Thursday 23 March 2023

The Just Kingdom


King Dylan is known to be notoriously s hard hearted and very strict in his ruling, he is feared by everyone and has been conquering nearby country with reckless zeal. He rule with an iron fist and the people obey at every whim of their king. He is neither love nor hate for the people take his rule as  the act of a strong king for they live in safety and prosperity with  so much wealth for the kingdom of Just is blessed with both human and material riches. King Dylan have two child, Prince Maxwell and Princess Margret. Prince Maxwell have always been different from his father, where his father King Dylan is strict he is lenient, he even refused to learn the sword and is either with a drink or in the brothel chasing women and having fun. The King has given up on him after doing everything to set his son in the right path knowing there is enormous task ahead after he is gone. Princess Margret on the other hand is full of life and want to learn everything that has to do with warfare, she is good with a sword and a bow, she is the best shoot in the whole land of the Just as their kingdom is known. She want to be in everything and she take challenge no matter how dangerous she is ready to risk her life for her people.

Jordan is a commoner who care nothing of the royal family nor people around him, he keep more to himself and spend so much time in the wood, few ever venture far into the wood, but not Jordan, he goes where others are afraid to go and he has seen the two face spirit that dwell there, rumor has it that the spirit replicate your face if you ran into it, Jordan just laugh when he hear such for he has come face to face with the spirit and he always think people are too daft for their own good. On this particular day he was in the wood to hunt when he was attacked by two masked men, he could neither fight them nor defend himself when they raised their sword to cut him down, but low and behold he saw a blur figure that was too fast for the eye to follow that saved him and then the figure disappeared deeper into the wood.

Jordan was stun and he keep staring after the figure, when he could come to himself he raised his voice and shouted I will come after you tomorrow this I promised.

King Dylan was shoot with a poisonous arrow, the same time Jordan was attacked in the wood, he knows he can never make it and his end has come for he has suspect the King of Arrow kingdom of planning his assassination for a long time and he knows what is at stake for he has been too occupied to focus on the threat thinking Arrow kingdom is too small and weak to carry out such act.

He was taken to his chamber and he order for Prince and Princess to be sent to his chamber with heists for he has no time. When they were shown into the King chamber, he turn to Maxwell his first son.


Yes father.

It pain me to see you grow up the way you turn out to be, that is the only regret and my failure, for I couldn't make you into a man worthy of the throne.

Father I'm no failure, I'm your blood and I have other quality too.

Maxi, and the king cough a few blood, listen to me, this is no time and I will not be here for long.

Please be calm father, let the royal physician attend to you.

LISTEN BOY!!! I have no time and the crown is yours, there are lot of plot and you must. E strong, stronger than me and learn from my mistake.

Yes father.

Learn more and be wise, for the kingdom of Arrow is watching for they are the one who did this with the help of magic.



Yes father.

You have been strong and wise, and you have been like a pillar to me, support your brother and be by his side, I know you have the desire of your people at heart, show your brother the way and defend the royal throne from those vipers.

Yes father I will do my best.

I have no time anymore, before I go you should know this, there is a man named Kula, he is defend|r of the kingdom and he can protect you and your brother from any harm seek him and show him this, with that the king being out a golden chain with the crest of the kingdom hanging on it. And with that the king die.

Princess Margret did not wait to see her brother crown king of the Just Kingdom before she set out to seek Kula, she know many things is at stake and she need to make the contact with Kula. 

Jordan have already meet Kula after he promised to come back and find him and Kula have told him things and teach him the way of sword and everything warfare and magic, Kula first put his secret art into the spirit of Jordan by merging them before training him in the physical.

You must mean it if you draw your sword, you must used it either to kill or to defend yourself or someone you love.

Yes master.

I'm not your master Jordan, I'm only teaching you just as I was taught, when the time comes you too will passed it to another person.

Yes teacher.

I'm not your teacher, I'm Kula.

Yes master Kula.

Oh.... Well I give up.

And he asked Jordan to continue training because he has sight Margret coming. So he enter the wood to stop her all this without the knowledge of Jordan who is so focus training.

That will be enough lass! Who are you and what are you doing here in the wood?

Who are you to question me?

Well this is my dwelling place so I get to know who set foot in it. Now who are you?

I'm looking for a man name Kula, I was send by the king.

Well that is nice to hear but there is no Kula here, just me and old man trying to teach his son manners and he nod in the direction of Jordan who still have not noticed. Margret look the youth and she was impressed with his art. She turn to the old man.

The King also give me this, and she brought out the golden chain with the crest. Kula fall to his kneel on seeing the chain.

Your highness he bow.

