Showing posts with label insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insurance. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Christmas Intimacy

Jane is a sales executive in an insurance company and she has been a workaholic woman in her late thirties she has always spent the Christmas holiday alone in her flat. It has always been a boring and very lonely holiday for her. 

Ramon has always been the lady's man and a great player, on this faithful holiday, he was having a bad time in his workplace coupled with the frequent embarrassment by his landlord. 

Jane resides in the surefire area of town not because she can't afford a poach flat, it has to do with her work since most of her clients are middle-class earners, in her own words and her motto is to live where the cash is. 

So on this faithful day, Ramon was given a task in his advertising company to get a client from one of the bigger insurance companies in town which happened to be Jane's place of work. 

While coming out of a restaurant, he bumped into Jane and knocked her lunch out of her hand. He bends down to pick it up without even looking at her at first.

Ramon: am so sorry about this place let me replace your lunch, while standing up he saw Jane's face for the first time and he lost his words, he was like I mean, wait am sorry, actually I don't see you, please let me pay back your lunch.

Jane told him it was okay and she could get another and he should not worry about her and it was no trouble. 

That is how they part and Ramon never thought he would meet her again since he has an enormous task at hand, which is a make-or-mare future for him. 

Ramon was amazed by the beautiful damsel he bump into and can't get his head out of his ass anytime he thought of her while having his lunch, he blame himself for not sighting swaying her to join him for lunch, that is very low on him after all he was at fault. Besides it is just a few days to the start of the holidays and he needs to get his target so he can find one beautiful lady to spend the holiday with he gets angry thinking of how his boss couldn't let him concentrate. After his lunch, he went out and considered going home but checked the time to see it was just a quarter past "one o'clock, and he thought there was still time to check one more of his list before he called it a day.

So he went to ALL CLIENT INSURANCE COMPANY, which was at the bottom of his list since they deal with more of the middle and lower class in society so say those who recommended him according to his train of thought, but he had to re-access that thought when he enters the lobby, he was surprised to see the state of the art edifice, with posh cushion and a refreshment area for visitors with free exotic meals on display. 

His curiosity takes him to the receptionist's desk GGoodafternoon ma'am, is tan all client insurance company?

Yes sir, can I help you?

Act, actually I'm here concerning a deal with your company and I seem to find it like a dream because what I was told is different from what I am seeing now.

With a smile, she replied sir that is okay how can I still be of help to you? Are you looking for a particular person I can direct you to?

Sure you can, but before that, are these meals for free or have your company sold them?

Actu, ally it is for free sir.

Wow! That is interesting, please you can link me to one of your top executives.

Alright and so the receptionist contacted Jane about a client hoping to strike a business deals

Jane was having a boring time going over her report since it is the holiday season and time for a break after such regorious year, she was even not happy about her lunch which was a waste after that man bumped into her, she had to do with a meal in the office, come to think of it, she went out to have lunch just to meet a cute guy by chance and yet the one that came even thought he bumps into her and ruins her lunch doesn't have to make her leave her shyness or she guesses she has been alone for so long that she couldn't stand up to what would have happened, she asked herself if she is still clumsy? And what to do if a man truly wants her, she just can't say yes due to her loneliness. While she was contemplating about this her intercom buzzed.

Hello Alice?

Good afternoon Miss Jane, a young man is here looking to strike a business deal and as you are the only senior right now in the office can I send him to you?

Yeah, please do.

Ramon was admiring the picture of art on display when the receptionist called him" Sir please you can go up, to he o second floor, when you enter the lift take a left turn second office with the sales executive tag on the door.

Thank you. And he started moving when he stopped "Excuse me ma'am I never got to know your name.

And she tapped the plaque in front of her desk to draw his attention, here she pointed.

Ha! Alice? She nodded.

Nice to meet you.

You are welcome.

Gave her a little bow and went to the lift, he punched in the second floor and went up while whistling a tune, as soon as he exited the lift he took a left turn and approached the second door with a calm and a swindler smile on his lips, after knocking he was asked to enter. Ramon does the sign of the cross and enters, when he looks at the woman behind the desk, he just says "So it is you?

You are the guy who dropped my lunch?


Well that and I was trying to apologize and to get something for you.

I know.

I was even hoping I could meet you again.


Because I went tasked you out.

Oh really, for what reason Mr?

The name is Ramon and you are?


Nice to meet you Jane, I'm sorry about earlier today but I guess that is bygone, anyway I'm here about a deal and I was told your company is the best shot. I believe we can iron something out and we can celebrate afterward

And how do you intend to celebrate? 

I have this art in my bedroom that I would like to show you and you can explain what you understand about it because it has soamy different meanings, but first, a nice dinner will do for a start before that if that is okay with you.

Easy there old boy, never move to gear two when you haven't even start the car. Let us talk about your deal first and besides this is my last day in office holiday have started you know.

Well, I will be fast on it.

Not so fast you know a girl needs to eat her cake slowly and savor every taste and bite, she said this with a copy smile and a laugh.

Hmmm, that is an interesting analogy, hopefully eating the cake slowly can produce a certain amount of cream.

Sure, if the cake maker is as good as the eater.

Well, do you mind if I ask if you can eat the cake I have got, looking at your lips, I can say it will be great to have my cake slowly eaten and feel those lips.

You never can tell what these lips can do, they bite too you know.

I don't think lips bite, they can clamp but not bite, the teeth do that.

Oh r, so what is this business deal you want to see me for?

Ramon was not sure if he could deal with business at that moment, to hell with his boss he needed to get this babe at least let what may happen happen if he lost the job and got the girl all the same, was this his thought? As of that moment he doesn't care which was which what matters is Jane." Well I was hoping we could talk about that later, I do want to have lunch with you but seeing as it is past lunchtime, why not have dinner with me at my place tonight?

Hmmm, are you inviting me over?


You hardly know and neither do I know you.

Well I have come, to understand that the best time to know a woman is when she is naked, he said that with an innocent face which made her blush considering she had not been laid for a long time.

A man with experience I guess?

Not in a while, I'm still learning.

To please a woman or to know a woman through her nakedness.

Both, as you know killing two beds with one stone.

I hope your offer and performance will be as great as you sell it?

Well. I have never let anything down unless I go down there to be baptized. She laughs. " Okay, I accepted your offer.

That is how Ramon takes Jane home and shows her his art, which Jane gueguessesen before she reaches there, it is an art of a naked couple with the man's head between her legs. She turned to him "So this need interpretation or demonstration?

The demonstration is the best practical to life questions and puzzles he replied.

Then what are you waiting for Mr demonstrator, the cunt is dripping waiting to be demonstrated.

Hopefully, I can get baptized. And with that, Ramon took her to his bedroom for the bliss of a lifetime and the fulfillment of her womanhood which had not been stimulated for a very long time, Jane couldn't wait to release that tension and marvelous intimacy waiting for rigorous and blissful, hoping this will be the start of something new for both of them in the long run.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...