Showing posts with label repent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label repent. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 April 2024


  How will you feel to be tormented by a ghost? How will you feel waking up and seeing a ghost in your bed? How will you feel when you wake up, knowing that the dream you had is a reality? These are the questions Jacinta has been asking in h|r mind every day, her problem started when she was thirteen years old and her grandmother died. One day, she was in her room when she saw her grandma in the same room with her, she was shocked and about to scream when her grandma clapped a cold hand over her mouth." Hush my little diamond, Grandma is here for you. Do not make any noise, I will be removing hthousandsslowly alright?

Jacinta nodded and her grandma removed her hand from her mouth." You are dead Jacinta told her. Her grandma laughs oh my little diamond." I'm not dead, but mistaken to be dead.

I saw your body in the morgue.

Yeah you do, and that is the mistake I made and that is why I had to come for you.

What mistake? You are dead, please leave me alone.

Shut up! The question you will be asking is why can you see me and I can touch you?

How is that even possible? Jacinta asked.

Well, little diamond I belong to a powerful secret coven an when you were born, I had to take you to them for initiation, you are a witch.

No! I'm not. Her grandmother laughed hard, oh little diamond you can never run away from them, soon you will take my place, I was not dead when I was found in my room. I was having a meeting which unfortunately kept me where I am today, I will advise you to not make such a mistake that I did. Have a room no one can get access to except you, you will be taking over from me as of today good luck little diamond and with that, she disappeared leaving Jacinta cold and in utter shock.

That was ten years ago, now Jacinta is twenty-three years strong witch who has everything that life has to offer. She is beautiful, rich and elegant but every night is a torment for her for that is when the ghost appears and that is when she has to serve the coven in any way they deem fit. She has killed, she has rendered so many men broken and useless, and she has used spiritual means to collect property from wealthy men. Any young man who approaches her runs mental in no time. She had no friends and her family was afraid of her since none of them knew about their grandma.

Deep down in her heart, Jacinta knew everything was not right she had a good heart and longed for happiness too but the society she found herself made her evil, she had read about how killing a human being can destroy a soul, and she had also peep into the story of Harry Potter and Voldemort by J.K Rawling and seeing how it all start with killing and how at the end Harry asked him for remorse that it was his only way. She knows killing can destroy the soul which in the long run makes so many people have no consciousness. These are things she thinks about, during the day, for at night she have no willpower to overcome the power of the coven. She wondered if her soul was shattered, but she thought a shattered soul would not think of redemption as she is thinking now, would it? She couldn't help but was surprised to see tears flowing from her eyes, she dried her eyes and looked about her exotic mansion, with all her wealth she had no one to share it with and she was always depressed and lonely.

The wealth has never given her any peace of mind or happiness, she has no boyfriend and her family has written her off, what a sad and hopeless life she lives on. Will this have to be the kind of life she will live till old age? She stood up and went out, walking aimlessly along the street, just trying to clear her head. While moving without a care where she may end up as she turned a corner along the street, she heard a voice preaching and she stood at the edge of the street to listen.

Dre was sad to see the multitude of people suffering in the street and homeless too, he felt bad because he must have been part of those who caused such suffering, his past life wasn't a good one and he was glad to be a change man. He is overwhelmed with compassion and tries to comfort them in the only way he knows best, by bringing them closer to God.

Brothers and sisters, can I have your attention, please? Dre was expectant, and when a few turned his way, he exhaled the breath he wasn't aware he was holding. My name is Dre and I'm here to preach the gospel of Jesus to you. Things may seem bad, but you need to trust in him for with God all things are possible.

We are starving and homeless, why border when he has abandoned us? Someone asked and others nodded in agreement.

Now that is not true, God will never abandon his people, remember the Israelites, he was with them for forty years in the wilderness now hear this song by Don Moen and he sings:

God will make a way

Where there seems to be no way

He will work in a way we cannot see

He will be my guide, hold me closely to his side

With love and strength for each new day

He will make a way.

