Showing posts with label Starting new. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starting new. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 March 2023


 Yetunde grow up in Benin City the Edo State Capital in Southern part of Nigeria. She was the second child and the first daughter in a family of six, one boy and three girls with their parents  Yetunde lost her dad at a very young age and her mum was  the one who trained them all till  Yetunde was twenty five years old and she left home, to go and hustle for herself. She went to a nearby city not far from home at first to work as a waitress in a popular bar, it was a tedious work and she was not finding it easy couple with lack of accommodation since she is new in the town and she don't know anyone. She usually slept at the backroom of the bar after work, hoping to earn something considerable one day  to rent a decent one room in a nearby street not far from her work place, since house rent is not that costly in the town she find herself. She try to blend in and make friends so as to find it easy, but most of the girls who worked with her in the bar are hard girls and they don't like people who they refer to as unspoiled or eye never tear. According to them, it is either you be part of them or just forget it. Yetunde was cleaning a table one day when Rose one of the hard girls approach her and try to make her see things the easy way.

You are the new girl?

Yes. Yetunde replied her.

My name is Rose, people here call me pinky, because I like wearing pink.

My name is Yetunde nice to meet you Rose. 

Oh forget it, I just want to know why you keep to yourself and don't want to join the girls in their cycle?

It is nothing. 

Really? Do you think your salary will sustain you?

I have been managing since so no problem.

Oh come of it, are you telling me you will be living behind the bar?

No I was thinking of finding a house to rent when I make enough money.

And how are you going to make enough money with your waitress salary when you have no other side hustle? 

God will provide, don't worry.

Really, you are impossible anyway anytime you change your mind and want to make money call on me.


And Rose went away shaking her head in disgust, she don't blame Yetunde she reason she too was like her and life was hard. She remember how she too start as a waitress and how her family keep disturbing her to send money everytime as soon as they hear she is working, they think she make money everyday and they keep pressuring her with so much demand and bills. Not until she meet Madam, who sympathize with her and show her ways to make more money and now she don't have to worry again about the demand from home. She just hope she can help this new girl Yetunde so she can't be used the way she was taken advantage off, when she first start working there and she resolved to keep an eye on Yetunde. On her part, Yetunde don't understand Rose, she is one of the big girls in the bar and she is always flock around by male and females and she is the one attention is always given to, she raised her head to look at Rose as she walk away and she is amazed at her beauty. Tall and fair with a copper colour hair and face that just look exactly like it was cut from Vogue Magazine, her tittie's are big and one can wonder how her bra even hold them without getting cut from the enormous weight and as she walk, she sway her hips making her well shape ass to dance like the wind on the filmy and nearly transparent skirt she wore. Yetunde shake her head and continue her work of cleaning tables, she was so engrossed in her work that she didn't see one of the bar patron eyeing her, and as she bend to wipe the table top further from where she stand, he chose the opportunity to press his crotch behind her ass as she bend.

Now that is a sight to behold he intone with a smirk.

Yetunde was shock and she spun around and pushed him away.

Now now now don't get all upset little dove, he croon.

Please leave me alone.

Now why would I leave a beauty like you alone with an ass that has the shape of my heart.

Please leave me alone, I'm not that kind of girl.

What kind of girl are you? Least you forget, everything here is for sale.

Sorry not me.

Oh, are you kidding me or playing hard to get? Well mention your price then let us have fun little dove.

Please don't call me that and I have no price am not for sale.

So if you are not for sale than what are you doing here?

Working Sir.

Working ? Really and he grabbed her hand trying to drag her to the inner room, she was struggling with him when Rose intervenes.

 Young man that is enough, please let her go now.

Oh, is that pinky, you trying to spoil my day?

I said let her go now.

And if I don't let her go what will you do eh? You better shut it, Pinky aren't going to take any nonsense from you today after all you turn me down.

If you don't let her go, then I will have to call Dagger.



Don't be like a yapping bitch, Dagger aren't here least I hear the cops are running him up and down and he is singing his soul out.

Really, I hope you will say that to him right infront of him. And she called out DAGGER!!! 

Pinky ! Is that you ?


Why shouting my name, you know am just standing a few feet from you.

One dandy here is having fun at you, says you are getting run by the cops and you are singing your soul out.

What the fuck! who is that?

Come over her and see.

