Showing posts with label Espionage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Espionage. Show all posts

Thursday 4 April 2024


 My dad has invited you over for dinner, tonight.

Why would your dad invite me for dinner?

Silly, because you are my boyfriend.

And what is me bringing your boyfriend got to do with the invitation?

Because I told him about you.

Why would you tell your dad about me, Mira?

Well, he just wants to know who I'm dating, that is all.

Do you mean he wants to analyze and interrogate who you are dating?

That is not it and you knew what I meant.

Well you are not supposed to just drop it like this, I have a meeting tonight.

You aren't going to give me that excuse Mikel?

What excuses?

Don't make anything out of this please just try and be there by "eight o'clock this evening.

Alright, but I will not be staying long, I have an engagement by " nine thirty this evening.

That is okay hon.

Mikel is not happy about the whole situation, he has been dating Mira for about six months now and he wasn't sure it would even have gone this far due to his work. Well, he sure will give it a try and see what her old man is about besides he has nothing to hide or to be suspicious of, so why not just go there and have free food before going on his engagement, seems fair he killed two birds with one stone.

Mira was happy to get Mikel to agree to come for dinner, she knows she is in love, well she is twenty-two and Mikel is twenty-six. She can't see any reason why they can't marry after all some people marry at eighteen and even below too. Well what can she do to get him proposed is all that matters. For now, let her family know him first and things can get started from there anyway hopefully he is Mr right she giggled and can't wait to see how things go with her family.

Mikel gets set to see Mira's family that evening, he just takes it as one of those things when it comes to relationships. Was it worth it? He questioned himself but came to no answer that he dim fit for reassurance so he dressed up and went to her family house. He rang the bell and her brother was the one who answered the door." Good evening, you must be Jake?

.Yeah, that is right. Jake said extending his hands to Mikel for a handshake. And Mikel shakes him and compliments his grips." Nice grip, I saw your game last Friday night for The PATHFINDERS, you made just one single mistake that caused your team to lose that match, you were marvelous.

That is very kind of you with the compliment, only if you heard the comment made by the PHOENIX guy who tackled me.

Ha you mean the guy with the sandy hair, with the stupid grin?

Yeah, the same guy. At this Mikel laughed and looked at Jake with a twinkle in his eyes." Now that fool of a guy is my nephew Jakob, that was how I was at the game. They were interrupted by Mira." Jake, why keep him to yourself? Never mind come with me, Mikel. And she ushered him to the dining table where Mr and Mrs Anold were waiting." Dad and mum, this is my boyfriend. Mikel meet my parents Mr and Mrs Anold.

Good evening Mikel and please have a seat, Mr. Anold said while extending his hands for a handshake, it is nice to finally meet you, we haven't heard any other word from Mira except Mikel this or that. 

Mikel smiles, good evening sir, it's an honor to meet you and your family and I appreciate your invitation.

Thank you, so can we get started now?

Sure. So Mira does the serving an$ they were having a good meal when Mr Anold turned to Mikel." So how did you meet my daughter?

Dad? Mira looks at him, he just shrugs his shoulder.

It is okay Mira, Mikel turned to her ly, I met her by accident. I was in a hurry and kinda spilled some stuff on her so I offered to pay for it and one thinledad to another I asked her out for lunch and here we are. He wasn't honest at all, he was chasing a case as a spy, but no one needed to know.

So what do you do?

I'm a consultant sir.

A consultant?

Yes sir.

What do you consult or I should say what do people meet you for to consulted ?

I worked with a consulting agency sir, we deal with biotech research and some inventions for big organizations.

Interesting. And at that, there was a huge explosion and everyone stifled gasps, Jake went to the window and part the curtain a huge ball of fire could be seen in a distance far from them. He went to the television and turned it on. The newscast is saying there was an explosion just now at First Avenue Drive B flat twenty-seven. At this, Mikel jumped up.

What is wrong? Mira asked him.

That is my brother's house he replied, he brought out his phone and dialed the house to make sure." Damnit out of operation. He dials Jakob's mobile and when it rings he breathes a sigh of relief when he hears his nephew's voice." Jakob, is this you?


