Showing posts with label The goddess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The goddess. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 April 2024


 The water goddess was so bored in her domain and everything her subjects did irritated her, that she banished a few to lesser rivers and had a few beheaded all this she did without a thought of the protests from the council who felt she was turning into a tyrant and they could have none of such in their kingdom. 

It had been since tradition that when the goddess turned twenty years old she was to produce an heir that would take over from her at the age of ten. But the council was shocked to see their goddess turning twenty-five years old and had refused every available male from her domain and other faraway domains hence they felt she was turning into a tyrant so they hitched a plan to imprison her in the blackest of the sea belly where even the bravest of heart dare not ventured.

The plan was for them to trap the goddess with the chain of confusion which would render her senseless and easy to apprehend but unfortunately, she got wind of their plans and escaped to the dry world.

Harry has run a small town grocery's store since he was twenty years old, he is thirty now and still struggling to pay his bills and manage his business which has been nose-diving in the last two years now, he feels he has failed as a businessman and he needs to close his store to look for another thing to do. On that faithful Saturday morning, while running at the beach, he came across a beautiful lady lying on the sand and he stopped to see how he could help." Are you alright? He asked while cautiously moving slowly so as not to frighten her.

She turned her head at the sound of his voice with a look of confusion on her face.

Are you alright? He asked again.

And she stared at him, not knowing what to say for the sadness she felt was overwhelming, she just lost her home and her kingdom and had no idea how to live her life, she looked at him and tears spilled from her eyes.

Harry crouches down beside the lady crying, his heart goes out to her." What could make such a beautiful woman cry like this he wondered." Is everything alright? He asked feeling stupid at the same time how can things be alright when she is crying and felt lost he thought." Sorry, what happened? She didn't answer and he looked around hoping to see anyone to call for help, but he was alone so he asked." What is your name? She looked up into his eyes wondering what to say, he pointed at himself and mouth I'm Harry now who are you?


Nice name Oliver, what happened to you?

I don't know.

Where is your family?

I have no family, they are all dead.

So you mean they died in the sea?


How did you end up here?

I don't know, I have never been here before. We were coming from Africa and she trail off looking around.

It's okay, will you come with me?

Where is here?

This is America as in the United States.

And who are you?

I'm Harry, I run a small business in town.


And that was how Harry took Oliver home.

After Harry took Oliver home, he made her comfortable and provided her with clothes and food. As days went by, Oliver started to open up to Harry, sharing bits and pieces of her past and the events that led her to the beach that fateful morning.

Harry listened attentively, offering comfort and support whenever she needed it. As they spent more time together, Harry's grocery store began to see a turnaround. Oliver's presence seemed to bring luck and prosperity to his business, attracting more customers and increasing sales.

One evening, as they sat by the fireplace, Harry took Oliver's hand and looked into her eyes. "Oliver, you've brought so much light into my life. I can't imagine living without you. Will you marry me?"

Oliver's eyes widened in surprise, and then a smile slowly spread across her face. "Yes, Harry. I would love to marry you," she said softly, feeling a warmth in her heart she hadn't felt in a long time.

They planned a simple yet beautiful wedding, surrounded by friends and loved ones from the town. Harry and Oliver exchanged vows, promising to stand by each other through thick and thin.

Two years flew by, and Harry and Oliver welcomed a baby boy into their lives. They named him Samuel, and he brought even more joy and laughter into their home.

But as Samuel approached his tenth birthday, a group of people from the water kingdom appeared in the town, demanding the return of the heir to the throne. They had heard of Samuel's birth and believed he was the rightful heir to the water kingdom.

Harry refused to even listen to them and demanded that they leave his home." You people should leave us alone and never come back again.

How dare you speak to us like that?

Yes, he dares Oliver looks at them in the eyes, you have no power or authority here and never forget I'm still your goddess.

They laugh hard and turn to Samuel." Come with us and be a ruler of a world full of riches and everything you will ever need, leave your parents and see the wonder of your powers in the sea.

Harry jumped in front of his son protecting him from their words." Get out of here or I will call the cops on you and see if your damn powers can get you out of jail for harassment and trespassing.

We will go, but we will be back again take heed while you can. And that was how they left, Harry turn to Oliver." What can we do?

I have a solution she looks at her son and her husband who she had come to love with everything in her." What solution? Harry asked her.

I need to get back to the sea.

That is not an option he replied, you aren't getting anywhere near there and those people.


Cut it out, you aren't getting anywhere near there and that is it.

You wouldn't understand, I need to get an object that will protect our son. At this, Harry perks up." What object?

There is this chain called the chain of submission, he will have to wear it till the day he dies.

What will it do to him?

Nothing, when he wears it, every water being will come under his power and command.

Including you?


Where is this chain?

In the blackest part of the sea.

That sounds dangerous, I don't want to lose you.

Don't worry, you will not lose me remember I'm a goddess with powers.

What if they came back when you were not here?

That is a problem.

I think so, you know I could rent a place in the FLY A MONTH TOUR they can't come in a plane right?

Yes, you could do that.

Olive took Harry and Samuel to the airport where they boarded the FLY A MONTH TOUR. She then returned home contemplating what to do, she had a dilemma because the moment she entered the sea, they would know she had returned to the sea. She had never been to the deepest part of the sea but had been to the boundary and even that wasn't easy for her considering what she faced back then and now she is going back with no knowledge of any change of that part of the sea. She went to her son's room and looked at his picture with a sad smile, she touched his clothes and sniffled with a pang of hurt" I will not let you down my love" She sent her thoughts and love to him.

