Showing posts with label Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blood. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 April 2024



The maker was tired of creation and wanted to really rest, he has expand so much energy creating the world so he feel it was time to rest but before he goes into the eternal sleep, he has one tasks before that time. He used his last energy to create three sons he wished to continues where he stopped.

The first son he named Raji whom he gives the power of creation, to create life to fill the world he has created. And the second son he named Raja whom he gives the power of destruction of all things that is harmful to life and to the world he has created. And the third son he named Ravi whom he gives the power of balance. For Ravi is the balance between creation and destruction and if Ravi is to die, the world created by the maker will be destroyed. And so the maker take his eternal rest after creating sons that will take over from him.

Raji is as gentle and compassionate, he feel the world is empty and need to be filled, so with his power he created human beings. He was pleased to see his first creation and was amaze how they looks beautiful and full of life. He knew they can't live like that and so he created animals and the living plant so the humans can sustain themselves, he was so pleased that he informed his brothers about his new creation. Raja was angry because his desires is to take everything from Raji, but he can do nothing unless Ravi is eliminated. He sulk and whine about it deep down but knows his hands are tied but then a small voice at the back of his mind asked " are you sure your hands are tied"? Raja ignored the voice knowing it is not right.

Ravi loves his two brothers so much and can practically feel them in his mind if he really concentrate, he believes the beings with the brighter light is Raji and the other with darker light is Raja, sometimes he wonder how can their maker think of creating something so dark, knowing it is full of destruction. Ravi was glad to see the creation of Raji and he can't help viewing them from the castle high above the clouds. The castle is made of crystal and it float above the clouds rounding the universe so they can be monitoring the event taking place. One particular day he notice a beautiful lady, one of those created by Raji and can't help wanting to be with her after all Raji have warn them not to interfer or mingle with the human he created, but Ravi was beyond reality and he went down on earth to woo this beautiful lady he later impregnate and gift his unborn son ninety five percent of his power. "You must name him Rama". Alice laugh it off not wanting to listen.

Please my lady do as I say.

What does it matter, you will always be there for him.

It matters that you name him so, I fear something may happen to me.

My father is the king, nothing will happen to you.

Ravi smile and hold her hands, "it is not your father I'm afraid of, but my brothers.

Okay, I will name him as you wished.

Ravi was happy knowing he store the power in the name, if his some is given the name at birth he will inherit the power of balance.

Raja couldn't ignored the constant yapping of the voice in his head, it keep buzzing around no matter what he does. "What is this in my head he exclaimed!

I can give you power to create life too, the voice coo, just follow my instructions.

Let me be, I'm not meant to create but to destroyed.

Lies, you can create life too.

Really ?

Yes, all you need is a few drop of Raji blood, a lot the better the voice smile with malice.

Nothing can penetrate our skin.

That you are wrong again, follow my instructions and you will have what you wanted.

Which is?

Ha Raja don't play with me, I know your mind and your heart desires.

So what do you want me to do?

Get Raji blood and we will start from there. And with that he gives him a knife made of crystals, but this one is dark unlike the clear and translucent one used in their castle. Even touching the knife send a tingling sensation and he had to wrapped it with his cloak. "Never touch that with your bare hand for long or there will be consequences the voice instruct him. First you get Raji blood and then you bring me two of those humans he created, a male and a female and then we will start your creation.

Why blood? And why the humans?

A life for a life that is how it has been before the beginning of time and so it shall be to the ending of time.

And so Raja take a bottle of wine to Raji which he has already put a sleeping drought on it. "Raji look what I found from the humans you created, I heard them say this vintage is the best to ever grace the earth, give it a try let me hear your thoughts about it?

Raja! So you have visit the humans? I asked you and Ravi to let them be, we need to never caused anything to influence their lives.

Oh calm down told you I heard them talking about this vintage so I guess I got intrigued and want to taste it too, which I did. I was hoping you can appreciate their development by having a taste of their production and you are here saying trash, get of your high horse and be a father to all. And with that Raja dump the bottle on Raji table and left.

Raji was shocked by Raja behavior and he thought it has merits after all he created the humans and need to keep eyes on them and their development and so he went to the bottle and give it a try, he was amazed at the taste and believe it was as great as Raja had said. Unknown to him Raja was watching him from a hideout and he smiles knowing the first of his plan have worked all he had to do now is to wait for Raji to sleep off, but he has a doubt, will it worked on him? Since they have power beyond anything in the known world, will the poison worked ?