Have you seen the damn news?

No what is wrong?

Your damn parents are wrong.

What are you talking about man?

Someone set an explosion in your parent's house and it just detonated.

Jesus, are you sure?

Of course, I am, where are you?

No idea, mum just dragged me to the airport and we just waited to board our plane.

Your parents are not fit to be in the profession they chose man, seems like they have been exposed and now people are after them.

Can you help us?

I'm only a consultant man.

Don't give me that crappy answer uncle, I know what I know.

Well, your old man needs to change his profession.

Easier said than done.

"Yeah, I will have to get back to you please stay safe.

Wait! Are you not going to talk to my mu?.

No, she will only make me angry, me and your mum have never been on good terms you know that so let it rest, I will get your parents out of this mess. And he cut the call only to turn and see the whole Arnold family looking at him." What!

That is a mess up, I'm sorry your brother is in trouble, can't the government do something? Mr Anold asked.

I don't think so, they can only try to keep you in a safe house or another with a change of identity, when you are blown you are on your own, unless you go about killing those after you or the person who gives the order.

What will you do? Mira asked him.

Oh, nothing.

But you said you would get them out of the mess.

"Sure, I will.

But how?

Through my agency, you know doing my consultation things.

"Okay,. And without another word he left, Mikel was furious at his brother and his lackluster attitude to the situation, he was not surprised to see his brother in a bar having a nice drink without caring what was happening around him, he was even shocked to see that he has stayed alive this long in the game, well thanks to him for eliminating every threat to his family. Now he has a task to do but first, he needs to know who is after his brother so he can pay them back in their language.

As Mikel stormed out of the Arnold family's house, his mind raced with plans and strategies. He needed to act fast to protect his brother and his family. Ignoring the concerned looks from Mira and her family, he rushed to his car and dialed a number on his phone.

"Tony, it's Mikel. I need everything you can find on a recent explosion at First Avenue Drive, flat twenty-seven. Fast."

Tony, his trusted contact at the agency, acknowledged the request and promised to get back to him soon. Mikel knew time was of the essence.

Meanwhile, at the airport, Jakob and his mother anxiously awaited their flight. The fear of being hunted hung heavy in the air as they boarded the plane, hoping to escape the danger lurking behind them.

Back in the city, Mikel received a call from Tony with the information he requested. Armed with new leads, he began to piece together the puzzle of who was behind the attack on his family.

Days turned into nights as Mikel delved deeper into the dangerous underworld, following trails of betrayal and deceit. With each revelation, his determination only grew stronger. He would stop at nothing to ensure justice for his family.

Finally, after a painstaking investigation, Mikel uncovered the identity of the mastermind behind the attack – a rival syndicate leader seeking to eliminate his competition. With this knowledge in hand, Mikel orchestrated a daring plan to confront the enemy head-on.

Under the cover of darkness, Mikel and his team infiltrated the enemy's stronghold and prepared for a showdown of epic proportions. Gunfire echoed through the night as Mikel fought with everything he had, determined to bring down those who threatened his family.

In a fierce and relentless battle, Mikel emerged victorious, the enemy defeated and his family's safety secured. But the victory came at a cost, as Mikel bore the scars of battle both physical and emotional.

Returning home, Mikel found solace in the embrace of Mira, grateful for her unwavering support throughout the ordeal. Together, they faced the challenges ahead, knowing that their love had been tested and proven true in the face of danger.

As dawn broke over the city, Mikel stood tall, a silent guardian watching over his family, ready to face whatever challenges the future might bring. For he knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome anything.

Sunday 9 January 2022

James and Sandra

 James was just five year old when his dad start training him in self defense and takwando, his dad is a spy and his mum work in the Pentagon. They live along broad street in Washington DC.

He attend state high school and he is a science major aiming to join the army after high school which was not okay with his dad since he want him to take after him as a spy for the love of the country and the protection of the weak. 

