Sunday 24 March 2024

The Ghost


Precious has always lived a sheltered life, she is an innocent beautiful girl, tall for a girl of twenty. She has hips that sway like a drunken sailor on a ship. Her eyes are deep brown with a lip that will make a man want to kiss her again and again. 

So many eligible bachelors have sooth her hand in marriage but she has always turned them down. Precious always wants to marry for love and not because a man has money or is famous. She just wants a quiet and honest man who cares about her more than anything. On this fateful morning with the sun climbing the horizon like a female breast, Precious was on her way to the market hoping to be early so she could get back home and focus on other chores. Then appears a man out of nowhere from a distance he looks translucent with his white suit and a hat pulled low over his face while coming from a distance he flicked in and out of appearance and Precious thought it was the light playing tricks on her.

When they were near, Precious was surprised to see this stranger's physique and she put it in mind as one of those things she randomly sees in men. When they passed each other, the stranger stopped and called to her " Excuse me please". Precious stopped and turned to him, " Can I help you, Sir"?

I think so, I can't help but admire your beauty from afar, may I be honored to know who you are?

I'm sorry sir, I can't just give a total stranger my personal information.

I see my bad, please don't be offended, my name is Sidney and I'm new in town. I was just trying to familiarize myself with the locality.

Doesn't matter, I can't help you.

That is very bad of you, what if the situation is reversed and you are the one new in town and I treat you so?

I'm sorry, I'm heading to the market and can't delay sir I wish I could help you but there is nothing I can do.

How about I join you?

Precious feeling bad for her reaction earlier, tries to be friendly. She reasoned this kind of situation could have been her too and it can happen to anyone, she remembers how her pastor preached about loving one another and including strangers, she turned to Sidney and saw an expectant appeal in his eyes, come to think of it she hasn't seen his eyes back then when he draw her attention or was she mistaken? So with that, she agrees for Sidney to follow her to the market.

Sure, you can.

Perfect. Thank you.

So they both went to the market and she showed him places and how the town is, and he made her laugh and forget her worries and doubt, he told her a story about the other side and she shuddered and thought it was just a talk. Are you saying ghosts are real?

Yes, they are real he answered.

Why would they not rest after they have been buried?

Who knows he replies, maybe they haven't fulfilled their purpose or maybe they need revenge.

That is creepy, can we talk about other things, please?

Sure, but you haven't told me about your name yet.

Sorry, my name is Precious.

That is a beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you, you are too beautiful and I wish to marry you. She laughed thinking how funny he was, but she couldn't help thinking about how handsome he was how he made her so happy in just a few minutes they met, and how he made her not think of any other thing than about him. There was a hint of a flush on her cheek when she looked at him. Suddenly he stopped and held her hands "Precious you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the two hundred years I have roamed the earth and in the one hundred and fifty countries I have been to, I can't help; it want to be with you and will be happy if you will be my wife, I will be honored". She could do nothing but get mesmerized by him and she couldn't say no while looking at those eyes, it felt like looking at her soul and she heard a small voice in her head telling her to say yes and she agreed.

Sidney was overjoyed and he kissed her which finally sealed her date, for she had never been kissed by a man before and Sidney's power was in his kiss. And so she went to the market and he promised to visit her the next day. "But you don't know my house she told him".

Don't worry, I already know your name and will always find your home.


Mr Cardosa was a retired army general who spent most of his time running a private security firm, he had a stout shoulder with a beefy physique, a strong jaw, and a nose that had been broken numerous times. His eyes are always cold and twisting and they get narrower when he is angry, just as they did on this particular morning, he was having a nice sleep when the doorbell rang. Mr. Cardosa checked the time and it was just a few minutes past five he got angry wondering who could be visiting at this time. When he opened the door, he saw a young man in a white suit and could swear he looked translucent, but blamed it on his eyes and that he had just woken up. " Who the ruddy hell are you ? And why trouble us at this hour? Speak fast or you have a lot to answer to today".

Sorry sir, you must be Precious dad, my name is Sidney and I'm here to inform you that I will be marrying your daughter today and right now.

Mr Cardosa wasn't having it funny and his eyes got narrower, he knew he needed to calm down before he raised all hell on this kid. He inhaled and exhaled slowly as the doctor told him to calm down. He turned to the young man but lost his anger and asked, "Are you not supposed to be in bed at this time"?

Sorry sir I don't sleep.

You mean you couldn't sleep?

No sir, I don't sleep at all.

Are you stupid?

No sir.

Are you a damn ghost?

Yes sir.

Mr. Cardosa started laughing and Sidney joined him, Mr. Cardosa couldn't help but blame his bad luck on drugs, he had heard how young men have ruined their lives due to hard drugs and he couldn't put it past this young man to be suffering from the same date, while still laughing he slams the door and couldn't help but feel bad that this could happen to him when the day hasn't even started or was this a sign he shouldn't go out throughout the day? He returned to his room but sleep eluded him and he went to Precious's room with a snarl he kicked her door open, Precious jumped with a start, and with sleepy eyes she turned to the door" Dad?

Shut up, who is the fool named Sidney?

Dad! What is the matter with Sidney?

I'm the one asking the question, that fool was at the door at this time, talking of how he came to marry you.

Oh, I thought he was joking. She said this with a faraway look on her face and her dad had to gently slap her face to get her attention again" What is wrong with you? I don't want to see you with that fool again or you will regret it.

But dad I.. and he cut her off, " I don't want to see you with that guy again and that is final.

And then Sidney appears right between them with a smirk on his face he turned to Mr Cardosa, but I have always been here and will always be around.

Both father and daughter faint.

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