Please stand up.

How can I serve your highness.

My name is Margret. Just Margret no your highness or princess please.

Well it is hard to address you as just Margret considering your royalty.

Well my father the king is dead, he was shoot with a poison arrow and he suspect it was done by the Kingdom of Arrow. Before he died, he asked me to come to you, that you can save the kingdom from what is coming.

Ha....that is sad, my dear. Your father was a good man, a good friend I will missed him.

As for the kingdom, it is not in my hands, but him and he point to Jordan.


Yes, Margret I have passed everything to him and it is up to you to convince him, but mind you, he hate royalty and don't want anything to do with them.

Okay, let me talk to him.



You will have to do that in the city, for now he has a final training to do and you don't want to link me to the royal family. That guy is dangerous now and he wink with a smile.

Princess Margret went back to the city and keep thinking of her father and how to live to his expectation of saving the kingdom. She was deep in thoughts walking when she bump into Big. He is name Big because of how big he is, with massive hand like a spade, bigger head and a very handsome face and his father is the army general, a prospective husband for Princess Margret.


Oh it is nothing.

Ha.., it is you Big!

Sorry princess what is the matter with you?

Oh it is nothing just thinking about things.

Really? hopefully am part of your thoughts.

Sorry Big and stop thinking about it, it will not happen.

Oh.., but it will.

Well keep dreaming.

Well the king just announced he will give you out to me.


And she walk away.

Wait till I get you in my bed Big shouted and he and his cronies keep laughing.

I bet she will squeal like a pig Joe laugh.

Big hit him hard on the head and drag his face close to Joe, you don't talk to my bride to be like that bud.

Sorry, I don't mean it.

Better now let us get going. And they left.

Jordan have always keep to himself and mind his business, he knows he is the strongest in the kingdom of Just, but he has always play weak and never participate in any competition, so the town people always see him as a joke and laughed at him, he doesn't care as long as he is left alone. He has magic and martial arts skills that is enough and living a life he promised Kula his master. He was taking a stroll when he was round up by Big and his cronies.

Hey boy!

Jordan didn't answer and try to side step Big, who blocked him.

I was calling you boy!

How old are you kid? I'm sure you are 13 and you just have big bones to look BIG.

That is his name Joe answered.

Shut up! JOE. Big scream.

Am not surprised he is named BIG.

You think you are smart BOY! You want to make fun of me?

Hey don't go all purple on me, you are just a kid mind your manners.

I can call you boy, because am royalty and you are just a commoner.

Ha... I was wondering where that stink is coming from jeez.

Big got angry and try to land a blow on Jordan when an arrow was shoot just an inch from his nose, and he flinched, while Jordan catched the arrow from reflex and dropped it which was only noticed by Joe. Jordan turn and saw a beautiful lady coming their way with another arrow notched pointing at Big.

Big turn to see Princess Margret pointing an arrow at him.

So it is you Margret ?

If you say one word again, I will kill you, now get lost before I change my mind. Big scramble and ran away from a distance he turn to Jordan and said it is not over yet.

Princess Margret turned to Jordan. I hope you are okay, Big is always causing trouble. fine, I don't think I was in any danger and beside I can take care of myself.

Really, I guess I should have wait and see how it plays out.

What do you mean?

I could have wait and see how you handle Big.

Oh..that flop, funny enough he is a royal.

Is that a crime?

Sure, if they think everyone is beneath them, I'm guessing you are one if you could threaten that flop and got him running like a rat.

I'm Princess Margret daughter of the late king Dylan.

Ha..I see, no wonder the flop can run, anyway your royal highness but don't expect me to bow and jump at your whim.

No I don't care about that, you can see me as your equal.

Eh if you say so, Margret.

Where are you heading to? And you haven't introduce yourself to me.

Where am heading to is none of your damn business and I don't careless what you called me since this is obviously the last time we will be seeing.

I don't think so, I want to be your friend.

Sorry to disappoint you Margret, am a loner. I need no friends and I have been okay like that.

Well try me for a change.

A change to be bordered no way.

What do you mean?

I don't want to make friend with you nor your royalty, I love living alone in case you don't get it, I'M A LONER! and Jordan walk away.

At the palace King Max was having a good time with one of his numerous attendant when General Boyle seek his audience. 

General, you know this is not the right time and i'm busy.

Your Majesty my apology but it is an urgent situation and your input is needed.

What is so important that you drag me from the important matter I was doing?

Your Majesty, it is the Kingdom of Arrow, they are moving their troops along the Eastern and Western border.

Is that so?

Yes your Majesty.

So that is why you trouble me.