And where is the way that he has made for us? Is this suffering the way? Someone asked.

No! This is not the way remember "with love and strength for each new day he will make a way". But I can see only hopelessness here, there is no love or the strength to face a new day among you. Come closer to God and let him guide you.

How will he guide us? A man at the back asked 

First, you must confess your sins and be born again.

Do I have to enter my mother's womb a second time? Asked a woman.

No! You must be baptized by immersion, in a river or a stream.

Will that make a way for me? Asked a y{ung lady walking by, who stopped to listen, I worked in a brothel and I have committed adultery and fornication which is against the teTen Commandmentswill I be redeemed?

Dre looks at her" sister there is a song titled All Things Are Possible" by Women of Faith, it goes like this:

Almighty God

My redeemer

My hiding place

My safe refuge

No other name like Jesus

No power can stand against you

My feet are planted on his rock and I. Will not be shaken.

You may have sins and committed many crimes, but God is merciful and he has given us a second chance through his only begotten son Jesus Christ our Lord that we may be saved, your sins will be forgiven if you give your life to God.

What about murdered? Asked an old man sitting with his back resting on a wall. At this, Jacinta peeks up knowing that she has committed countless murders through her hands and by others, she edges a little closer wanting to hear what this preacher Dre has to say about murders. She hopes he can be redeemed but she knows her crime is more than what the people are confessing, she holds her breath and listens when Dre opens his mouth, she snaps out of her thought I says, my name is Dre but I used to be known as Killer D. At this there were gasps all over and many people were shocked even Jacinta couldn't believe this was the man who brings terror to the people, a man who is reputed to be a water of human flesh, a man who have committed so much sin that it was said he bath in the blood of a newborn baby to fortify his power. He shows no mercy and kills without a thought she feels hope in her heart knowing if this man can be sasavedhe too can.

Dre raised his hands to silence the crowd that had gathered seem like those walking had stopped to hear what was going on. He turned to them and said my brothers and sisters there is only one power in this life and that is The Power of God, there is no other power that can save you, there is no other power that can give you peace of mind except The Power of God. I was a notorious criminal who had done so much evil that I never deserved to live, but God had a plan for me and today I stand here preaching to you like I said earlier with God all things are possible.

How and what happened to change yoú? A teen asked him.

Well five years ago, I was contacted by a coven to eliminate a certain man, turned out this man had been fighting them and winning by saving those afflicted with all manner of evil at this Jacinta thought to take her back and if she is not mistaken, it was her coven, she remembers the frustration of what the man had done to them, so this was why they never heard from the killer again she look at Dre with a new hope.

So this man turned out to be pastor Paul, who prayed that night and I was baptized the next day, I chose evangelism to spread the good news from town to town and state to state.

Jacinta couldn't hold herself anymore she cried out." I will give my life to Jesus please help me. I have been a member of a powerful coven and I want to start new again.

Dre looked at her and asked her to come to him, he told her there is no power except The Power of God now say this after me:

"I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for my sins, and that He rose again from the dead. I now confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I surrender my life to Him and choose to follow Him all the days of my life."

After that, he told her she must be baptized to be born again. 

And what will happen tonight she asked for the night is when I face them.

And he asked her to read this :

Psalm 121 is a well-known passage from the Old Testament.

"I lift my eyes to the mountains—

    where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,

    the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—

    he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel

    will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you—

    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day,

    nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm—

    he will watch over your life;

the Lord will watch over your coming and going

    both now and forevermore." (Psalm 121, 1-8 Nkjv)

And with that, the whole crowd went on their kneels asking to be saved and he asked them to pray the lord's prayer:

"Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come,

you will be done,

    on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts,

    as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:9-13, ESV)

There was weeping and everyone couldn't hold back the tears of joy of accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and personal saviour. Jacinta went back home with a lighter heart and a joy beyond comprehension, she couldn't stop laughing and crying because problems had been solved and Jesus had taken away her pains. She vowed to start a new life and dedicated her young life to preaching the gospel and winning souls for God.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...