Showing posts with label Finding greener pastures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finding greener pastures. Show all posts

Monday 23 October 2023


 Daniel was laying down on his bed, thinking about life and how it is turning upside down right in his front. He was contemplating what to do,, when his over thinking take him back memory lane. He remembered ten years ago, how things was very easy and how having twenty thousand naira back then is like having a million naira, he swore silently, cursing every politicians and their uneducated foot soldiers who put the country in such mess he reason, the foolish foot soldiers are too dense in the head to know that, they are protecting their masters pot and unknown to them, they are destroying their lives and that of the coming generation, infact they are destroying the foundation of the very country and it's democracy. 

Daniel stand's up from his bed and moved to his wine cabinet, to have a drink. Since everything about his country sour his throat and make him really feel bad and just useless. Only for him to discovered it is all empty, he swore again and moved to his safe to see how much he has so he can get a something strong. On opening the safe, his blood went cold, he was shocked to see that he has just a thousand naira. What the hell! He exclaimed, how did this even come to be? He asked himself. This is really getting out of hand oh! How do I even eat, when this can't even buy me a decent meal. He collect the money and went to his door knowing he can't get any strong drink with that kind of money which is too small in the present day economy, he called his neighbor who sell provision and other stuff:

Mama Chichi!

Mama Chichi!

Yes! Danny.

Please bring me small or medium bottle of Odogwu Bitter.

That will cost you five hundred naira.

No problem, please also come with five hundred naira change, I have a thousand naira here with me 


After she had brought him the Odogwu Bitter,  Daniel went in and sat down on his bed again, he reason he will go hungry after he drink, since no money for food, he has to call his sister first to know if she has something so he will used the five hundred naira for transport. He brought out his phone and dial his sister line and after the second ring she answered.


Good morning sister.

Good morning Dan, today is Saturday and you are calling this early, I hope it is not about food?

Daniel swore silently, not really sister. It has been long we see or talk, I just want to know you are okay.

I'm fine Dan, and you?

Fine too, see no too vex, by the way do you have anything in your pot?

I knew it, you and food eh.

Sister talk please, I don't asked about food,just what is in your pot.

Okay, I have egusi soup, but the garri is not much.

No problem, I'm coming. And he end the call. Daniel then start his drink, while he drinks he reason it is the first time he is taking this much hype Odogwu Bitter, he smacks his lips and nod his head in satisfaction and then he reason, this Cubana guy really go extra miles to satisfy consumers of his products by giving them a great drink with a taste which made you think like a billionaire. He smack his lips again and then his mind drift back to the political situation in his country. While the Cubana guy who gave his consumers great taste and value for their money, the politicians who glamour to rule and do every evil act just to be in power, and after winning with plenty of live lost in the process, they refused to create jobs or provide basic amenities for the people. There is no low cost housing for the low income earners, no portable drinking water, security is nothing to write home, no sustainable agriculture for food security. All they do is to make the people more poorer and make the youth unemployed and unproductive. Then they recruited most of the youth as praise singers and Social Media Aide and the others who aren't lucky are recruited into cultism and ballot box snatchers during election.

Daniel swill the last of his Odogwu Bitter before swallowing it and then he was tempted to buy another, but then he remembered the Egusi Soup. He stop at the door at the last moment and then change direction to his bathroom. After taking his bath, he went to his sister's house where he cherished every moment of her nagging as he ate, she nagged how everything is expensive and the only thing he knows is how to come and eat her food finished. He laughed and then complain that she deliberately refused to give him two pieces of meat.

Give me my food back, if you will complain she demanded.

Sorry, you take things serious eh.

Why not?' she asked.

No worry, I will send you something when I reach home he promised.

She looked at him in an infuriating way and then sight's before going out. While he ate, he keep thinking about situation in the country and Africa in general. He wonder how can Africans depends so much on the church, while the Europeans are building factories and inventing technology. He marvel at the creation of the new OpenAI popular know as GPT 4, while here the countries in Africa are building the biggest churches and yet the continent is rift with poverty, underdevelopment, greediness and wickedness.

Imagine a country that has lot of crude oil, yet no refinery and they even bought refined oil from outside after selling the raw products, they will then buy refined products from those they sold raw materials to, Daniel sights and shake his head knowing everything is simple but greediness and wickedness is the root of the African man. 

He was going about this when his cell phone ring..


My main man Danny dodo there is good news just dust your passport man this your guy Frankie.

Oboy, you are asking me to dust passport yet, you are calling with a strange number?

Calm down I had to borrow someone phone to call you.

Okay Frankie, what's the heat?

Man I need to see you as in now.

Oboy come my sister house, you still remember No 21 crescent city right?

Yeah bro.

Then hurry man there is Eba and Soup.

On my way as in now bro.

Daniel hangup and start preparing for his friend. He knows it will be good news because he and Frank has been trying to leave the country for a greener pastures for close to three years now. Thinking of it is really a sour taste in his mouth all because country is hard and getting the kind of money they need is no child's play, so they have been looking for one contract after another but because they are not in the system, it is getting really hard for them. While he was pondering this, his friend arrived.

Wow Frankie so fast?

Calm down man I was around the corner.

Daniel raise an eyebrow in a form of a question, really man 

Chill bro how goes the food.

Help yourself man. What is the heat about?

Let me calm my stomach man there is no hurry.

Give me a hint bro.

Alright. Seem like we got a contract.

Really, from who and how come?

See told you I have a small connection, anyway we are to creat a website for one of the popular politician in the governorship election.

Wow that is great, so those fools flocking around him can't help?

You know as well as I do that they only praise politicians to get small change.

How much is the deal?

My main man the guy is really tight to the skin and he is willing to cut us Ten Million.



That is amazing.

 Yeah, it's good we can run this deal. You better start doing the needful man.

Sure Frankie. So when do we start?

Well for that, I will have to take you to the politician, you know just give him some jargon and he will be confused and just let you go ahead with it.

Frankie takes Daniel to the politician one sunny Saturday morning and they encounter some youth who were milling around the gate of the politician, some look haggard and others are so high on substance that they had to give them wide berth. Daniel turn to Frank, bro are you seeing what I mean about how politicians ruin so many people lives?

I know Frankie reply while averting his eyes from they youth. Mind your words or we will be in trouble.

Well ?

Well what ?

Do you have anything to say about these youth?

What can I say bro?. These are people who sold their future to politicians for a loaf of bread, as you can see they are used for thuggery and later will be dump after the election is done and same people will be harassing the society for matter that the have no hands in.

I tell you bro, this is what I was talking about and this is how they ruin young men who have lot of potential, yet they made them lost causes.

While they were whispering about all this ills, they were accost at the gate by hefty looking thugs.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...