Thursday 9 February 2023

The House on the Hill



In a small town south of the River Between, there  rise a hill that over look the town of Southgate. And on top this hill stand a house, it was a solid one story building with a run down roofing and windows that have been broken for generation yet the house has always been there. Tom the oldest man in Southgate who is reputed to be more than one hundred and fifty years claimed the house has been so right from when he was a kid and no one who venture into the woods by the house on the hill ever return.

The house on the hill is sometimes used to scared children so they can behave and be in bed when told to, there are so many mystery about the house that really gives goosebumps but so many are afraid to investigate or find out the actual story about the house on the hill.

Dan dad was a small time lawyer in the city of River Run more the two thousand kilometers from the town of Southgate. They live in a modest middle class home and his mum was a school teacher in the local school. Until the scandal struck and Dan dad had to leave the town to somewhere unknown and to place no one knows about him. Which brought them to the small town of Southgate.

Anna is the beautiful daughter of Mr Edward the local preacher in the town of Southgate, she is known by everyone and it was also known she live a double life, Anna knew what they town folk think about her, but she don't care, she is just a carefree lady who knows what she want and go for it. People think she is promiscuous but she know herself and no one in town can say they have had a thing with her. On this fateful day she was just having her daily walk when she came in contact with Dan.

Oh you are the new guy in town right? The one whose day own the shop before the hill?

That is right, who are you?

Name is Anna, daughter of the preacher you know.

Nice to meet you Anna, name is Dan son of the shop keeper Dan answer with a grin.

So Anna what are you doing out here alone?

Well am just taking my daily walk.

Mind if I join you, you know get to know about the town and people since am new here got no one to talk to.

Of course you can join me, that will give the town folk something to talk about.

Excused me I don't understand.

Well this town is rift with gossip and people have been saying nasty things about me and seeing me and you together, the rumors will spread more.

Eh... Wait you mean are the rumors true.

Anna laughed and turn to Dan, No Dan they aren't true just the regular talk in a small town that has no other news of the world but just themselves and their neighbors.

Okay I get you, so can you tell me about the town and people?

Not now Dan, maybe later some other day but don't go up that house on the hill, it is haunted and who ever goes there never returned.

How can you be sure or believe what you have never witness  before? 

Well there was this man named Uko, a very dangerous and bad man, he murder his wife and daughter and ran into the woods to hide from the mob, you know here there is no col or whatever so justice is done according to the weight of your crime. I was hiding in the woods because I just stole from my dad and I was not sure how he will deal with me.

Well, what are you trying to say?

Allow me to finished please.

So I heard a movement thinking it was my dad and I hide, and in a few minute Mr Uko came out and was heading toward the house on the hill. All this he was muttering to himself.

Muttering about what?

Don't know, but I hear something like, must get there, must not let them catch me, I know it was coming but no one will believe me.

What was coming?

Told you I don't know.

So what happened next?

I followed him a few meter and watched from a distance as he enter the house on the hill and till date no one has ever heard about Mr Uko again.

Interesting story.

Sure, but don't go there.

Alright see you later.

Jay was doing his usual log cutting when he saw Anna and Dan coming out of the woods.

Hey Anna having fun with the new kid ? 

Anna turn to Dan and said ignore him, he is a bully he is just looking for trouble because I turn him down that hurt his ego.

Jay turn to Dan, hey kid you don't want to run with this one, she is a tramp.

And I heard she turn you down.

Says who?

She just did.

Mind your manner kid or ......and Dan cut him off or what? And stop calling me kid you are not older than me.

Jay was enraged and he swing his fist toward Dan head, and Dan duck using Jay's own momentum to flip him over. Jay was going purple with rage now, he rise to his feet wiping dust with a sour look he rush Dan to grab him on his waist, Dan already know what was coming and he side step and kick Jay at the back of his legs to send him face down on the dirty and he then step on his back with Jay trashing and kicking but no way out.

Will you stop kicking like a fool? Jay stop. 

If you ever try this nonsense again will break your arms do you understand me?


Good now be a good boy and run home. And Jay ran home and after a few meters he stop and turn to Dan, I will never forget about this you know.

