Showing posts with label revenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label revenge. Show all posts

Thursday 4 April 2024


 My dad has invited you over for dinner, tonight.

Why would your dad invite me for dinner?

Silly, because you are my boyfriend.

And what is me bringing your boyfriend got to do with the invitation?

Because I told him about you.

Why would you tell your dad about me, Mira?

Well, he just wants to know who I'm dating, that is all.

Do you mean he wants to analyze and interrogate who you are dating?

That is not it and you knew what I meant.

Well you are not supposed to just drop it like this, I have a meeting tonight.

You aren't going to give me that excuse Mikel?

What excuses?

Don't make anything out of this please just try and be there by "eight o'clock this evening.

Alright, but I will not be staying long, I have an engagement by " nine thirty this evening.

That is okay hon.

Mikel is not happy about the whole situation, he has been dating Mira for about six months now and he wasn't sure it would even have gone this far due to his work. Well, he sure will give it a try and see what her old man is about besides he has nothing to hide or to be suspicious of, so why not just go there and have free food before going on his engagement, seems fair he killed two birds with one stone.

Mira was happy to get Mikel to agree to come for dinner, she knows she is in love, well she is twenty-two and Mikel is twenty-six. She can't see any reason why they can't marry after all some people marry at eighteen and even below too. Well what can she do to get him proposed is all that matters. For now, let her family know him first and things can get started from there anyway hopefully he is Mr right she giggled and can't wait to see how things go with her family.

Mikel gets set to see Mira's family that evening, he just takes it as one of those things when it comes to relationships. Was it worth it? He questioned himself but came to no answer that he dim fit for reassurance so he dressed up and went to her family house. He rang the bell and her brother was the one who answered the door." Good evening, you must be Jake?

.Yeah, that is right. Jake said extending his hands to Mikel for a handshake. And Mikel shakes him and compliments his grips." Nice grip, I saw your game last Friday night for The PATHFINDERS, you made just one single mistake that caused your team to lose that match, you were marvelous.

That is very kind of you with the compliment, only if you heard the comment made by the PHOENIX guy who tackled me.

Ha you mean the guy with the sandy hair, with the stupid grin?

Yeah, the same guy. At this Mikel laughed and looked at Jake with a twinkle in his eyes." Now that fool of a guy is my nephew Jakob, that was how I was at the game. They were interrupted by Mira." Jake, why keep him to yourself? Never mind come with me, Mikel. And she ushered him to the dining table where Mr and Mrs Anold were waiting." Dad and mum, this is my boyfriend. Mikel meet my parents Mr and Mrs Anold.

Good evening Mikel and please have a seat, Mr. Anold said while extending his hands for a handshake, it is nice to finally meet you, we haven't heard any other word from Mira except Mikel this or that. 

Mikel smiles, good evening sir, it's an honor to meet you and your family and I appreciate your invitation.

Thank you, so can we get started now?

Sure. So Mira does the serving an$ they were having a good meal when Mr Anold turned to Mikel." So how did you meet my daughter?

Dad? Mira looks at him, he just shrugs his shoulder.

It is okay Mira, Mikel turned to her ly, I met her by accident. I was in a hurry and kinda spilled some stuff on her so I offered to pay for it and one thinledad to another I asked her out for lunch and here we are. He wasn't honest at all, he was chasing a case as a spy, but no one needed to know.

So what do you do?

I'm a consultant sir.

A consultant?

Yes sir.

What do you consult or I should say what do people meet you for to consulted ?

I worked with a consulting agency sir, we deal with biotech research and some inventions for big organizations.

Interesting. And at that, there was a huge explosion and everyone stifled gasps, Jake went to the window and part the curtain a huge ball of fire could be seen in a distance far from them. He went to the television and turned it on. The newscast is saying there was an explosion just now at First Avenue Drive B flat twenty-seven. At this, Mikel jumped up.

What is wrong? Mira asked him.

That is my brother's house he replied, he brought out his phone and dialed the house to make sure." Damnit out of operation. He dials Jakob's mobile and when it rings he breathes a sigh of relief when he hears his nephew's voice." Jakob, is this you?


Have you seen the damn news?

No what is wrong?

Your damn parents are wrong.

What are you talking about man?

Someone set an explosion in your parent's house and it just detonated.

Jesus, are you sure?

Of course, I am, where are you?

No idea, mum just dragged me to the airport and we just waited to board our plane.

Your parents are not fit to be in the profession they chose man, seems like they have been exposed and now people are after them.

Can you help us?

I'm only a consultant man.

Don't give me that crappy answer uncle, I know what I know.

Well, your old man needs to change his profession.

Easier said than done.

"Yeah, I will have to get back to you please stay safe.

Wait! Are you not going to talk to my mu?.

