Tuesday 9 April 2024


 It was a nice gathering of friends that particular weekends, everyone want to unwind and forget the stress of the week. It was a time to have fun, drink and womanized if need arise. A group of friends sit out having time drinking and sharing stories about past experiences from either themselves or people they know who confide in them. It was a great time for Rocky, he thinks he deserved every moment of that night, he was even trying to catch the eyes of one of the ladies around them hoping he could sleep with something warm by his side to reduced that damn pain in his back, he was admiring her figure noting the long legs from her toes going upward to her bum short, he shudder with anticipation and when she laughed he can't help but noticed her full lips, oh man he swore, if only she could look my way he rant in his head, maybe I need to go direct.

All this was going in his head when he noticed the silence, he turned around and was surprised to see Stephen hushing everyone to silence. "Damnit, it is a night to unwind not to mourn, he was getting feedup and pointedly called Stephen who still motion him to silence, he grumble and fold his hands to see what this is all about." As I was saying Stephen break the silence, while going home late one night, I was tired and couldn't see a cab, so I just figure to walk and keep hailing any cab that comes my way. While walking, a man join me and I never get to see his face, it wasn't that much dark, I was just tired and don't care who he was but I was glad of his companionship since it was late. He paused and look about his friends, guys you may think I'm mad or I was imagining things.

"Damnit get on with your story Rocky angrily told him since he have a prospective lady, he just want the story to end so he can get scored.

Anyway, Stephen continue, as we were walking this man bring the story of ghost, he asked me if I believe in ghost. I just laughed and said of course I do, but I have never seen one and I know it is impossible to do so. He just laugh and said look my legs and I drag my eyes down, low and behold this man legs were not touching the ground. I was shocked and slowly I raised my eyes to his face guys, he had no eyes, no nose the next thing I know I was being pour water, and when I come about, it was morning. I faint right there till morning.

Wow! Someone exclaimed, are you for real?

Of course, I will never just bring such story up Stephen defend himself.

That is true, there are lot of ghost roaming about someone told them, like this my neighbor. He claimed he was sleeping and his mirror was facing the bed, he has no idea what woke him up, he checked the time and it was just a little past twelve midnight, as he raised his head by chance he glance at the mirror and there stand a ghost watching him, he jumped out of bed and ran out shouting I'm dead oh.

Hey guys, you are getting me scared, a girl at the end of the table complain.

Then used salt to put at your door step, before you enter house, a guy sitting near Rocky told her.

Why? Rocky asked.

When I was told it stop ghost from crossing it.

Told by who?

Never mind, another guy interrupt them, my own experience is while driving at midnight between one and "two' o' clock in the night, I was heading home and the road was deserted with no other drivers but me, seem like an apocalyptic setting because it was a dark night and it feels like I was alone in the world, so I increased the speed of the car from sixty to one hundred and suddenly I saw a figure in white, at the middle of the road and before I could match the break, I ram into the figure but guess what, the figure was a ghost and it just passed through the passenger seat, looking at me and motioning me to follow him, guys I increased the speed to two hundred.

Can a ghost haunted someone, Stephen asked.

Why not wait when your friend visit you, you can asked him beside it is getting late again the lady Rocky was fantasizing about told him.

No way, I don't want such experience again.

They all laughed at him, Rocky was not happy about how this ghost story and haunted ghost shit affect him, but he chose to leave the lady along and get back home. He wave them goodbye and went out of the club, he hail a cab and got in, while the cab is in motion he complain to the drive about Stephen story. While he talk, he was looking outside the cab window, admiring the ladies of the night standing there waiting for customer.

What were you saying? The cab man asked him.

Well my friend talk of meeting a ghost with no eyes and nose, and his foot not touching ground while he walk.

Do you mean like this, the cab man asked while turning to face Rocky.

Rocky turned from the window and look at the can man and was shocked to see he has no eyes and nose. When he came about, he was in the cab with people walking a out looking at him in a strange way.

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