Showing posts with label Gangster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gangster. Show all posts

Thursday 4 January 2024

Waking Trouble


The Johnson's family and the Jeremy's family has been business partners for quiet a long generation spanning almost fifty decade.

On this particular day, the both family were planning the wedding ceremony of their kids, Sam and Shelly.

Sam is the eldest son of Mr Johnson and in line to succeed him when he retires. Sam has been taught in one of the best school in the world and he is an expert economist to butt.

Shelly on the other hand is a beautiful shy woman who is as smart as her dad Mr Jeremy and she is head of logistic in the conglomerate.

On this day, Mr Johnson and his family visit the Jeremy's to finalize on the wedding plans and to chose a specific date for the wedding. While they were coming in, Mr Jeremy notice Mrs Johnson looks trouble and so he inquired what is wrong on such a joyous day for both their family.

I'm sorry my dear it is no trouble she replied when he try to know the caused of her distressed.

Really, I hope so my dear if there is anything I can do to help please don't hesitate to asked, I'm always at your family disposal.

Oh Jeremy you are too kind. Thank you.

And he turned to Mr Johnson with a pointed look that asked all the question he need to asked.

Oh don't mind her Jeremy, it's about our son Simeon, he ran away from home at the age of Fifteen years and today makes it Ten years hence her worried appearance, the last time we heard from him was Five years ago with just a note saying don't look for me nor worried about me, am doing great.

And did you stop looking for him?

No.. I used every resources at my disposal, but it seems the little bugger hide himself very well or he is out of the country.

Are you not worried about him?

Oh I don't know, you see when he was around he caused so much  trouble everyday, I have never had a rest of mind and always on a police invitation, the punk was a hard nut and a very troublesome kid.

Johnson that is our kid! His wife protest.


Wow seem like I have never meet him before.

Yeah, the punk was in juvenile court and later spend two years in a juvenile correction center and as soon as he was out, the little bugger vanished.

Well we will talk about it later let us get down to today business.

So they went in to discuss about the wedding plans and how to go about it, the both family were trying to make it the talk of town and to show their rival they are united both in business and family. Making a statement with the union.

Shelly was sitting with her brother with both Sam and his sister Vera. They were having their own talk leaving the planning for their parents.

I over heard a conversation earlier today, Justin, Shelly younger brother was telling them. And I think I will like to know too he pointedly look at Vera, while she raised an eyebrow.

What about? Sam asked him.

 Well I overheard when my dad was talking to your dad about your brother who ran away from home. Well?

Well what?

We want to know about your brother, since we have never seen him around nor heard about him till now.

Simeon is a sour topic and tend to make our dad lose his temper, he doesn't know where the little runt got his bad character from and he always blame it on our mum, you see anything Simeon always bring quarrel and shouting  between them. Imagine someone who is not around causing trouble, what do you think will happen if he is around.

Waking Trouble I presume,  Vera chip in with a laugh.

So where is he now? Shelly asked him.

Who knows, he spread his hands and shrugged his shoulder.

So do you guys have a picture of him? Justin asked.

Vera does Sam told him.

Can I see? he asked her.

Sure. And she bring out her phone and show them the only picture she had of Simeon while posing as a teen in a faded jean and a loose shirt with a crook smile on his lips and a eye as hard as steel.

He is so handsome. Shelly exclaimed taking the phone from Justin. But his eyes, it is just cold without warmth.  Vera laugh when she heard that and pointedly look at Sam with a question on her facing "saying are you going to keep quiet with that"?

Well he said looking at Shelly with a little grin. You see, Simeon is one of the most kindred soul and he is so full of compassion. He may look rough and hard he chuckled, while his eye take a distant cast, going back memory lane with a sad glint on his face. If I'm not mistaken, that picture was taken after he save a thirteen years old girl from her father can't recall the detail, but the man had a scared till this day and you will heard Simeon saying to him while he was bleeding, remember me anytime you look in the mirror because I will come back and show you justice again if you lay a hand on her marked my words. And that same girl is Carolina my dad secretary. She refused to let Simeon go and she is the only one who can tamed him and put him in good behavior so you see my dad had to keep her close for Simeon sake.

But he still left, Justin pip in.

Oh he does, Vera agree but then if I'm not mistaken but can't prove it. I will say that girl is the only one in contact with him but she will deny ever hearing from him if you asked her.

Do you think he will come back? Shelly asked.

Oh he will, he may even be back mocking us.

They were interrupted by a commotion at the entrance when voice were raised and shouting ensure. Sam turn to see the head of security to Mr Jeremy coming in fast, he rise from his place with Shelly and moved toward his parents seat. He heard Mr Dean head of security saying it is the Vipers family head Mr Bull trying to forced his way into the premise with a few of his hunch men.

Why would he come here to caused trouble? 

I don't know sir, he keep shouting if both of you don't meet him, he will do something drastic.

Let him try and see what he will wake, Sam said. I have had enough of his trouble and if no one will do anything I will go out there and beat some sense into him.

Calm down. His father told him. And then he turned to his friend Mr Jeremy let us go and see what the old goat have to say he can do nothing but rant like an old man.

Sure let us go.

And they went out with Sam and Mr Dean taking the lead. So eager Mr Johnson chuckle seeing the glint in his son face. You need to calm down and let us hear what he has to say boy and be careful that man is not name Viper for nothing.

We will see dad Sam intone with a hard stare ahead.