No, she will only make me angry, me and your mum have never been on good terms you know that so let it rest, I will get your parents out of this mess. And he cut the call only to turn and see the whole Arnold family looking at him." What!

That is a mess up, I'm sorry your brother is in trouble, can't the government do something? Mr Anold asked.

I don't think so, they can only try to keep you in a safe house or another with a change of identity, when you are blown you are on your own, unless you go about killing those after you or the person who gives the order.

What will you do? Mira asked him.

Oh, nothing.

But you said you would get them out of the mess.

"Sure, I will.

But how?

Through my agency, you know doing my consultation things.

"Okay,. And without another word he left, Mikel was furious at his brother and his lackluster attitude to the situation, he was not surprised to see his brother in a bar having a nice drink without caring what was happening around him, he was even shocked to see that he has stayed alive this long in the game, well thanks to him for eliminating every threat to his family. Now he has a task to do but first, he needs to know who is after his brother so he can pay them back in their language.

As Mikel stormed out of the Arnold family's house, his mind raced with plans and strategies. He needed to act fast to protect his brother and his family. Ignoring the concerned looks from Mira and her family, he rushed to his car and dialed a number on his phone.

"Tony, it's Mikel. I need everything you can find on a recent explosion at First Avenue Drive, flat twenty-seven. Fast."

Tony, his trusted contact at the agency, acknowledged the request and promised to get back to him soon. Mikel knew time was of the essence.

Meanwhile, at the airport, Jakob and his mother anxiously awaited their flight. The fear of being hunted hung heavy in the air as they boarded the plane, hoping to escape the danger lurking behind them.

Back in the city, Mikel received a call from Tony with the information he requested. Armed with new leads, he began to piece together the puzzle of who was behind the attack on his family.

Days turned into nights as Mikel delved deeper into the dangerous underworld, following trails of betrayal and deceit. With each revelation, his determination only grew stronger. He would stop at nothing to ensure justice for his family.

Finally, after a painstaking investigation, Mikel uncovered the identity of the mastermind behind the attack – a rival syndicate leader seeking to eliminate his competition. With this knowledge in hand, Mikel orchestrated a daring plan to confront the enemy head-on.

Under the cover of darkness, Mikel and his team infiltrated the enemy's stronghold and prepared for a showdown of epic proportions. Gunfire echoed through the night as Mikel fought with everything he had, determined to bring down those who threatened his family.

In a fierce and relentless battle, Mikel emerged victorious, the enemy defeated and his family's safety secured. But the victory came at a cost, as Mikel bore the scars of battle both physical and emotional.

Returning home, Mikel found solace in the embrace of Mira, grateful for her unwavering support throughout the ordeal. Together, they faced the challenges ahead, knowing that their love had been tested and proven true in the face of danger.

As dawn broke over the city, Mikel stood tall, a silent guardian watching over his family, ready to face whatever challenges the future might bring. For he knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome anything.


You can do me anything, but don't kill me. Gerard was pleading to his captors, as the most senior officer in the base who had just been captured by one of the most dreaded terrorist groups. They all laughed hard with spittle flying about from some of them and others even rolling on the ground with glee mocking and humiliating him, they video him getting undressed and naked while they wipe him." So you can beg eh, one of the terrorists was laughing while using a stick to hit his manhood.

Gerard moaned in pain but could do nothing, he prayed his torment would end and he could rest from such humiliation. He was sad knowing his parent's hearts would be broken if they saw this video of him, but he had no regret in serving his country to bring peace and harmony to the world. He grunted when someone hit him at the back of his leg as he fell, breathing hard looked at his captors with defiance." I can never beg for my life he told them, put it in that record of yours that I never beg and you will be served in your own time. 

I'm only trying to help you people from what will happen if you killed me, humiliating me is one thing, but killing me will get you what you never bargained for.

"Huh, did you hear that? The leader laugh slapping his leg with the myth of laughter, oh so you are saying we will get served in our own time?

Gerkeepskeep silent knowing he will get nothing from him no matter what he says, they will kill him, he can see it in their eyes the death of his countrymen around is a testament to his ending.

Get him kneeling snarled the leader and you there with the camera make sure you record everything and make no mistake, I want my face and every one of you here in the feed of that video so the world will know who was responsible for this defeat of the ramble they called force, this is just the beginning.

Gerard was manhandled and forcefully kneeled at the front while the leader of the terror group stood behind him with the rest of his gang members arraying at his back. He looked to the cameraman who nodded to indicate everything was set with a thumb up. "He begins, today make a milestone in the struggle for our independence and sovereign from foreign invaders and middlers, we will not sit and fold hands while our resources are carted away by the pretense of a few he paused and a crooked smile appeared on his face which he savors hoping it will irritate those who are to watch the video feed. He places a large hand on top of Gerard's head and cups a fistful which he squeezes making Gerard spasm with pain, he laugh and snarls enjoying his power over his prisoner and causing so much pain is like music to him. He looks around and continues." This worm is part of those who have been causing trouble to our country and I will show the world an example of what awaits anyone who is to come here again, they will know we will never relent on our efforts to ride the world of their likes and with that he slit Gerard's throat and to make it dramatic, he cut off his head while Gerard body spasm oh the ground until it lay still and with that, the video was ended.