She went to the jetty and hired a boat with a fast sixteen-power horse engine, she wanted to take it there so as not to step on the water until it was necessary, so she started the boat and fired it into the sea. She enjoyed the scenery and the cool breeze that blew her dart brunette hair knowing it was a life-or-death situation she was going to face. She drove from morning till dusk and at midnight the blackest part of the sea appeared, she slowed down the boat and stared at where her family's destiny lay. When the boat reached her destination, she stopped it and looked around for the first time, she saw it above the water she came to appreciate the serenity, she wasted no time bringing out her sword and jumping into the sea. The moment she touched the water, there was this blaring alarm in a form of electricity that shocked the whole being of the sea. She felt the change immediately and knew she had to hurry, she never told Harry it would take a week to reach the bottom and a week back up. With sword in hand, she moved on going deeper with the speed of light hoping to hurry before anything could gets to her. She noticed a distortion immediately and slowed her speed which instantly saved her life, she created a shield around her and just as she was done a thousand swords struck her, she gasped and nearly lost her hold on her shield, she turned around trying to see what or who is controlling it.

She couldn't see that far due to the blackness of the sea, she imagined how it would be when she went deeper, she was about to use force and push on when she noticed a little glow just to her right, she wasted no time in sending her sword in that direct and she was reward with a scream knowing she had hit something and immediately the swords attacking her shield stopped. She recalled her sword and tentatively moved to where she saw the glow and she saw a body, without another thought she moved on for every moment count.

The water goddess is in her world and she carries fury with her, with sword blazing in hand she heads on deeper into the abyss of the blackest part of the sea. Suddenly a water monster appears just ahead and she approach cautiously looking around hoping not to get ambushed.

You will not be going any further, or turned back, this is no part of your domain.

The sea is my domain, how dare you stand in my way?

What do you seek? That you would enter the blackest part of the sea Goddess.

It's none of your business, get out of the way.

I can't do that, for if you move further you will die, you are weak here and your power can only work just at the surface deeper you will be hopeless.

The water goddess knew this monster was right, that is why the sea is divided into two parts so those in her domain can never set foot in the blackest part of the sea to protect what is kept there, she looked around and saw thousands of eyes looking at her and all with weapons at the ready. How did I miss them? She took deep breaths with her heart pounding as she thought of her family. Harry with his marvelous smile and a heart full of love and care, is a man who will do anything for his family, Samuel her baby, that innocent smile full of wonder and trust no she can't let them down she looks at the monsters around her knowing fighting all will end in her death, she lowers her sword." I seek the chain of submission for my son's life is in danger.

Now that is not so hard to tell, why come with sword blazing and you killed the doorkeeper with thousands of swords?

He attacked me first.

That is no excuse. Come, I will take you to the chain of submission, but there is a price to be paid for killing one of us.

What price?

That will be decided by the elders.

Oliver is taken deeper into the blackest part of the sea, she can't tell how long they traveled, but at some point, she grows tired and tries to stop but she is dragged and can do nothing but follow for a very long time she starts getting confused and wonder what will happen when they reached their destination, she feels hopeless but when she thinks of Harry and Samuel, she feels her strength getting stronger knowing if she failed then everything will be lost.

After a prolonged journey, they came to a building that was a wonder of majesty. The building is made up of white crystal and everything glitters with a simmering white light emitting frequently from every section of the building. She stands there looking at the building in awe. A prod as her back made her turn and she saw they were gesturing her toward the building, she obliged by moving where they directed her to a massive door that dwarfed the tallest building she had ever seen, even in her domain there was nothing like it, she gawps at everything she saw and feels like a fool, she turned to look at her escort with a questioning eye.

" What do you expect? He asked her".

I was told the blackest part of the sea is full of monsters.

That is right.

But...I'm seeing different.

The monster chuckles and gestures to himself." Well, am I not a monster?

That is hard to tell.

We will see.

Is the chain of submission here?

No, we are here to see the elders for your crime.

Oliver is ushered into the massive building, she was ready to face anything if her family will be safe, she would do anything. As she walked in she noticed a massive amphitheater with a raised platform at the far end with six figures sitting atop the platform and looking down at her, when she came near she was impressed to see there were three males and three females each looking at her as if she just came out of the trash can. The male on her right looks like he is having a dinner made of the chilliest pepper, while the female on her left is being physically restrained from attacking her which she was not sure if she had offended her. She came right in front of them and waited for them to acknowledge her presence.

" Why are you here? Sea goddess one of the six figures asked her.

I'm here for the chain of submission.

Is that so? Fumes the male to her right, how dare you pretend as if you have not committed any crime?

Before I'm judged I would like to know every one of your names so I can address you properly with due respect.

Is she commanding us? Demand one of the females.

I'm sorry, I command no one here.

You aren't here to know our names but to be judged.

So what is my crime?

You killed the keeper of the gate.

As I have said, it was self-defense, he attacked me first.

That is no excuse.

I have nothing to say then.

Are you saying we should pass our judgment?


Then excuse us, let us confer and we will announce your judgment soon.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...