Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts

Sunday 25 February 2024



Kate couldn't remember how she got to the woods, the last thing she remembers was returning home from school and going to her room to change. She was baffled and couldn't even identify any landmarks and she believes she hasn't been in the area before.
While she was contemplating she turned around and was shocked to see darkness approaching from her back slowly in a steady stream, then she looked around a gasped when she noticed both sides of the path she was, shrouded by a thick mist. She whimpers and tries to call out but the darkness threatens with a sudden snarl and she retreats running forward away from home and safety. She kept running with tears and sweat streaming down and blinding her, but she never dared to stop especially when she heard a mad cackling laughter in the mist, she put on more effort trying to outrun the darkness and the mist. Suddenly she saw a kid of three a few distance she ran with her last strength full of hope knowing there was a kid, there was an adult. She ran and tried to call the kid but the kid could pay her no attention because her back was facing Kate.

Kate ran more and when she reached the kid she was slow and called her.

Hello... Where are your parents?

But the kid neither turned nor answered her. She tentatively moves an inch and places her hands on the kid's shoulder. And then the kid turned and Katstumbledle with a whimper and a sudden gasp she hit the ground, she could not believe her eyes. The kid has no face, there is no eye or nose, neither is there any mouth for her face is faceless. Kate tried to scream but no words came out of her mouth and then the kid turn and pointed toward Kate.

As she turned her head she couldn't hold the terror that flooded her and her face contorted with such fear she lost her grip. Standing behind her was a face right out of a nightmare, the head was big in a skull shape with no skin but bones, the right eye socket was larger than the left, blood was dripping from the right eye, and the left eye was dripping with maggots. The mouth is large with a set of pointed teeth and the breath that comes out of the mouth of something long dead. The skull is split in the middle with fluids spilling out.

He snarl and laughs with a sound like two stones grating together.

Kate nearly gags when the thing clamps a claw-like hand on her neck with a viciousness that takes the breath out of her.

So Kate who will you choose between No Face Bunny and handsome face me it asked. But know this, there is a rule, if you chose no face Bunny, you will be dead in twenty-four hours it cackled and if you chose me, your mum will sacrifice her life to save you he whispered to her.

Kate whimpered and tried to shout, as she opened her mouth the darkness envelop her and then she was screaming No No No.......when she opened her eyes she was on her bed waking up from a nightmare while her mum was standing at her door with a look of concern on her face.

Kate was relieved to know it was only a dream. As she stood up from bed and went to the bathroom she saw writing in the mirror. ARE YOU SURE IT IS ONLY A DREAM? DREAMS CAN BE REALITY YOU KNOW.

She fainted.....

Monday 20 March 2023

The Serial Killer and Rapist

Janet open her eyes and was surprised to discovered she was laying on the ground with her hands tied behind her. She couldn't recollect how she  gets to be there because her mind was foggy. She was contemplating how to get out of the situation and try to moved her feet but discovered it was Bond too.
She raised her head after noticing movement in the bush just in front of her, she called out...
Who is there? But there was no answer.
Please who is there? And then there come a voice..
Please, please, please
Who are you ?
Who are you? Who are you? You! You! You! You! Hahaha and she asked, but Piko will not answered.
Who is Piko?
Ha, now she knows Piko's name. No No No No No and then Piko come out of the bush and stand in front of Janet.
Please help me and I promised to give you anything you want.
Help, Help, Help Piko answered.
Yes, help and I will give you anything you want.
Piko have what he want.
What is that Piko have?
You. Hahahaha Piko have you!!!
Yes, you and with that he bend down and kneel beside her and start moving his hands slowly from her toe upward to her kneels, Janet scream.....
Scream, scream, scream, but no one will hear you Hahahaha, Piko take you deep in the woods.
Please stop Janet begged.
Piko move his hands from her kneels to her  tight and then he raised her skirt up. Janet was wearing white pant, Piko rest his hand on her vagina caressing it and then, in one violent movement, he yank the pant, tearing it off, Janet scream No...........!!!!!!
Yes scream, scream and Piko will love to hear you squeal, oh how Piko like them screaming while Piko have fun Hahahaha and he laughed and goggled.
With that Piko brush her vagina lips, Janet shiver and tighten her legs. Piko face contort with rage and he lashed out, hitting her hard on her abdomen with his fits. Janet scream and try to double up, but no way, she want to fold up, but Piko hold her and hit her again and again. Janet scream more with tears falling from her eyes. Piko cackle and laughed hard, yes scream, scream!!! He exclaimed Piko want to see them fight Hahahahaha. And with that he used his thumb to stimulate her clitoris, but he wasn't getting what he want and Janet noticed the bulge in his pant, she knows she had to act fast or he will forcefully enter her.
Lete help you, she told him

