man I can point her out in a crowd just stop her, am on my way there now please.

Alright will do my best but please hurry, she looks like she has no care about what she does.

Okay, please try. 

Jason turn to Jasmine and called her name.

Jasmine wasn't sure she heard right because she don't think someone will know her there. And she turn seeing a reporter backing her to come, but her mind was made up and she don't think she can, after all she has jump the rail.

Hello I know your name is Jasmine and you are engaged to Ken, to be married this weekend why do you want to kill yourself? Have you think of how Ken will feel or what he will go through?

Please leave me alone and let me die, he will understand and move on with his life.

How can he understands when he knows nothing of the choice you are making, hey did you give him a call? Did you drop a note? Seeing her hesitation he pressed more, I see the answer is No! Now tell me how will he cope or how will he knows what lead to such decision?

I'm sorry I just can't tell him, even if I do, he will reject me and that will even kill me more.

You don't have to reason like that see he is on his way here, my name is Jason and we both work in same media house.

Jason the one with the twin?

Yeah that is me, so he told you about me too. Now don't worry just look at your right hand side you will see Ken.

Jasmine turn and there is Ken running like the devil is after him toward her and her heart give a beat for the love she had for him is too great, but she can't do anything about it for she knows he has been waiting for her for three years and yet it has all come to nothing.

Ken was so afraid his world will shattered he care nothing of who or whom he shoved or trampled on as he ran to Jasmine, he knows he can never live again if she kill herself he will be a walking corpse himself and so he ran and ran until he saw her and their eyes locked. Ken was breathless but he steady himself and approach her.

That is enough please stay where you are or I will jump Jasmine shouted.

Please Jas, don't do this to me, baby you know I love you and can never be the same again without you please babe.

Am sorry Ken but I have to do this.

Babe what was my offence that you can't talk to me about it?

It is not about you Ken, it was about me and my mistake am sorry.

What mistake? Jas please what mistake ?

Am sorry.

And she burst into tears. Seeing her cry get on Ken and he move a step toward her, Jasmine raised her head and asked him to stop and take that step back. Ken did.

Please Jas, what is the matter? How can you do this to me? Why torture me for no reason baby if you care about me you can say what happened or what I have done?

Ken am sorry babe, it is not about you, I don't want to be a burden to you anymore, I think I don't deserved you again because all that we plan and all that I told you to hold on to is just gone oh no. Jasmine was crying hard.

what's  really gone?

I'm not a virgin anymore Ken, I was raped while distributing our wedding invitation, I don't know how it happens but I woke up and know I have been trampled upon like......oh my god am dead.

You see, you aren't saying anything and I knew it will come to that, your three years of waiting is for nothing please just let me go.

Wait! Please Jas, you knew who did this?

Yeah, I went to Mary to drop the card and she gave me water, after I drank it, I woke up only to see what has been done. And she was no where to be found.

Sorry Jas, you can come back please you don't have to kill yourself.

Will you still accept me? Knowing someone has ravage me and what if I got pregnant too?

Jas! Just come back here, I promised I will marry you and even if you want it now I can call a priest to marry us right here and now.


As she was trying to climbed back over the rail, her foot slip on the slippery rod and she lost her balance, Ken was faster and he caught her hands before she could fall into the lagoon. 

Please Jas, give me your other hands and don't do this to me please.

Jasmine look up into his eyes and she know he loves her, but she can't help feeling sad knowing he was not the one. On lookers rush in too and together they all lift them of over the rail.

Jasmine I have a confession to make and I hope deep in your heart if you truly love me, you will forgive me.

Say your say Ken.

Just promise me please.

Okay I promised as long as we are together.

Alright Jas, I think this is all  my fault.

How can it be your fault? You never send me and you weren't there too.

Please hear me out Jas, I had an affair with Mary, and she was a virgin too. I promised to marry her and never did and she had a son which I asked her to abort. That is why she did this to you.

What! Ken, how can you do that to Mary my best friend? Oh no Ken can't believe you are a monster.

Am sorry please forgive me and you promised Jas?

Don't ever call my name again please I just have to think about it.

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