Showing posts with label The virgin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The virgin. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 February 2023



 Susan is an innocent young woman in her mid twenties and live a very secured lifestyle. She neither go out nor make friends and spend almost all her time at home buried in her books, as an undergraduate trying to earn her Bachelor degree in one of those new established university. She is beautiful with a chisel face, she has a long chin with full lips, fair in complexion and more like a 6'f tall.

Since she hadly make friends nor even went out, she spend more of her time on social media either chatting with strangers or just getting the daily gist and information about happening and the latest trend. In one of her social media sojourn, that is how she meet Edward, a sweet mouth and charming looking young man, who turn out to be one of the kind of guy Susan dream about couple with how her sister and close friend have been troubling her about having a relationship or they will link her for a hook up or a one night stand. Either that or what ever charm Edward used, Susan fall in love and agree to date him. One of the short coming in their relationship is that they are both far apart, Susan is a trusted young woman who is loyal and honest about herself and what she does, while Edward on the other hand will either lie or pretend to be faithful to Susan since she is not there with him neither does she have anyone to keep eye on him so she take everything he says as the truth.

They have been dating for four month like that before James came into the picture. James is a soft hearted and loyal guy who love to read and research, he spend most times online due to his work and that is how he came across Susan, on looking at her profile, he knows deep in his heart that she is the kind of woman he need. While chatting with her, James discovered they are not far apart just a five hundred meter distance between them. So James try to get to know Susan in a way he can get close to her.

Susan, I have come to released that I have fallen for you, please will you catch me?

That is funny James I can't catch you because I already have a boyfriend.

How can you say that? You are not married so you are still free.

But am in love with my boyfriend and I just see you as a friend am sorry.

I don't want to be just a friend, I want to be more than a friend.

Sorry I can't 

Please think about it, I will be good to you and put you first above everything.

Okay I will think about it and give you an answer.

All this period both of them have never meet in real life but James is already in love and can do anything for Susan, Susan on the other hand like James but she don't want to betray Edward her first love, she has no experience when it comes to relationship and James is willing to marry her but she is also afraid of marriage and she want to graduate before she marry. So James keep trying his luck hoping the long distance relationship she had with Edward will play a part for him to snatched her.

So James contact Susan again.

Susan how are you doing?

I'm fine.

I was hoping I could hear your answer about what I asked you, have you think about it?

Yes, I have.

And what have you decide?

I don't know please am confused.

See there is nothing to be confused here, am not asking for much, all I asked is to be part of your life. I want to show you how much I love you and I can do anything for you, I care about you.

I know you do, but I can't betrayed Edward.

Leave that talk about betrayal, you are both far apart and you don't know what he is up to. You are faithful but the question is, is he faithful like you? Are you sure there is no other girl?

Do you think I have not think about that? I know how you feel but I still can't say yes to you because I don't want to look like a bad person.

To hell with what people think, it is your life and you have to do what makes you happy.

Please stop.

Make me, say it and make me stop, as long as I have feelings for you I will always want to be part of you.

But you have never meet me nor see me, and you don't even know how I look, you just saw my picture and you have create a perfect human being to love. What if am not what you have pictured? What if you have been wrong all along?

I have never been wrong and my instincts has been a great help and gift to me, Susan! I know you are a good woman with a great character, you too can't deny it. I just know you are the woman I have been waiting for all my life please give me a chance.

I'm scared.

Of what or of whom?

I don't want to be hurt.

Have you been hurt before?


Are you are virgin.

That is personal please.

But I want to know.

Please I can't tell you stuff talk about other things.

Why are you scared?

I don't have experience and I have never let anyone into my life, men are just full of betrayal and lies couple with deceit. I don't want to be a victim.

But am different, am for real Susan, I can give you any assurance you asked of to prove an into you 100 percent.

I know that is why am trying to let you in, am trying to open up for you, but I still have a boyfriend and I can't double date.

I see, but you know I have said the truth, you can't ignored it. I don't want to see you get hurt from this loyalty.

I reject that, it is not my portion.

Am not saying it is yours babe am just saying your hurt will be my hurt, it will demoralized me and I don't want to be at the receiving end when you blame all men for the sin of one.

No dear, I can never blame you. I know you cares just let me think about it and I will be yours.


Yes, I will give you a chance in my life and I hope I will not regret it.

No!!! Babe you will not, you are the commander, your wish is my command.

Alright let me find a way to break the news to my boyfriend now ex.

Yeah baby, let us seal it with a hug and a kiss.

Alright but not too deep, am watching you.

Hmmmm watch me well.


Alright my baby I have always love you.

I know, I just hope it will not expired.

Ha, come-on don't say that babe, love have no boundary.

Alright bye then till next time.

So Susan was both excited and scared at the same time scared of what she will say to Edward and how he will react to the breakup.

Hi, Edward...

My love Susan, how are you baby?

Am fine and you Ed.

Am good, just a little bit busy.

That is nice, I want to say something and I hope you will not be angry.

Sure, go ahead.

I have meet someone here and I have agreed to date him, I don't think I will want to continue with this relationship again, am sorry.

Hmmmmmm I see.

I hope you are not mad at me.

Well, am not mad sha, Susan you are so nerves, I was about to let the cat out of the bag but I was not sure to say it until I have had sex with you.

What do you mean?

I mean as a man there is no way I can do long distance relationship reason it, I have needs and you can't solve it from a phone conversation. I have blood running in my vain and not data.

So you mean you just want sex and you were just pretending?

Welcome to the club, that is right.

Am glad I refused when you want to that time.

Well there was always a next time though.

Not with me, am done with you I have a caring boyfriend now.

So be it, goodbye and good luck.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...