After a few minute they came to the gate and were amaze with what was going on. Mr Bull was shouting at the top of his voice and gesticulating to his men when they all turned as they saw the new arrival. Mr Bull wasn't one for formality or a greeting he swing into action with a hard stare and a snot at the two friends.

What is the meaning of this ?  Mr Jeremy asked him.

You dare asked as if you don't know?

Know what asked? Mr Johnson.

Well I heard the both of you are making new alliance with marriage of your kids.

Seem like you are just waking up Sam pip in, our marriage has been in public domain for close to six month what the hell man.

How dare you talk to me ? You little runt.

Say your say and be done with it.

I will not stand to be insulted by a kid he fumes sparing a look at Mr Johnson.

Be quiet son Mr Johnson snap, turning to Mr Bull, my apologies but the kid is right say your say or you can day your day.

You both have been running the business world and every deals there is in this town, and now more alliance coming with your children marriage are you guys trying to put me out of business? Everything worth a cent in this town is owned by you both, I will not take that.

Do you mean you came all the way here to whine like a kid whose sweet was taken ? Mr Jeremy asked with a shake of his head while Mr Johnson just sigh and turn to his friend and said let us get back in.

You are turning your back on me? Mr Bull shouted with rage and spittle flying about.

It is called innovation and advancement Sam told him as he join his father, he added our parents invest in us with education while you invest thuggery on your kids and you are here questioning a legit business empire. 

This is not the end of it, mark my word that wedding will not take place.

I don't like that, Mr Jeremy told his friend, I think we need to report to the cops about this threat.

Oh don't mind the barking dog, he is just pain and beside he is a loser who is just angry about his business downfall.

Dad we need to report him Sam complain.

Be quiet kid, do you even have to mocked him?

He deserved it dad.

Mr Johnson chuckle and turned to Mr Jeremy cheer up old man everything will be alright 

Mr Bull was raving at home after leaving Mr Jeremy premise, he was so high on drink and keep a constant barrages of insult and threat, when his speech get slur his son Tiago meet him slump on the sofa with a bottle of hard liquor in his hands.

Father we need to do something about this matter.


We need to stop this marriage, beside we need to get that girl married to me.

Ooh really ? And how do we go about it? That bitch is in love with that little runt beside she is not a dimwit.

We will forced her even if I have to kidnapped her, I will.

This kick a thought to Mr Bull, which he never voiced out to his son. Don't say such young man, you are always ruthless be calm and let me think.

Mr Bull was very angry about his embarrassment from those two runt, he was boiling inside but smile to pacify his underlings, he knows how he get to the top and can't sit around to see those soft runt who inherited prestige from their parents talk down on him. He has spilled blood before and will do so again if the need arise. He will teach them a lesson, but first he need to set an example with the kids. 

He walk to his special cabinet where he keeps his special number for dirty work, he turn and look around the room seeing his son and most of his boys lounging about, he sneered and order them out in a vicious voice. They were afraid and all ran out  before he could even finished. Satisfied that he was alone, he dial the number and was answered immediately.

Trigger here...?

Trigger I got a job for you, a very special job that need no mistake and can't be traced to me.

Got it boss.

Good boy, here is the details. And he gave trigger information about Shelly and what to do when he got her. After hanging up he was all smile and his grin was so big.

Simeon has always been stubborn and want to be his own man, he seem to be in one form of trouble after another which always make his parents refers to him as waking trouble. No one knows what he did back then to run away from home, even his parents thought it was because of them. Anyway he was thinking about his Master and what he would have done to make things right. 

Old Master Chu was a harden bastard who drills the living day light out of him, come to think of it, he was glad he had much to learn but then the training wasn't easy beside going to China was not his choice, if he remember well it was circumstances that lead him to China and then it was his daredevil attitude that made him a part of the government covert affairs. Taking job that will lead to his death was a thrilling risk and exhilarating experience. His work in Iraq infiltrating the Caliban was taugh and he nearly got exposed but luck has always been with him and the deed was done in the smoothest manner. Now he is in a situation which he can't let exposed his identity damnit what is wrong with his family? He fumes can't they let him be? He questions himself, he has done everything to let them go and yet their action is getting him entangled in their petty situation of stupid alliance.

He is back in the country for just a week and their action will get him exposed shit. Thinking about it makes him angry. He remember when his handler asked him to take the New York job while just rounding up from Iraq. According to his handler, Mr Bull has a link with terrorists and they are planning something big since they have no one inside his organization they couldn't get any idea what he and his gang are planning. He remembers working hard to get into the inner cycle of the gang and now what he hears Mr Bull plan with the so called Trigger will either exposed him or get him killed and yet he need to killed two bed with one stone. Unknown to Mr Bull, Simeon was one of those guys he asked to leave before making call to Trigger. 

Simeon plan to monitor every move of Trigger and intercept Shelly when the kidnapped has already been done, for this Trigger and anyone with him need to be killed to protect his identity. He has worked so hard for these greedy fools to spoil everything, he couldn't even contact his family nor Shelly's family because of their inquisitive nature and too many question to asked. Beside he can't forget how his dad put tails on him and if not because of his handler, he would have been done for.

It was a daunting task, going back memory lane on how he start working with the government as a secret agent, it start when he try to killed a guy while as a teen and he was apprehend by the police. He remember how he feels dejected not just by the arrest, but by his failure, it was his determination that save him. Anyway he had work to be done and can't dwell on the past. He resolved to tail Shelly when she close from work everyday.

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