Your Majesty

Shut up. Are you a General or what?! You sit on your ass while they flank us? What about the soldiers manning the Western border?

Well....i don't know I......mean itttttt wassss I mean your Majesty...

Shut up, I will deal with those who is in charge.

Buttttt my son.

Really you let your son man a border post?

I'm sorry 

No you aren't, a sane man wouldn't have let someone like Big to even run a winery, but you put him in charge of a border? Get out of my sight let me think in the main time mobilize our troops and place them in defensive formation in strategic location.

Yes your Majesty.

Big and Joe were running through the wood hoping to escape to the capital, it wasn't easy trying to get past soldiers of Arrow kingdom undetected, they were panting from so much running.

I can't go any more Joe was in tears.

Shut up, I don't want to hear that, you better do or they will kill you.

But you are the one in charge, you are supposed to hold the front, you are Big the strongest.

Are you mad? Do you want to see me get killed? Beside I was taken unaware.

Ha..Big you were having fun with Sharon and you send all the sentry to...well you know.

Shut it, Joe or you will get it from me. And they keep running after a few minute Joe stopped and turn to Big.

Do you know where we are?

I thought you were the one leading ?

What! Me? No way.

Are you making fun of me?

What for? Are we lost? Come to think of it, is it true what they say about Sharon?

What did they say?

Come on Big I know you aren't dumb, out with it.

Sure sure oh man Big whistle, they got it right he said this with a grin, those tits oh man and she can grind her waist. Oboy I swear it was the real thing.

Joe was grinning, now you have a tale to tell, I hope the king will let us off the hook.

Well we have more bigger trouble for now than the king, did you buy chance save some of those wine.

Just a few drop.

Now don't be greedy Joe let us have it now, am damn thirsty. 

We still don't know where we are.

To hell with it man, the wine. And he collect it from Joe, as he raised it to his lips an arrow went through the wine skin and they both jump and fall backward entangling each other. When they raised their head ten men surrounded them with sword drawn.

What do we have here now? Croon the leader.

Sargent they look like Just Kingdom soldiers, their uniform is same from those we captured.

Ha.... Really seem like two rabbit to me, if I'm not mistaken that slim one there have wet his pant.

And they laughed.

Big was not having it, and he turn to the Sargent... If you want to kill us get on with it and stop mocking us.

I don't waaaant tttttttto diiie Joe stammer.

Shut it Joe!

But he is going to kill us.

Then you die like a man.

Bravo Sargent this one look strong and he will fetch a great price.

Yeah, lucky for him, but that weakling there will have to be shown the after life.

No and Big stand in front of Joe to protect him, he draw out his sword and face the sargent, come on then, you will have to go through me. The Sargent was fast and he knocked Big sword out of his hand and head butt him on the bridge of his nose, Big fall on the ground with bis nose broken and bleeding.

How pathetic, can you guys believe this weakling are the ones we were made to be afraid of by that stupid king, i'm glad we take him out and he advance on Joe who was on his kneels weeping and then he looked up and saw Jordan coming, the Sargent knew from Joe face that someone is behind and he paused, turn and there he say a youth walking toward them alone with no weapons.

That is enough kid, you can stop there, any more step and you will be done for.

I was having a nice time resting and you guys have been giving me headache, it will be best if you tiptoe and go from which ever hell hole you crawl from.

The Sargent turn to his cronies and laughed, and they join him in laughing too. I will not warn you again kid get lost.

Now you are making me angry, who ever you are just sheet your sword and go, by the way I will be taking those two with me and he indicate Big and Joe, Big was sitting and staring at Jordan not knowing what he is getting at, he turn to Jordan, are you mad? Do you want to get us killed?

Listen to him, the Sargent answered don't waste your life now get off or I will send my men to have done with you.

Alright you can send them, don't say I don't warn you.

Sargent turn to his men, HAMMER! kill him.

Hammer turn to Jordan and smile, without a word he rushed at Jordan and thrust with his sword to pierce Jordan heart, but Jordan was ready for him, he side step and used Hammer own momentum and throw him against a tree trunk and Hammer was knock off unconsciously. Jordan turned to the sergeant and smile, seems like your Hammer is as blunt as your mouth odour. Joe snigger and the sergeant backhand him Joe want tumbling and fall on his ass. The sergeant order his remaining soldiers to attacked Jordan.

Jordan turned to them and look them in their eyes, he turn to the sergeant Hammer is not dead but unconscious if you provoke me none of you will be alive to tell the tale.

The sergeant smile, you are just one and we are ten I will cherished crushing you and hanging you with your balls.