By the age of seventeen James is an expert in karate and every mortal art fighting skills. When his dad is around they do their routine every morning behind their house before he went to school, James keep so much to himself and hadly talk to others in the neighborhood and even at school. 

Sandra parents are stock brokers who move to Washington DC to continue as a lobbyist on Wall Street. They move into the house  opposite James and his family. 

One morning on the second week Sandra was feeling too restless so she wake early taking a walk along the neighborhood and then she saw James and his dad doing vigorous training and she got fascinate and watched secretly and she was amazed on how James is fast and match his dad skills to skills and blow to blow, she was not happy though because that will be he first day in school and she feel butterflies in her stomach, knowing she will be on everyone radar. She has always been popular in every school she went which sometimes she think it was due to her physique. She is six feet tall with a chisel face, strong jaw and a eyes with deep blue, she know she has a full lips and hips which she swing when alone in her room, she just know she is beautiful and there lies her problem too. 

On this particular first day she was to start school she bump into James and nearly fall before he caught her. Sandra was like am so sorry,  I was not looking before coming out please, James was like it is okay. 

She extend her hand, i'm Sandra and we just move into the house over there. He answer I'm James nice to meet you and keep walking.

I'm sorry, I am new in the neighborhood and I know no one, are you also a student of State High School?


Can I walk with you?

If that is okay with you.

And the keep walking together, Sandra was kinda shy and clumsy she feel like she is a fool and can't believe how she seem so nervous for just talking to a guy, when she is the one who is always in control back then in her previous school. How can she be like this just because he is handsome? She question herself .

James was annoyed about the girl who tag along, he has always been a loner and can't help wondering why he let her join him, anyway it will be the last time he figured.

As they walked together, Sandra couldn't shake off her nerves, but she was determined to make conversation.

"So, James, what's it like living around here?" Sandra asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"It's alright, I guess," James replied curtly, still not entirely comfortable with the unexpected company.

Sandra sensed his reluctance but pressed on, "Do you do martial arts? I saw you and your dad training this morning. You guys are impressive!"

James nodded, a hint of pride creeping into his expression. "Yeah, my dad's been teaching me since I was little. Self-defense and taekwondo mostly."

"That's so cool! I've always wanted to learn martial arts, but I never had the chance," Sandra admitted, her curiosity piqued.

They continued chatting as they walked, and Sandra gradually started to feel more at ease in James' presence. His stoic demeanor softened slightly, and she caught glimpses of his dry humor beneath the surface.

As they approached the school gates, Sandra hesitated. "Well, this is me. Thanks for walking with me, James."

"No problem," James replied with a small smile, surprising himself with the genuine warmth in his tone.

As Sandra headed off to her classes, James couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret. Maybe having someone to talk to wasn't so bad after all.

Over the next few weeks, Sandra and James crossed paths more frequently. They began to develop a tentative friendship, bonding over shared interests and mutual respect. Sandra's outgoing nature slowly drew James out of his shell, and he found himself opening up to her in ways he never thought possible.

But their newfound camaraderie was put to the test when danger unexpectedly reared its head. One afternoon, as they were walking home from school, they stumbled upon a group of thugs harassing a younger student from their school.

Without hesitation, James sprang into action, his years of training kicking in instinctively. With lightning speed and precision, he dispatched the assailants, sending them fleeing in fear.

Sandra watched in awe as James unleashed his martial arts skills, realizing for the first time the true extent of his capabilities. In that moment, she saw him not just as a quiet loner, but as a fearless protector.

As they walked the rest of the way home, Sandra couldn't stop smiling. She had always been drawn to James' quiet strength, but now she saw him in a whole new light – as a true hero.

And as they reached their respective houses, Sandra turned to James with newfound admiration. "Thanks for saving the day, James. You're pretty amazing, you know that?"

James shrugged, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Just doing what needed to be done."

But deep down, he knew that in Sandra, he had found not just a friend, but a kindred spirit – someone who saw him for who he truly was, and accepted him without judgment.

And as they parted ways with a wave and a smile, James couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed between them. For in Sandra, he had found not just a companion, but a true ally – someone he could trust to have his back, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...