Sunday 19 May 2024

Kim and Mao

More arrows to the left flank and fire at will.
Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern garrison of the king's army, he knows if the invaders gain access or overrun his position, the kingdom will be lost. It had been a hard war and he couldn't help but feel hopeless trying to use five thousand men and women to defend against a hundred thousand invaders. 
Kim couldn't help but reflect on how power had been entrusted to him, he was just a poor youth trying to live a solitary life until he met the general of the garrison General Sao, who took him under his command which surprised him because he wasn't a soldier but an aide to the general. His mind was brought back to the present when an arrow missed him by a finges breath, he snapped ofingershis daydreaming and surveyed the battle fie)d and was shocked to see how the invaders were gaining a foothold on the right flank trying to use scaling leathers and grappling hook due to fewer number of defenders. Kim smiles knowing they have fallen for his gambit, Eagle Squad to the right flank he shouted and bless them with the oil. He smiles with satisfaction as he sees a squad of his sappers's a hundred of them throw out burning oil over the invaders and are rewarded with a scream, he signals to the squad of bowmen to fire flaming arrows and they waste no time in carryingout the order and the floor was a maze of flaming corps and screaming men the air is ting with burning flesh. He feels a sense of relief when the enemy signals for retreat. He orders every squad leader to a meeting." This will not last, he told them we needed to end this war.
We also need reinforcement from the capital Eagle Squad leader complain.
That will take close to two weeks and we don't even have up to five days to hold this garrison, we are too few. Pak the logistics leader explained.
So what do we do? Jung the infantry leader asked.
Tonight I will infiltrate their camp and kill their king in his command tent Kim told them.
No!! They all exclaimed that is too dangerous.
Don't forget the men look up to you and if anything happens to you, we are sunk. Pak told him.
I guess it is time I told you guys the truth, Kim sigh's and look at each man in the eyes and told them I'm the last student of Master Mao.
Impossible exclaimed Eagle Squad leader Master Mao died twenty years ago and you are barely nineteen years old Kim?
Kim smiles and shakes his head, well Master Mao died about two years ago.
That is impossible they all shouted and he had to raise his hand for them to quieten. Please let me explain.
As you all know, Master Mao is a prince and the younger brother of our king, he looked at them and they all nodded in agreement.
Good, one thing Master Mao hated most in life was politics, he had such a great mind and he was one of the greatest swordsmen to have ever lived in our country's history. I was just a baby when Master Mao adopted me and raised me like his son, he taught me everything he ever knew and I believe he is the one who recommended me to General Sao. They were stunned and short of words.
Master Mao has a son though, but just like his father, he doesn't care about the title of a prince or that his uncle is the king.
Where is he? Asked Pak.
Oh, the little rascal is about and nearby if I'm not mistaken, he is keeping an eye on me even now.
Can we meet him? Eagle Squad leader asked.
Probably not and that is the best, he is stubborn, troublesome and very poor in following orders but he is my little brother and we will both infiltrate the enemy's camp because only we are students of Master Mao.
You know if the king finds out about his nephew, he will want to meet him.
Oh, the king already knows as from this moment if what Master Mao told me is true, the king is watching. At that moment they heard a curs behind a cabinet and a bang on the wall." Damn, the fool and his loud mouth.
Who is there? Pak asked drawing his sword.
Shut up said the voice and they heard footsteps retreating.
Kim was laughing hard and when they turned to look at him, he smiles gentlemen that was my brother Mao.
At the capital, the king mutters the word 'Mao' my nephew as he searches for him in his scrying glass. He turned to his court and asked General Kung when will the army reach the southern garrison.
Your Majesty General Kung Bow, they will be there in two weeks.
That is too long, my nephews are trying to infiltrate the enemy camp tonight.
Your nephew's Majesty.
Yes, it seems my brother adopted a son and had one also, I never knew he married.
We must hurry to save the prince, I will not be happy if anything happens to my brother's children, treat them as my children and see how urgent the matter is if they get themselves killed. I want to see them and I want them here in the capital at once.
Yes, your Majesty.
Now be gone and hurry with preparations.

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your opinion is important to me.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...