And Dagger stride to them while he walk towards them everyone part ways for him just with one look at his face they fear and clear path without a pause. He stand infront of Rose and smile, it send fear and shiver on her but she reason no matter how close she is to him as a friend she must be afraid for Dagger is unpredictable.

Now Rose! What are you dragging me here for from so far away?

Dagger you and lies eh, you just said you are a few feet from me.

That is a long way. I hope you bring me here for good or else someone will pay.

It is this dandy here who was mocking you, saying trash about you and that you were singing your soul to the cops as they worked on you. And Dagger turned to look at the man. Yetunde whimper on seeing his face, Dagger is a bald young man of about thirty with scars crisscrossing his face and his left eye is missing, one of his front teeth was missing and he has just one ear and the other show a little bite mark in the missing part. He is tall and broad shoulder about 6.7ft and he has a wicked grin. She feel her leg shake a bit and nearly wet her pant for everything about him is like evil.

Who are they Rose? He asked.

This one here who look like she is about to faint is Yetunde, a new worker here and my daughter she said that with a coy smile. And the dude holding her hand with such force is the dandy who call you a pussy.

Dagger one eye shift from Yetunde to the man and he look at the hand holding Yetunde. Is that correct Mr ?

The man quickly let Yetunde go. My apologies Sir, I don't mean anything.

Oh I see, so you want to mock me and you don't mean anything about mocking me?

Ittttttt....wassssssss a misssssstaaake.

I don't hear you well please speak out.

I.... Mean I...please forgive me. And Rose ship in but you weren't stammering back then when you were issuing threat and mocking him right?


No one mock me and go free, you hear no one say a thing behind me and go free and no one harm my friend daughter under my protection.

Pleassssssss, itttttt willlllll neverrrrr happennnn again pleasssse and he start crying.

Fool your tears mean nothing to me and I will not be weaken by a weak man who show his power on defenseless woman, for that hand you used to drag her I will have to cut it here and now.

The man fall on his kneels crying and begging, he turned to Yetunde please forgive me and I will give you anything please don't let him cut my hand. And Yetunde turned around but she noticed everyone has stop what they were doing and was watching the drama unfold. She turned to Rose, but Rose refused to meet her eye and so she keep mute.

Well I see Dagger was saying, it will have to be the right hand then.

Please let me compensate her pleases.

And how would you want to do that man? By dragging her to bed and he laughed.

No please let me compensate her with money.

And how are you going to compensate me? After you mocked me and belittle me. He said that with a dangerous vehemence that made his scars contort and his one eye flashing. Everyone take a step back even Rose was afraid. The man put his hands in his pocket and bring out his car key and turn to Dagger.

This is my Venza car key, it is park right outside in the parking lot, if you will forgive me Sir, it is all yours. It is still brand new and I bought it just one month ago please.

Hmmmmmm, are you trying to bribe me? That is another mocking you are doing you know and people here will think I can be bought.

But everything and everyone here has a price someone shouted from the back.

Dagger didn't even turn to look at the intruder, he turned to Yetunde, what say you beautiful lady.


Yes you dear, if you asked I will forgive him.

She look at the man and she feel pity for him, she turn to look at Rose again and she give her a small noticable nod. She turned to Dagger and told him it is okay she forgive the man.

Dagger smile his evil smile and turned to the man, now Mr Man, how are you going to compensate Yetunde ?

I'm going to give her 1 million, honest word.

Hmmm that is good but you will have to do it here and now.

Yes I will.

Okay. Yetunde cash or transfer.

But I just can't take it, it just doesn't make sense you know.

If you don't take it, I will cut off his hand.


And then the man did the transfer and hand over his car key to Dagger, before he was let go, he stumble around the bar to the exit and without looking back he exit the bar. On getting to the outside, he let out a breath he never notice he was holding. He stopped a taxi and direct the driver to his home in one of the plush area in town whose neighbors are the who is who in society, for the man in question is a senator but a dishonorable one at that who spend his time either taking drugs or raping young and innocent girls. He is married with three daughters between the age of 12, 16 and 18, he has been eyeing his daughters and licking his lips anytime he see them especially the eldest one for she is turning into a beautiful young woman with well rounded hips and firm breast, sadly the kind he like and he like to virtualized her face anytime he take in a young girl, in his man it was just a matter of time before he do the unthinkable and now such embarrassment just because of woman, he feel dirty and angry and he was looking forward to vent his anger at home on any of his daughters and wife.