Help, help, help and be cackle louder.
Yes, let me help you with the bulge in your pant.
Bulge, bulge, bulge, bulge, bulge
Untie me Piko, she used a commanding voice.
Piko, Piko's No No No No No
Yes, untie me help Piko with bulge and enter her she indicate her pleasure zone.
Piko no trust.
Piko trust me, Janet help with Piko bulge.
Piko killed and then have done with it, Yes Piko kill. And he stand up and raised a big stand ready to smashed her head. On seeing that she is just a moment away from death Janet shouted Piko STOP!!! Piko froze.
Janet continue Piko keep stone down and I will help you with bulge in pant. And Piko dropped the stone and moved to her leg to untie it.
While Piko was untying her leg, Janet try to access her memory to find out how she gets to such situations.
Janet is an FBI agent who was draft to find out the serial killer and rapist terrorisimg the town of CREEK VALLEY in West Virginia. She had discovered during discrete investigation that the killer always goes for single ladies in their thirties, most are strangled before they were raped and just a few were raped before they were killed brutally.
She rent a small cottage in the woods hoping to get the attention of the killer since even the town people who are scared of strangers don't know she is an agent. On that faithful morning, she remember she went out jogging on the lonely path on the woods and she stopped in a particular place when she noticed something on the ground and her instinct told her she is being followed and watched, but she couldn't see who was following her, so she keep going until she reach that spot that she think she saw something like a bone on the ground, and as she bend to checked it out, the next thing she know, she wake up with both hands and feet bond and the disgusting maniac who called himself Piko overing above he. While he was untying her, she get to study him well. He look young, but life in the woods has dealt with him, he could be in his thirties but she can't tell, he has grey in his hairs and he look physically strong, no wonder his victim stand no chance.
He talk to himself, which made her come to the conclusion that he is mad, his right eye is large while is left is small, one of his ears is missing and she notice the police vest he is wearing, he had a sandy hair which is as dirty as sawdust.
Are you a former cop Piko?' she asked him.
Piko no talk or Piko kill. And with that, the bond around her feet were loosen and she indicate her hands too. Piko move behind her and untie the bond.
Janet asked Piko to stand at her front and then she slowly and deliberately spread her legs and with slow motion, she moved her hand to her pleasure zone all this with her eyes locking on Piko's. She could see how he hold his breath anytime she moan slightly. She could see how he licked his lips with spittle dripping down and the noticable bulge in his pant.
She spread her legs wider and using her two middle fingers to part her vagina lips. Piko was beside himself with lust and there was a dangerous glint in his eyes and he could feel the pre-cum slowly dripping in his pant, he couldn't contain himself anymore so he dropped his pant and with one hand holding his member he went  on his kneels between her legs and position himself to slide in, Janet was waiting for him and she try to let him trust her more with a coy smile and encouragement and she stroke his member slowly and Piko closed his eyes and moan loudly with his teeth clinched, and that was when she pounce on him. She grabbed his balls and squeezed. At first Piko was enjoying the slow motion on his member and then he feel a very sharp pain that made him scream with his eyes opening at once, he went purple in the face and try to beat her with punch on her face but she hold on and then she used her two hands. Piko scream Not so, Not so No! No! No! No! No!
Janet was beyond hearing him as she squeezed harder, Piko hit her, again and again but she couldn't let go, he try to strangle her but she keep squeezing and he start getting weak with froth coming out of his mouth and Janet squeeze hard and in a moment she feel the life draining out of him and his balls shattered in her hands.
Piko fall down and coiled in a ball and feel his body convulsing with froth in his mouth and he can't breath, he feel his life draining and he start seeing face of people he had killed and he feel they were gloating and mocking him and with that he died.


Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...