Wednesday 10 April 2024


 It was quiet in the woods, and a weak breeze blew to try to penetrate the trees. The path was dark yet it was morning, there was no bird singing nor any insect making any noise, even the cricket that usually chirps couldn't be heard that particular morning. Brandon was curious about the silence in the woods, this was the first time they are experiencing it and he couldn't make anything of it. He walk just behind his father on the well used part, he glance behind and saw a dark shaped the moves behind a tree before he could make anything of it. He moved on not wanting to lost track of where his father went. He remembers how he got lost in the woods and spend every moment trying not to shit on his pant from fear of what may jumped on him, it was an experience he wished not to repeat again. Suddenly the path open up and he increase his stride to walk beside his father " father, seem like something is wrong".

"And what is that supposed to mean"? His father asked in a hush voice.

The woods is too quiet. Brandon answers, he plug on when he noticed his father shaking his head." We have never witness anything like this since we started hunting in this woods, I feel something have change.

Well you know hunting deers is not easy with every noise, the silence helps to give them assurance that they are safe.

But this is different. Brandon was not done and he feels the hair on the back of his hands stand up, he stops making his father to stop and look around with an inquiry in his gaze." What is it"?

Something is following us he replied.

Don't be a fool, nothing can follow a hunter unless such animal want to be guest in the cook pot.

What if the hunters becomes the hunted?

Never mind, let us get going. And so they keep walking, but Brandon couldn't help looking about now and then he will glance, believing something is after them. While he was looking about suddenly he bump into his father who was standing."what the hell...he tried to curs, but his father stopped him with a hand in his mouth and nodded in an eastern direction. Brandon take a looks and was impressed to see the massive deer munching on the grass in the distance. He looks at his father who nodded again and they both went down flat and slide on their stomach as silently as they can be, when they were about one hundred meters from the rear of the deer, they stopped and as silent as the grave, his father unslung the riffle from his shoulder and prepare to take a aim, when his elbow land on a stick and the stick snap. Both hunters hold their breath and look in the direction of the deer whose head is turned to the noise. Brandon eyes bulge for what he is seeing is not normal, the deer face is rotten with fly and maggot oozing out, and the smell is nauseating even from as far as the one hundred meters he gasps and the deer takes off." What is really going on father? We need to get out of here.

You are right son, it seem we have stumbled into something beyond us. And at that moment there was a deafening roar a few meters away from them which made them both stiffen.

" What was that? His father asked to no one in particular.

I believe that was the shadow I have been seeing earlier as we enter the woods.

You have been seeing shadows and you said nothing?

I think it was nothing.

You are right, the hunter is now the hunted, we need to get moving and fast too.

And so they ran.

As Brandon and his father fled through the dense underbrush, their breaths ragged and hearts pounding, fear gripped them like icy claws. 

"We need to find a safe place to hide," Brandon gasped between strides, his voice strained with panic.

His father nodded grimly, his eyes darting from shadow to shadow as if expecting the beast to materialize at any moment. "Keep moving, son. We can't let it catch us."

They pushed forward, branches scratching at their faces, thorns tearing at their clothes. The woods seemed to close in around them, suffocating and oppressive. 

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending shivers down their spines. 

"It's getting closer!" Brandon cried, his voice tinged with desperation.

His father grabbed his arm, pulling him onward. "We can't let it catch us. We have to keep moving."

But as they ran, their strength waned, and hunger gnawed at their stomachs. Days passed without food, and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm them. 

"We can't go on like this," Brandon said hoarsely, his voice barely audible over the pounding of their footsteps. "We need to find something to eat."

His father nodded, his face drawn with fatigue. "But how? Everything in these woods seems to be hunting us."

They stumbled on, their bodies weak and their spirits fading. But just when they thought they couldn't go on any longer, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. 

"There!" Brandon exclaimed, pointing to a cluster of berries hanging from a nearby bush. "We can eat those."

His father nodded, his eyes brightening with newfound determination. "Let's go."

With renewed energy, they reached for the berries, their mouths watering at the thought of food. But as they plucked the fruit from the bush, a low growl echoed through the trees, freezing them in their tracks.

"It's here," Brandon whispered, his voice trembling with fear.

But instead of running, they stood their ground, ready to face whatever horrors lurked in the shadows. For they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

As they stood their ground, the tension in the air was palpable. Brandon's heart hammered in his chest as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation. But when the beast emerged from the shadows, its massive form towering over them, Brandon's courage faltered. He felt a warm trickle down his leg as fear overwhelmed him, and without a second thought, he turned and ran.

"Brandon, wait!" his father called out, but his voice was drowned out by the roar of the beast.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Brandon sprinted blindly through the underbrush, his only thought to escape the monster that pursued him. But as he ran, his foot caught on a root, and he stumbled forward, crashing to the ground.

"Brandon!" his father's voice echoed in the distance, but Brandon was too consumed by fear to respond.

As he struggled to his feet, he saw the beast closing in, its eyes blazing with hunger. But just when it seemed all hope was lost, a glimmer of light appeared through the trees. With a surge of desperation, Brandon pushed himself forward, running as fast as his legs would carry him.

And then, miraculously, they stumbled across the boundary of the woods, the sudden transition from darkness to light blinding in its intensity. With a final burst of energy, Brandon and his father broke free from the confines of the forest, collapsing onto the grassy expanse beyond.

For a moment, they lay there, panting and gasping for breath, the sounds of the forest fading into the distance. And as they looked back at the dark canopy that had nearly been their undoing, they knew they had escaped by the narrowest of margins.

"Are you okay, son?" his father asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Brandon nodded weakly, relief flooding through him like a wave. "I think so. But I never want to go back there again."

His father placed a hand on his shoulder, his expression grave. "Neither do I, son. Neither do I."


your opinion is important to me.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...