Good to know because if you forget, you are the most stupid guy, keep it in mind and run when you see me Dan answered.

There was a laughter behind him and he turning seeing Anna, what was funny?

Oh that was fun, I like how you put Jay in his place, but be careful he carry malice.

I'm not the one to be careful, you tell him if he do anything funny he will regret it. And with that they part ways.

Dawn came and the people of Southgate were woken early by a wailing cry coming from center of  town, and everyone hurry to know what was happening. Dan saw Anna and moved toward her.

What is wrong Anna.?

That is Jays family, that is his mum crying.

What happened?

No one knows we were all woken by her cry.

Edward step in as the town preacher everyone also look to him in matters that affect the town.

Mrs Smith, please can you tell us what is wrong? Why the cry and what caused such anguish? Where is your husband and son?

But Mrs Smith was dead to his words and she cry more on the mention of her husband and son, while everyone was focus on her and trying to comfort her, Mr Smith came back and on seeing him she ran to him.

Where is Jay?

Am sorry Emily, I couldn't bring him back.

What are you saying? Bring him back how and from where?

He went into the house on the hill., this can't be happening not my son please go back and bring him.

You know I can't, do you want to lose me also?

Yes if that will bring my son back. Mr Smith was shocked and sad to hear that, but before he could react, Mr Edward drag him away. On seeing this Dan and An a drift near to hear what they were saying. What really happened? Mr Edward was asking.

No idea, Jay came back home all buffy and worked on and refused to say what happened when I asked him about his appearance. He just went into his room and slam the door shut, then later I heard him talking with someone at night but I couldn't make out their words. It was this morning while [ying to start the day I saw Jay and two others going up the hill and I ran after them calling his name but he just....turn look at me and wave. Before I could reach him, he was into the house on the hill.

As the sun began to rise higher in the sky, casting its warm glow over the town of Southgate, Dan and Anna exchanged worried glances. The mysterious events surrounding the house on the hill seemed to be escalating, and now with Jay's disappearance, the entire town was on edge.

Anna turned to Dan, her voice filled with concern. "We have to do something, Dan. We can't just stand by and watch this happen to our friends and neighbors."

Dan nodded, his expression determined. "You're right, Anna. We need to find out what's really going on up there."

They decided to gather some of the bravest and most curious individuals from the town, including Tom, the oldest man in Southgate, who had witnessed the house's ominous presence for decades. With a sense of purpose, they set out towards the hill, determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearances.

As they approached the old house, a shroud of darkness seemed to envelop them, but they pressed on, fueled by their desire to bring Jay and the others back safely. With cautious steps, they entered the dilapidated building, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Inside, they found themselves in a dimly lit room, filled with dust and cobwebs. But as they ventured deeper, they stumbled upon a hidden passage, concealed behind a crumbling wall. With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, they followed the passage, unsure of what they would find.

Finally, they emerged into a vast chamber, illuminated by a soft, ethereal light. And there, standing before them, was Jay, along with the others who had disappeared. But they were not alone. In the center of the chamber stood a figure, radiant and otherworldly, surrounded by a sense of peace and tranquility.

It was then that they realized the truth behind the house on the hill. Far from being haunted, it was a sanctuary, a place of refuge for those who sought solace and redemption. The figure before them was none other than the spirit of Uko, the man who had vanished all those years ago.

Uko spoke, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I have lingered here for so long, burdened by the weight of my sins. But now, thanks to your bravery and compassion, I can finally find peace."

Tears filled Anna's eyes as she stepped forward, her heart overflowing with empathy. "You were not alone, Uko. We are all bound by our past, but together, we can find forgiveness and healing."

And with that, a gentle breeze swept through the chamber, carrying with it a sense of renewal and hope. Jay and the others embraced their loved ones, their faces alight with joy and gratitude.

As they made their way back to the town of Southgate, a sense of unity and understanding filled the air. The rumors and gossip that had once divided them were replaced by compassion and empathy, and the house on the hill became a symbol of redemption and second chances.

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its golden light over the tranquil town, Dan and Anna knew that their journey had brought them not only closer to each other but also to the heart of their community. And in that moment, they realized that sometimes, the greatest mysteries were not found in the shadows but in the light of human connection.

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