Showing posts with label redemption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label redemption. Show all posts

Friday 3 May 2024

The prisoner

 Kendrick swore as he docked behind a dark doorway concealing him from the street light, his heart was beating faster and he slowed his breathing doing a little yoga in that moment of panic. It has been five years since he had been on the run, he is dubbed a murderer, a thief and a swindler by the authorities and he has been hiding for the past five years now from every cop. He lives in the lowest of society and comes out only when it is dark, the underground tunnel is the only way he used to move during the day. Word had come to him about a deal with a huge profit, hence the reason he is hiding now." What are they even doing here? He asked no one in particular. How can they be out right where I'm supposed to come out from the query? This is not good, I need to get out of here before things go south.

James wasn't having a good day patrolling the street of the urchins, he felt bad and bored about it, it seemed quiet yet everyone claimed it was the roughest place in town, yet James wasn't convinced. He turned to his partner Rodney who was humming a silent tune. " What a night! He exclaimed.

Yeah, some nights are quiet.

Not this part of town, if what I have heard is true.

What have you heard about this place?

I was told it is where all the dregs of society reside and where you can get anything illegal and murder occurs every hour.

Well seems like the wrong description.

I guess so.

Suddenly they heard a noise and they turned in the direction. " Did you hear that noise?

Yeah, it came from there. Rodney said pointing in the direction of the darkened door.

Kendrick was frozen in place when he saw the officers looking in his direction, he swore silently and cursed the low life who left a can in the area where he stood. He prayed they never investigate and wait silently.

Must have been a cat, James was saying.

Does it matter? Asked Rodney if we were on the beat and needed to investigate it no matter what.

Okay, I will cover you.

Kendrick's heart started racing when he noticed the officers coming his way, he swallowed hard and tried to wet his dry mouth, and he felt a movement on his foot and stifled a gasp, he could hear the damn rat chewing at his shoe and then he feels a pain on his toe and he screams.

James and Rodney hurried and came across a young man battling a hoard of rats, he was jumping up and down screaming get off me, get off me you little suckers.

Rodney grabbed the man on his shirt and yanked him into the bright street light, the young man was still screaming so he slapped him once and he quietened." Who are you? Rodney asked.

My name is Kendrick Jeff. Kendrick wasn't aware he just gave them his real name until he had said it.

James started laughing, so you are the wanted man?

Kendrick kept silent, wondering how something as stupid as a rat could get him caught.

Well, you are under arrest for multiple murders and theft.

Officers I can explain, he pleaded.

Keep silent, anything you say will be used against you in court, you have the right to an attorney and if you don't, one will be provided for you.

That was how Kendrick was put on trial convicted of his crime and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The bus was given entry into the prison yard and those who were out working in the yard stopped what they were doing to get a look at the new inmate, there were a few catcalls and a threat which the warders silenced with just a look. The prisoners were led in line to the warden who was waiting at the front. When they were arrayed in front of him, he looked every one of them in the eyes and nodded." Welcome to the prison, in this place you are nobody but babies who need to learn how to crawl before they can walk, and I as your parent will make sure you learn to walk in a few days he chuckled looking at the first prisoner, grips him at his collar and shouted who are you?

I'm Brodrick sir.

The warden hit him hard and shouted you are a baby and I'm your parent. He turned to the others and looked at them." Who are you?

We are babies they shout back.

Who am I?

You are our parents.

Now that is good, put that in mind and we will have no trouble, and remember when your parent asked you to do something you did it without complaint or excuse is that clear?

Yes, sir, they shouted.

Now dismissed.

Kendrick was taken to cell twenty-five and as the iron bar closed, he let out a nervous breathing he had been holding. He turned around to inspect the cell and was shocked to see the biggest guy bunking at the lower bunk, the guy was just staring at him without a word. Kendrick moves in toward the guy and extends his hand." My name is Kendrick, I guess we are going to be bunkmates as of today.

The guy looked at him and stood up. Kendrick swore silently and took a few steps back, for the guy was huge and Kendrick could only reach him just below his chest.

Who the hell do you think you are? The guy asked him in a voice like two gravel scrapping together." How dare you talk to me without my permission? In one swift motion, he grabbed Kendrick by the neck with one huge hand and used the other hand to slap him.

Kendrick's eyes water and he is shocked as his breathing becomes difficult, he tries to pry the big guy's hand but his efforts are abortive." You can call me Basher because I have bashed many heads and I know who you are because one of your victims was my cousin and you have a debt to pay. He lets go of Kendrick who gulps in the air while coil up on the floor grasping, he starts crying silently and regrets every action he has taken that has led him toward where he finds himself presently, he has always wanted quick money and to get rich easily and doesn't care if blood got spilled in the process. He is brought back to reality when Basher gives him a vicious kick, he yelps and looks up to see Basher looming over him." I said get your ass out my way and don't think of bunking on the top bunk or you will have it coming hot.

Kendrick crawled out of his way and went to the foot of the bunk to sleep.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...