Calm down it will work, but you have just five minute before it wear off said the voice in his head.

How do you get into my head that I can hear you?

Now is not the time, go to him he is done.

Raja turned to look at Raji and was surprised to see him laying down and so he hurry to him with the knife and with that he cut a thin line in his wrist and collect the blood from a glass jar he conjor and in no time he see the wound healing and was surprised until the voice in his head shout" now get out of here quickly before he wake up, he will be confused and thinks the wine was too strong.

As Raja retreated to his dark domain, fueled by the twisted whispers in his mind, he began his dark experimentations. Using the blood of Raji, he forged his creations, infusing them with malice and chaos. From the depths of his corrupted imagination, he birthed demons and beasts of hideous visage, each more monstrous than the last.

Meanwhile, Ravi, sensing the disturbance in the balance, sought out his brothers. He found Raji, still groggy from the effects of the poisoned wine, but unharmed. Concern etched his features as he realized Raja's treachery.

"What has Raja done, brother?" Ravi's voice carried a weight of sorrow and anger.

Raji recounted the events, his brow furrowed with worry. "He took my blood, Ravi. I fear what he intends to do with it."

Ravi's resolve hardened. "We must stop him before it's too late."

Together, they set out to confront Raja, unaware of the depths of his depravity. In the dark recesses of his lair, Raja reveled in his newfound power, commanding his monstrous creations with a cruel grin.

"You thought you could thwart me, brothers?" Raja's voice echoed with madness as he faced them, his eyes alight with dark intent.

Ravi's gaze never wavered. "You've forsaken your duty, Raja. You've upset the delicate balance of our world."

Raja scoffed, his laughter echoing off the cavern walls. "Balance? What need have I for balance when I hold the power to reshape reality itself?"

With a wave of his hand, Raja unleashed his demonic horde upon them, their twisted forms lunging forward with feral hunger. Ravi and Raji fought bravely, their powers melding in harmony against the onslaught.

But in the chaos of battle, Raja's treachery knew no bounds. With a cowardly strike, he plunged his dark crystal knife into Ravi's heart, a look of betrayal etched on his face.

Raji's cry of anguish pierced the air as he cradled his fallen brother. "Ravi... no!"

But even in his dying breath, Ravi whispered words of hope. "My son... Rama... he holds the key to balance..."

Raja, drunk with power, scoffed at their grief. "Your precious balance dies with him, brother."

But Ravi's final revelation sparked a glimmer of hope in Raji's heart. With renewed determination, he vowed to protect Rama at all costs.

And so, as Ravi's life faded into the void, Raji and Rama were left to carry the weight of the world's balance upon their shoulders.

In the aftermath of the battle, Raji banished Raja to the depths of hell, where he would forever be known as the first devil, cursed to dwell in darkness for eternity.

And thus, the tale of the three sons of the Maker came to a tragic conclusion, but their legacy would live on through Rama, the beacon of balance in a world torn between creation and destruction.

Saturday 6 April 2024


  What is that noise? Harlem asked as he and his friends battle in the deep snow that is above their kneels finding shelter, it was a bad idea right from the start he guessed as he wasn't comfortable about the getaway trip. It was the holiday season and due to boredom and a broken heart, he was coaxed by his friends to embark on this trip even after he complained to them about the heavy snow falling and how everyone wanted to be indoors."what noise are you hearing under this snowfall? Peter asked.

I'm not sure seems like I heard a scream in the distance.

Wow, are you okay? Jay asked with his teeth shattering, he wasn't happy about this trip but what could he do when his crush Zoe was eager to come along? Everything was okay while the trip started until their car developed fault none of them even knew anything about cars, damnit how could this be happening, after all, he asked them to let handamd Zoe stay in the car which was the best option but the fools wanted everyone to come just in case they find shelter as if the car will not do with their body heat. He looked at Zoe sideway and there was a fluttering in his heart, her nose had turned pink due to the cold and she shivered a bit. He shifts to her side

" Hey, Zoe.


I know you are cold, do you mind letting me have my arms around you so our body heat can do some work?

You can stuff your body heat up somewhere Jay leave me alone I can manage.

Damnit Zoe! your heart can't be as cold as the snow.

It is colder than the snow when it doesn't favor you.

Jay was furious, glanced away and saw Anthonia smirking." What is so funny?

Come on Jay never give up when the battle is not yet even fought for, you can't just let her be you know, a girl like when guys run after them and see Jay if she agrees to see now where is the fun in tormenting you?