Of course you will but I promise I will kill you last and with that Jordan attack as fast like the wind and they never saw him coming, Jordan was like a blur and in just a few minute everyone lay dead except the sergeant.

That is impossible the sergeant was in shocked and he fall on his kneels, please don't kill me.

I told you, beside I never go back on my words.

Please I will do anything, but don't kill me please take me as your prisoner.

It is too late, I warned you.

Please.............. please

Joe snigger so you can beg eh, you were all high and mighty and now you beg, so pathetic. 

Big turned to Jordan you can spare him show mercy.

Shut up! Big you know nothing, the fool is even reaching for a knife while he beg. Either you or Joe will be dead if i'm not here right now. And with that be swing one of the sword he collect from the dead soldiers and cut off the head of the sergeant. He turned to Big and Joe, say nothing of what happened here and never speak or say anything about me or what I'm capable of or I will kill you.

We will not Big said and turned to Joe who nodded firmly.

Swear it with your blood Jordan told them and with that he brought out a dagger which he gave to them and Big cut a red line a cross his palm and swore to keep what he knows secret until Jordan dim him worthy and Joe do same by cutting his own palm too.

At the Palace the king was restless and send for his generals, when they arrives he turn to everyone of them and was angry to see they are as useless as he is when it comes to making the hard decision. Be was cringing inwardly but try to hide it as not to be seen as weak. He turn to the most senior general.

General Boyle.

Yes your Majesty.

What do you have to report?

Your Majesty as we speak now the Kingdom of Arrow are matching toward the capital and they are destroying every town and village, they are also enslaving our people.

And what have you been doing to hold them back?

Well ...I eh.. your Majesty forgive me.

My father had no general and he gave command directly and see that  it was done to his satisfaction and I chose to share power with you people and you are as incompetent as he has always been saying and now I have come to see his warning and I believe them to be true.

General of the West, what is your report?

Your Majesty I was coming to that, I'm still waiting to hear from the front.

Damnit what sort of people are you, how can you sit and relax while our country have been invaded. Are you people so stupid? You should know information is power if I give you soldiers now general where will you place them?

I don't know your Majesty.

How can you know when you are as stupid as you look.

General of the East, what says you?

Your Majesty our position in the Eastern flank is not as threatening as the Western side, on sighting the invaders we quickly mobilized our troops and pushed them back with arrows and catapult, as of now they have retreat skirting round the West.

That is good general if we can deal with them from just one front, we can push them back and annihilated them. On a serious note if those on the West had been so vigilant all this wouldn't have happened. For now let us get prepared because the capital is in danger not knowing from where they will attacked from.

Yes your MAJESTY! they all shouted.

Keep a vigilant eyes and position our force in defensive position and stage runners in strategic place to bring me information at ones is that clear.

Yes your MAJESTY!!!

You are all dismissed.

Princess Margret was restless deep in her heart, she knows something is terribly wrong and a drastic action need to be taken to averted any calamity coming to destroyed her beloved Kingdom. She was thinking on what to do when there came a knock on her door. Come in, she commanded and her hand maiden Rachel came in and courtesy.

What is it Rachel?' she demanded.

Your highness, you asked me to watched and informed you when the king is alone.

Oh, is he alone now?

Yes, your highness.

Good, lead the way.

King Maxwell couldn't hide the disgust he feel about the situation and was even contemplating to recall his general and start beheading them one by one, but he was also afraid and he knows he is a weak King. He even laughed out loud in a mockery sort knowing those he chose as generals are bigger fools if not they could have dethrone him since and take over the protection of the Kingdom to avert such disaster as he had been. He was thinking this when his chief butler announced Princess Margret. The King turned looking at his sister always having that irritating confident look.

This is not a good time you know Mag.

Of course it's never a good time since you take over leadership, it has been one disaster over another.

We aren't going to talk about what has been and not, if you don't know, there is an invading army.

It is not Max don't get yourself worked on, it will be sorted.

Sorted by who? Mag! those blistering fools I appoint generals are so incompetent, imagine General Boyle don't even know one end of a sword and the fool put his bigger fool of a son Big, in charge of the border.

It is okay Max, what action have you taken? Let us start from there so we can know how to proceed.

Well I have set our troops in defensive formation and have order runners in every strategic location to report any sighting of that biggest fool who lead the Kingdom of Arrow.

Okay, you will have to give me a couple of soldiers Max.

What for? I just told you we are getting invaded and we need everyone who can wield a sword.

Max! Will you stop it, I could take what I want but am trying to show respect.

What do you want soldiers for anyway? He asked, scared eh. He chuckled, so the brave Princess Margret is scared.

Oh shut up Max. Am going to the front.

To be continued......

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