Sunday 31 March 2024


 This is not supposed to happen now, I have so many plans to make and so many things to do before all this nonsense, Julliet fumes. How could this man not wait and let me know he was going to do the deeds while I was at the office?, how could he just act like that without even letting me know now I came home to see this mess oh no Donald has finished me! What do I do with this dead body now in my sitting room she feels betrayed after all they had a plan that they had scheduled to stick to, why would Donald renegade on the plan? Why would he even carry out such an act without informing me there is any change? She brought out her phone and dialed Donald's number, she was furious. He answered on the second ring " HellJulietet what is the matter, I'm having a hard time now is not a good time to call Donald to explain.

How dare you tell me that Donald after what you just did.

Calm down.

I should calm down. After the mess you caused in my house, she shouted.

Stop shouting at me Julliet, it seems you are forgetting who you are talking with, how dare you shout at me, this will be the last time you raise your voice or else.

But how could you betray me in such a way? Why not let me into the plans if it has been changed?

Shut up!

But. He interrupted her" Just shut up you fool, you don't go on the phone yapping about things like that, how dare you try to ruin me.

I don't understand, how can I ruin you when you just did the same to me?

Oh Lord, how do I get into partnership with such a fool? Donald question. I have always been a good manager, how do I even meet this woman?

You know I can hear you, Don?

So what? Are you going to sing the plans to the whole world?


And you you are here yapping your mouthJuliett?

But how can you do it like that without my knowledge?

What are you even talking about Juliet? What did I even do?

Well, you know how we plan to kill my boyfriend so we can run away with his wealth?

Of course, I do.

No! It seems you don't know and seem like you don't care about going through the plans.

Why would you think so?

Well, I just came home from work and Diddy is dead on the floor with blood everywhere, now you can see why I'm angry because we planned to kill him and not like this, so why did you do it without my knowledge?

Donald laughed hard and long over the phone, and Julliet was getting angrier while listening to his laugh. " What is so funny Don?

Well, you must be joking because I haven't been to that side of town for two months now, in fact, I'm out of town as we are talking so if you think I did anything you are solely mistaken unless you are missing me and want me to come and you that orgasms you so crave about huh.

So if you didn't kill him who does? Then she heard someone clapping behind her and she turned to see Diddy standing and clapping, she was stunned at the same time she lost what Donald was saying to her as the phone fell her hands 

So what am I hearing from you Julliet? Are you for really or we are in Hollywood shooting a movie scene?

I'm sorry Diddy, you wouldn't understand, it was just talk I ..Diddy interrupted the interrupted wave of his hands. " Never mind Julliet you planning to have me killed so you can take my property wow.

I'm sorry.

Diddy laughed hard, wow so you are sorry about having me killed and stealing from me with no remorse wow Jully.

I was just on my own trying to find a way to see your reaction if I pretend to be dead, I want to see how you love me and what you will do seeing me laying there with blood all over me. So I went to the butcher and asked for a pint of blood from him after I told him the plans which he was kind enough to give me and then I came back home to do the pretense of being dead hoping to see a grief strstrickenaction from you, but I was solely and utterly disappointed, not only to see you come in and do nothing but to hear you calling your boyfriend and demanding if he had killed me without your knowledge before your agreement oh Juliet! But why? Why this after all I have done for you and your family, after all the sacrifices I have made to see that you and your family are comfortable, but why? SPEAK UP HE SHOUTED. She cried and started crying." I'm sorry I never loved you and I have always been in love with Donald, but he is poor and can't give me the life I always wanted and I thought I could get it from you.

Diddy laughed hard again, truly you are a foolish woman, how will you manage to even think you can steal from me, how much or what will you take from here? See this house and everything within aren't even mine, these are all my elder property and I was just looking after it for him since he is based abroad with his family and comes once a year.

What! She exclaimed, you mean all these aren't yours?

Of course not, my brother keeps a monthly payment for the maintenance of his property, and that is why I can live a good life. The worst part is that your parents and siblings are in the other room and everything we have said here they have heard it.

Julliet was shocked and she ran to the transom and found her mother weeping and her dad in a chair just sitting there and nodding his head and muttering an unintelligible word, she fell on her kneels crying and calling to them but no one listened to her, she keeps crying and then her younger brother who is just ten years came to her, she looks up hoping to see forgiveness in his eyes but was shocked to see the anger there." Big sister, I'm ashamed of you and your greediness, uncle Diddy has been kind to me with the little money he has, yet he pays my school fees and buys me clothes, before we came here to see this, Daddy was saying he has also paid our rent courtesy of uncle Diddy and yet this is how you pay him back when he is about to propose to you? You claim to love Donald, that fool of aam who try to rape Melissa if not for the intervention of our neighbor Uncle Peter. I hate you. And he went back to his mum.

Diddy came in and turned to Mr Burna, Julliet's father, I'm sorry sir it didn't work out as planned.

My son you are a good man, please forgive me, for I'm to be blamed for my daughter's behavior, it shows I failed as a father, murder that was what she was planning oh no I'm dead.

Please don't say so, you aren't to be blamed, sir you have a good heart and you are a kind and generous man don't ever blame yourself for the action of a jezebel. Mrs Burna turned to Mr Diddy" How can you say so after all you have done for us and yet this betrayal, murder! 

Please calm down.

Juliet turned to them, I'm sorry please forgive me, it was the devil.

Yeah, and his name is Donald her younger brother pipes in, only if you can go and meet him now it will be best for all.

Yes that is true, you can pack your stuff and get out of my house Diddy told her beside me and Melissa have agreed to marry, she has always suspected you and was kind enough to suggest this surprise. Mr Burna looked to his wife and they both smiled and turned to Mr Diddy "Yes we will accept.

And with that,t they all went out leaving Julliet to cry more and beg which no one listened to to her, she hurried out and picked up her phone and dialed Donald's number and he answered after the third ring." What is it?

Donald, I'm in a mess I need you to please come back to me.

Sorry Jully I'm busy and can't, besides I'm at my wedding which is about to start, don't call me again please and he cut the call. Julliet was shocked and kept shouting but no words could describe what she was screaming about, she left Me Diddy house feeling as if the world was pressing on her and she couldn't breathe, while walking aimlessly she was thinking about how to take her revenge when she was knocked by a hit and run driver and unfortunately for her spinal cord was crutched which keep her on a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

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