Damn, Jay mutter under his breath and moves forward hoping to get the two ladies behind him. While trudging through the snow he heard his name called, when he turned back he saw Zoe looking at him in a ladylike manner." What is it? He doesn't care about how harshly he said it to her.

You know Jay a gentle mam will always say ladies first.

You can stuff your gentlw man somewhere he turned back to the front seeing Harlem stop with Peter crushing over something on the snow, he hurried over to them." What is the matter with you too? Do you guys want my balls to freeze while you just stand there looking at nothing.?

There is blood on the snow, Harlem told him.

Blood? Whose blood?

How would I know, I just saw it right now.

It looks fresh Zoe pipe in, are you sure it wasn't that scream you say you hear Harlem?

Now you remind me I think it might be, he stands and looks around. 

What are you looking at? Anthonia asked him.

There is no track.

I don't think I want to be around here if what did this show up, Jay shiver and looked around, he seemed to think he was colder than when they started, he tried to wiggle his toe in his boot, but swore he couldn't feel it, he start panicking and looking all about not knowing if this will be his last day on earth.

Get your act together Peter smack him on the head, you are hyperventilating." We are all going to die, there is a lot of blood on the snow oh man I never wanted this trip, but Zoe made me come along.

Shut up Zoe snarled I never made you do anything you fool.

While they were bickering, Harlem turned around and saw a dark form coming their way, what baffled him was how the figure glided atop the snow without any hint of hindrance." Guys cut it, take a look at what I'm seeing, I hope it is not my imagination. They all turned and looked at what Harlem was nodding at, Anthonia muffled a scream while Jay took a step back." Who is there and who are you? Peter asked not even caring to look at the figure which glided to them. When the figure was a few feet from them, Harlem let out a breath he wasn't even sure he was holding, looking at the figure his heart hammering in his chest. What a hideous face with a hole on one side of the jaw and the other side rotten with skin peeling off, the figure has one eye red and the other black, it smacks his lip with a hideous grin 

What brings you to the road the of unknown? No one thread this path for death awaits anyone who passed here at the falling of snow.

We are looking for shelter, Harlem answered, and our vehicle broke down back along the road.

This is not a road for humans, a price needs to be paid or all wi die when their blood is spilled on the snow.

What price? Peter wants to know and holds his breath knowing they are done for.

A life for a life.

No! Harlem exclaimed

Well then all of you will die here, the figure proclaimed.

No! This can't be happening." Harlem shouted we have done nothing".

You fool, the figure snarled and glid to a few meters from Harlem." How dare you contradict me in my domain?

We never chose to come here, the road leads us here.

The figure laughed and looked at all of them, Jay took a step backward clutching at Anthonia's hands, he was shocked to see malice radiating from the figure yet they could see the face. Hecoughedh and looked at Peter who just stood there not caring what the figure was saying, Peter was just looking around as if he knew where he wanted to go. Jay forgets about his cold and looks at the figure." So you chose to waylay travelers so you can have your fill of blood just like the one you just had a few meters back there he said pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

"They were three and one had to sacrifice himself for the other two to pass".

Are you done yapping your mouth? Peter asked the figure. Peter was getting angry Jay could tell, from the way his nose was flaring and how red his eyes were, he leaned into Anthonia and was amazed she didn't complain, he smuggled a little closer and figured they could deal with this figure in any way they want, let him just have a feel of Anthonia.

"What are you trying to do Jay? Anthonia asked".

You know I can't die a virgin.

That is very sad Jay, but I'm not going to let you die here she said while he trembled, trying to show she was not afraid. There was a scream which made them both jump and a loud hiss from the snow and everyone head snapped from the hissing noise looking at Jay and the steam rising from where he stood." Wow Jay, did you just wet your pants?

This is not the time for that you know, Peter was saying, he turned to the dark figure there is nothing we can do about any sacrifice because we are protected by the chain of the dead. And with that, he brought the chain out which started glowing a brilliant white light and the figure trembled with a snarled as it fled from them.

That was scary, Zoe was the first to find her voice, and she turned to Jay and Anthonia, a nice couple. Anthonia shakes her head and pushes Jay " Stumbled in the snow which is above his kneel witchers." What the hell was that for?

Trying to get Coxy Jay?

Never mind, Peter is that what was given to us before we left?

Yeah, seems like my grandma needs to answer some questions.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...