Yetunde looks at Dagger and Rose and she was thankful for their aide, she know deep down by now that man would be doing untold things to her, she turned to Rose.

Thank you Rose please I will have to share this money with you.

Oh don't be a soft heart babe Yetunde I have more than 1million in my account it is nothing I can't get in just a night, beside Dagger here is the one to thank.

Thank you Dagger.

Oh don't mention it, babygirl am now a proud owner of a Venza car and be laughed. Anyway what is the name on the alert, you know we never get to know his name. And she checked her phone to look at the name from the credit alert.


Well get out with it dear Rose demanded.

Well it is just that I don't know if it is real.

What is the name ?' Dagger asked.

Something like Senator Ade.

Really, you mean Senator Adekunle Golden.

That is it.


Both Rose and Dagger shout at the same time. And Yetunde was shocked to see the way their face contort.

What is wrong?' she asked.

If only I had known it was him, he will lose more than his hand. Dagger said with a clinched fist.

I don't understand please explained.

That unproductive fool who call himself a senator is the most disgusting man on earth, he rape small girls and destroy so many lives, he has done so much evil and he has been doing it for years, the press turned blind eye and people whisper he has a special bond with the president hence he goes unpunished.

That is very sad and mean, how can they let him off just like that.

Wakeup baby, you aren't in a dream welcome to Nigeria where the powerful go unpunished while the weak are sentence to hard labour. Did you hear of a guy who was sentence 10 years imprisonment for stealing fifty naira groundnut due to hungry, while another was stone to death for stealing 10 naira, I mean stone to death by order of a judge. While an ex governor was slap with a fine for stealing 100 billion dollar, he was fucking fine fifty thousand naira by same court judge that order the stoning of the young guy who stole 10 naira. Oh how I wished I can still get my hands on that senator damnit I should have asked his name first, this is all my fault.

Please calm down, we will get him one day or another Yetunde reply.



Wow, what is wrong with you?

I want to join you, in bringing justice to people like him.

I'm not fighting for anyone baby, I just mind my business and let the heros do their thing.

Are you not going to hunt him?

No, like you said one day we will get him, as for now enjoy your money while I enjoy my ride.

Oh, I have even forgot about that.

Don't let your guard down dear, he turned to Rose, baby tonight will be cold, aren't you coming to warm my bed?

Oh Dagger, I don't have strength for your stamina tonight pick another please.

Then don't be flaunting those ripe pawpaw in front of me while they bounce.

Get your mind of my tittie's Dagger, they are exclusive.

One of these days you will be crying while I worked on them.

We will see Dagger, let me be going.

Alright, he turn to Yetunde do you mind if I pitched in with you?

Rose stop and turned Dagger don't dare, she is not for you too find another.

Thank you Rose, Yetunde reply.

Dagger storm out cursing Rose.

Senator Adekunle Golden stopped at his villa and paid the cab man in a derogatory manner, he was livid with rage and he swear silently as he moved to his villa, he need to vent his anger on anyone, he could have done it on the cab man but he knows the man is not weak and the man can beat him, he need a very weak and submissive person. As he walk to his villa the security guy who was hiding after hearing a car stopping at the villa so late, he was trying to get the person unaware by rounding back and trying to  tackle the person from behind as he came near and about to grab the person, that is when he discovered it was his boss Senator Adekunle Golden.

Good evening Sir, I don't know it was you as it is late, sir I thought it was..... The senator never let him finished as he land him a blow breaking his nose.

How dare you stop me? And he hit him again this time in his abdomen, the force was too much and the security guy fall on the ground and fold up. Senator Adekunle Golden wasn't done yet, he place a well aim kick on the face of the guard and he passed out cold. His rage was just getting started and he turned toward his villa again smoking with hatred.

Mrs Golden was in the room trying to sleep when she hear noise just right behind her window which was facing the main road leading to the villa, she jump out of bed and hurry to the window to peep out, only to see her husband hitting something on the ground which she can't place from the distance and poor lighting in the compound, she hurried to the door and unlocked it just in time as her husband reached to open it and he nearly stumble on catching the air instead of a door handle, his rage increase and he turned to her. On seeing his face, Mrs Golden went white in the face and she tremble knowing he is beyond care on what he do.


I'm sorry I heard noise and I was trying to investigate.


Please don't be absurd, it can never come to that.