Williams is tired of killing people for the government, he has been a killer since he was sixteen, how it started he couldn't remember but he knows it is too much and he believes it is time to retire from such gruesome work. Killing the woman wasn't easy he figures he is growing soft because he hasn't felt in such a way before, what happened he couldn't tell be the deeds had to be done. He was in a foul mood driving back home when his phone beeped, he fished it out and seeing it was a video, he put it back in his pocket, can't be driving and watching which soured his mood more, who could send him a video? Anyway, he plans to check it out as soon as he gets home. When he reached home, he saw Rebecca waiting for him and everything he was worried about went out of his mind, he felt his member getting hard and he couldn't help remember how she handled him oh man he needed that again to reduce the tension of his work." There is no time for any pleasantries Rebecca he told her with a hint of a smile, please let us get to business we can talk later. That was how he missed the video message until the next day when his phone rang while he was trying to get more of Rebecca, he checked and it was his mum, he swore and answered." Good morning mum, what is the meaning of this early morning call huh? I'm about to get busy.

Will! his mum exclaimed oh ll! And she started crying.

Mum, what is wrong?

Will, it is your brother.

Come on Gerard is fine, we talked last weekend and this is Wednesday.

Have you seen the video messages?

No mum.

Well checked it. And she cried more.

Williams opened the message and watched the video how how his brother was humiliated and killed, he was surprised to see tears in his eyes even after all the lives he has taken." What is it Rebecca asked him.

Get out please this is no time for anything, get out and fast. He called his mum." They will pay he vowed. And then he cut the call, he started packing taking things he would need for the journey, he made arrangements for a false passport and a forged paper that made him enter the country as a machinery looking for work. An informant told him a bar where he could get a head start and William went there as soon as he landed in the country, he didn't want to be there long because he had to hurry so he could get to them as fast as lighting, he went to the bar and figure he saw a guy who looks like one of his brother killers, he was not sure so he had to kidnap him when the guy went to the rest room to relieve himself.

I figure I saw you in a video while having a guy's head cut off. 

Who are you? Better let me go if you know what is good for you.

Of course, I will let you go, but first I want to know where is your leader.

The man laughed you fool, do you want to be killed?

Williams wasn't getting bored so he hit the man on the bridge of his nose breaking it.

Then he opens his mouth to scream and William stuffs his socks into his mouth." Are we understanding each other now? He asked. The man nodded.

Good, now before we get started, what is your name? He asked and if you scream you will regret it.


Now "Jaba" I will ask you a question and you will answer, if you delay, a part of your body will be cut off for emphasis let me cut off your right ear, and he did that. While Jaba was moaning in pain, he cut off his left ear too to make him see how serious he was "Jaba" who is your leader?

His name is Fakal.

Any family?

Two sons and a wife.

Where can I get his son's?

I don't know.

Seem like you don't understand me and with that, he cut off his left thumb and index finger. Jaba muffled his screams fearing for the worst.

Where can I get them?

At the Whistler bar.

Now that is not so hard, is it?


Good boy so what should I do with you?

Please I have a family.

Really, and he punched him in his temple to knock him off, he then used his belt to strangle him to death. He left him there and went to the Whistler bar, he figured the sons would be popular and could be identified easily. He was blocked at the entrance by two hefty guards, he never slowed his stride as he punched one in the throat and stabbed the other in the neck, without looking at his handwork he entered the bar, he noticed two more guards coming at him and slides under the punch of the lead guard and was amazed at the air that passed over his head, he figures he would have died if that punch had connect with his head. As he slid, he brought out his Smith and Watson nine millimeter and at the same time attached his silencer. He shot the second guard in the leg turned in catlike agility and shot the second guard in his right hand, making him drop the gun he was aiming at his head. All this happened heartbeat, he turned to notice the two guys sitting at the far end of the bar, he never slowed down as he walked toward them, and when he was within a few meters he shot one of the sons in the head and turned to the other."Your life or your father's life, choose one.

Abdul Fakal was stunned at what he just witnessed and he never thought he would be at the end of violence considering who his father was and the protection he provided, he thought people were so afraid of his father that no one could dare offend him, how wrong he was seeing how Umah was killed in an eye blink. He turned to the man pointing a gun at him." My fa there.

Good boy now take me to him and if you make one wrong move, your head will be blown with a nice round hole is that understandable?

Yes, Abdul nodded.

