Friday 12 April 2024


 Rose is always afraid when the noise starts, it isn't always like this, she remembers all those happy days and how her family used to be, but now she can't tell what went wrong and how her father is treating the family trash. On this particular night, she is in her room reading a book and trying to forget her family problem, she is fourteen and yet most people think she is eighteen due to her body. She has a full breast and hips that baffled even her, her lips are full she gets whistled at any time she walks on the street. She has complained to her mum so many times about how uncomfortable she is while walking in the street and getting whistled at, but her mum told her it is normal since she is a teen it is bound to happen but she must be careful and never lose her guard and so she has let it go.

While she was thinking about it, she heard a shout at first she couldn't make out the words and was straining to catch a word or two when it came crashing on her." How dare you let me stand at my door for hours before you let me in? Her father roared.

I'm so sorry I was busy in the kitchen and it wasn't even up to an hour, just a few seconds.

Are you questioning me?

No! I can never do that, my love. She could smell his breath as he shouted and she knew this intoxication was not the usual, he had gone far today. His words are slurred she needs to be careful. 

Rose started crying in her room, it is always so any time her father is drunk, he used to be a good man and still good but when he drank so much everything seemed hateful to him, how and when he became a hard drinker she couldn't tell, it is so painful leaving in a house full of hatred and malice. She heard a loud sound like a hand hitting something and she knew he had hit her mum her mum would be silent to endure so as not to let her hear her cry.

She heard him coming up the stairs and pretended she was sleeping, she cringed when his footstep stopped at her door, did she lock the door? She questioned herself and praying she did with the hope that he move on. Her hope was dashed when the door handle rattled and her door open, she held her breath and prayed he would not step in, she heard a staggering footstep come her way and stopped at the edge of her bed. She is facing the wall, with her back to the door trying to hide her face, she even her breathing. With another shuffle of his foot and a hand cupping her ass, she held her breath as the hand move to her breasts." Nice combination he murmurs, seems like someone is enjoying my daughter more than me, it will have to end. He shifts his hands down and slides them under her nightgown, she stiffens and holds his hand to stop him from going any further." Father! What are you doing?

Shut up, are you questioning me while someone else enjoyed my daughter?

Please Father stop, no one has ever done this to me. He smacked her hand away with a snarl." I will be the judge of that you wasted fool, your mate is getting married and having babies, while you spread your legs for some cheap fools, now shut up and be still he orders. And with that, he parts her pants while she cries which never deters him, he is far gone in his hibernation and suddenly the door opens and her mum is standing there." ROWLAND! That is enough, she is your daughter stop it now.

He froze with his finger a few meters from her virginal, he turned with a look of death in his eyes, and she backed out hoping he would come for her, which he did and as she moved backward, she start undressing before entering their room, she lay naked on the bed and spread her legs apart. He came in with violence in mind but stopped when he saw how she was, playing with his daughter caused him to get an erection. He doesn't wait as he rushes his wife and slides in with an animalistic behavior grunting and slapping her and when he is about cumming, he bites her on the shoulder and roars. He lay on top of her panting. And that was how they were till morning.

When he opened his eyes, he saw what he had done and started crying." I'm so sorry honey please forgive me he was shocked.

It is okay honey, it was the drink.

No! Drinking can't let a person to do this, I believe it is part of me. What did I do last night?

Don't worry about it honey, I hope you will stop drinking so all this will not happen again.

What happened? I remember a bit or two, did I enter Rose's room? At this, she avert her face not looking at him.

Please tell me I don't do anything to her.

You nearly do, I had to stop you as you can see the results in my appearance.

He couldn't hold it anymore and he started crying more, he stood up and went to Rose's room, but she wouldn't let him in and he sat at her door crying and begging for forgiveness." My darling I'm so sorry please forgive me.

Please go away, you aren't my father.

I'm your father, don't say that, please.

My father will never do what you did to me last night she screamed.

Yeah, I guess you are right and I'm sorry, I promised never to do that again and I will make it up to you for my bad behavior.

I can't forgive you just like that, if you want my forgiveness then stop drinking and with time if I see a change I will decide.

Fair point my darling, I agree. With that, he stood up and became a better father, he stopped drinking and staying out late at night, and he declined every offer from his friends with introduced him to late-night parties and drinks. He always has had tears in his eyes anytime he sees his daughter hoping one day she will talk to him and forgive him for his sins.

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Kim and Mao

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