He was so mad from her tune that he backhand her and she went down sprawling like a drunkard, he did not stop there, he kicked her doubling her and he drag her by the hair to the sofa all this while cursing her in a foul language, she could smell the drink on him and she notice the froth coming from his mouth with spittle spraying all over her, but she keep still. He yank her night gown off her and the he position to enter her. She turned to him and beg please not like this, please.


Please don't please you can do anything to me but leave the girls out of it.


 They are kids please leave them alone.

She was begging about her daughters when he forcefully enter her from behind with so much force that she gap with an audible intake of breath, she couldn't hold it much and she scream. All this was going on when their eldest daughter came down from her room, on seeing what was going on she called out FATHER!


 Rukky get to your room and locked your door, no matter what happen do not open it till I say so. Do you understand me me.

Yes mother, and she went up and dragged both of her sisters to her room and bolt the door. The senator was so angry that he start punching and hitting her while he defiled her in a brutal manner, YOU DARE ORDER MY DAUGHTER AROUND! WAIT TILL AM DONE WITH YOU AND IF I DON'T NT KILL YOU  TONIGHT YES AND SHE WILL TAKE OVER YOUR PLACE ALL THREE OF THEM AND HE DRIVE HIS POINT HOME WITH A ROUGH THRUST which made her blanched and he laughed. On seeing how he is going crazy knowing she have no time since he will carry out his threat she used her last will with her right hand and hit him on the throat and as he lost focus she pushed him back with so much force that he couldn't balanced himself due to how his pant was hanging on his kneels and he fall hitting his head hard on the wooden table and he went limp. She try to stand but she couldn't and she was bleeding from everywhere so she fold up and start crying till morning when the security guy came in looking even worst, he help clean her up and carried her to her daughters who open the door on hearing their mum voice. 

Let me go down and check on him, the security told her, she could only nod her throat was sour and hurting and her eyes were puffy. The security guy came downstairs and check on the Senator, he wasn't breathing and as cold as a stone, he knows right away that he was dead a long time, maybe during the night. He went upstairs and explain to Mrs Golden with a Puff lips she nodded again and he went down to make the necessary arrangement.

Yetunda quit her job as a waitress and rent a one bedroom apartments in a town far from where she used to work, she open a business with the rest of the money and both Rose and Dagger keep in touch with her and visit her now and then, on one occasion the three of them were sitting in Yetunde living room when Dagger exclaimed Gotcha with a sour look at Rose.

What is wrong?' Yetunde asked him.

He turned to her and point at Rose tittie's, that is what is wrong, she keep flaunting it now and then in a manner that she knows gets to me.

Oh Rose stop doing him like that.

Thanks for the back up, she will still not agree.

Cry baby wanting to weep on these beauties she laughed.

Stop it Rose he is going crazy.

Let him sweat it out, it will do him more good.



How please?

Well he is supposed to know am the boss.

Yetunde giggle at that and she look at Dagger, are you really going to do it like as in now?

Yes! What are you driving at?

Well if Rose is toying with you, I can help you out you know if you really want to, we can go in now. Dagger sit up straight and drain his drink, he look from one to the other and then a coy smile enter his one eye. 

Now you are talking baby, I have always wonder what you got under those blanket you call clothes.

Hey don't be a smart ass, I can always change my mind you know.

Oh never mind let us go in before some bad belly people spoil the day and he look at Rose with a smirk. While they were going in, Yetunde stop at the door and turned to Rose, are you coming or you want to just sit there alone?

Rose close her eyes and drown a sharp breath with a coy little smile she standup. I can never missed this no way.

Dagger stop and look at them both, is this a setup?

Are you going to be a man or a cry baby Rose asked him.

Well I supposed a man well a great man at that with two beautiful ladies eh am a king.

Shut up.

Get in line Rose he spank her ass, I warn you, a day will come you will cry and beg.

And the three friends went in laughing, it was after they had done their thing finish and just sitting on bed talking about how their life had change since after that day, that the news of Senator Adekunle Golden death was announced on the radio.

Good riddance to bad rubbish Rose exclaimed the he goat.

Yeah, I was planning to pay him a visit though Dagger confessed lucky for him it wasn't from my hand.

I can imagine Yetunde added.

Oh don't look me like that, I was not bad you know situation made me.

It is okay.

Rose look at Dagger and told him he is a he goat too. He turned to her and asked how come?

We are talking of death and your member is still rising.

Oh that and they all look at his member and laugh. I guess that calls for another work he demanded.


Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...