And so he takes Williams to his car waiting at the back, as soon as the driver comes out to open the door, Williams shoots him in the leg twice and drags Abdul to the driver's seat while he sits behind him." Now drive.

Who are you? Abdul finds his courage after seeing he is still alive.

I'm a nightmare and your father crossed my path.

You should know he has a lot of men in his camp, it will be difficult to get to him, and you may even die attempting to reach him. At this Williams laughed.

What is funny?

See kid, your dad made a mistake killing my brother in that video feed he released a few days ago, and why I laughed, is to thank my luck because all those in the video will be there and for your information, I have single handly destroyed fifteen terrorist based so your father's own is just a child play.

Abdul was now afraid, he remembered a conversation his father was having with his generals about how their base have been overrun and no one knew who was responsible, which led to them destroying the base and killing that soldier, he swallowed hard and was surprised to see his lips are dried, he wet his lips as best he can and wonder what will happen to him." Will you kill me too?

While coming to your country, I planned to kill everyone associated with Fakal, it seems it depends on you.

How? Abdul asked, that have been driving for close to three hours now following a desert road with mountains surrounding them.

Well, it is simple, you chose to live a good life or you chose to take from your father, your choice will decide your fate.

But I chose my father to die.

Does it matter? A terrorist is a terrorist and can never change best is to clean the whole bloodline.

Please don't kill me, we are almost there after those hills will be his camp.

Good, now stop the damn car. After Abdul stops the car, Williams steps out and looks at him," Go to your old man and tell him what is coming, your action in the camp will determine if you will live Now.

Abdul never waited to be told twice, and he drove off like the devil was after him, at the entrance to the camp he never slow when he was flagged down, he moved past the checkpoint and only slow when he reached his father's tent, his father ran out with a curs." What is the meaning of this madness he demanded, You were lucky they recognized your car if not you would have been gunned down he fumes and where is your brother?

Abdul was panting and couldn't answer only pointing at the entrance. " I asked you a question his father said with a snarl on his lips.

He is dead.

Dead? How and when?

One moment we were in a bar drinking and the next a man just came in and shot him.

Who dares to lay a hand on my son? I will skin him alive, and I will eat his heart. Where is this man?

He is coming here now. And at that moment Williams detonate the bomb he attached in the car before he let Abdul go, the explosion was enormous and most of the terrorist were dead before the blast could settle, while others scream at the floor with burns and body part missing, Fakal was lucky as he was shielded by the mass of his men who sorrounded him while he was questioning Abdul when the explosion occurs, he was dazed trying to get his baring, his sight was a blur and then he heard gun shot at the peripheral of his vision, he scrambled back trying to put a distance between him and where the gun shot was coming from, he turned and saw a darking figure cutting down his men in a way he believes was impossible, he scrambled on his hands and kneel while his ear keep ringing from the blast of the explosion as he stand up trying to get away, something hot hit him on his right leg and he fall down again and try to stand but he can't feel his leg, it couldn't obey him, he looks at his leg and was surprised to see a large hole and a shadow fall upon his face and he look up to see a handsome man in his late twenties grinning at him." Are you trying to leave your party Mr Fakal?

Who are you? He cried out and felt the taste of blood in his mouth.

You killed my brother so I'm here for a brother's revenge, when you made that video you were counting on the day of your death.

You killed my son, we are even and besides you will never get out of here, my men will kill you.

Stop yaplin& your mouth, Williams dragged him and started undressing him by using a pocket knife to cut his clothes off not caring about the generous skin he cut too, Fakal was screaming and shouting for help but no one could, he saw his son and smile, but was ashamed to see his son leaving him and running away.

Seems like he wanted to live huh, I gave him a choice and he chose life now back to you, you should know my brother is part of my humanity, he is the one who makes sure I have a hint of morality but you take him away dues taking away my humanity made me an animal with no morality and with that he cut Fakal manhood in one clean swipe of his knife, as Fakal open mouth to scream, he stuff the manhood in his mouth and stabbed the knife in his right eye not so deep that he may die. He saw a hot rod burning and picked it up with care and pressed it in the wound between Fakal's leg to stop the bleeding, he was even kind to stop the bleeding from the bullet hole in his legs too." Now what next he asked.

Please just kill me.

Now why would I do that, I'm not in a hurry you know.

Fakal was crying," I'm sorry.

Hey don't be sorry, the deed is done, you chose a life of crime as you know crime does not pay.

What are you going to do with me?

Well, I was hoping to cut your tongue out and cut off your ten fingers and remove the remaining eye but not kill you as a reminder to others.

No! He screams kill me, I enjoy how your brother beg begged for his life it was too cheap oh how his blood flow was like a stream waiting to flow to the promised land.

Now you said that it seems I will carry out my plan and he cut his tongue with all ten of his fingers and blind his remaining eye." Now let me see how you can give orders er enjoy your new life and with that, he left.left.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...