Tuesday 7 May 2024


 Jacob grew up in one of those poor slim sprawling cities, he is a timid boy and honest with a fault, he will never find trouble nor even think of doing anything that is illegal or can lead to a fight. He came from a middle-class family, his dad is a health officer while his mum is a nurse. They are not wealthy but they are comfortable. He is the third child in a family of four kids.

At a young age, Jacob was afraid of school and didn't like schooling, he could hardly read or write and everything seemed like jargon to him anytime he opened a book. One day, they were asked to write a letter to any of the girls they admired and each of the girls was also asked to write a letter to each of the boys they admired.

Jacob was perplexed because he couldn't be able to write anything, he was just there holding his pen and paper not knowing what to do, he craned his neck to look at what Mary was writing since she was his seatmate." Better mind your business and don't copy. Mary told him as she fumed covering her book. Just then someone tapped Jacob on his shoulder and he turned to see who it was and was shocked to see it was Thelma.

Thelma is the most beautiful girl in the class and the most brilliant one too, Jacob has always admired Thelma and always daydreamed about her and how he wishes they could marry. She is so sweet and her friend Eka is also brilliant and beautiful, but Thelma is the best, he looks into her eyes and is drowning in their beauty." Yes, he finds himself saying.

And she hands him a folded paper." Take this and find someone to read it for you. She said while shying away with a coy smile.

Jacob took the folded paper and noticed it was scented too, he put it in his bag and couldn't help smiling of all the girls in the class, he got a note from Thelma. He grins and hurry hurried home after school. He rushed to his elder brother Samuel to read the note for him." Sammy, could you help me read a letter?

Sure, who is it from?

My classmate Thelma.

So you have a girl now?

No! We were asked to write a letter and she send me one.

Alright, let me take a look. And Jacob hands the letter to Samuel who sniffs it and mutters something under his breath.

What did it say? Jacob asked.

Calm down man let me read it. And he starts.

 Dear Jacob.

It is nice to write to you and I feel glad this opportunity came by, I have been noticing you and I have no way to approach you to express how I feel about you. 

I like you, for you are humble and kind, you have a beautiful heart and I would like to be part of your story. Even my friend Eka is willing to tag along because she is also interested in you thank you.

Yours Faithfully 



Please reply.

Jacob snatched the letter from his brother and couldn't help smiling while his brother called him names, he ignored him and brought out fresh paper and asked his brother to help him with his words.

That will cost you, his brother told him.

I'm your brother he protests.

Then go and learn how to read and write. Jacob feels defeated." How much? He asked.

A hundred bucks.

That is a lot, I don't have that with me.

Start with your lunch money then.

I'm given only twenty bucks a day.

Well, that is not my problem you know.

Alright, you can have it.

His brother then crafts a short note.

Dear Thelma,

Thank you for your kind words, I accept.

Yours Faithfully 


Jacob took the note handed to him by Samuel." But this is not much he complained.

That will do.

Are you sure?

Damnit if you are not going to take it then go and write your own his brother said so angrily. And better start paying from tomorrow.

Jacob handed the letter the next day to Thelma after school closed and hurried home not wanting to see her reaction. He went home and was shocked to see his family packing out of the house, he hurried to his dad." Daddy, why are we packing out?

Sorry son, it was so sudden, I have been transfer and we are changing location.

But my school?

You will be starting a new school son. Jacob couldn't believe what he was hearing, he could see Sammy laughing at him behind their dad, he started crying not knowing if he could see Thelma again.

That was like ten years ago, he is now fresh from college and looking for a job, sometimes he will sit in a corner looking at the sky for a very long time with his mind focusing only on Thelma, he will wonder how she is and what she is doing now? Is she married? He will question himself not wanting to know the truth. The pain is always unbearable anytime he thinks of Thelma. He could do nothing but try to set his life in order.

He finally got a job as a Data Entry Officer with a telecommunications company and he discovered his boss was worth a billion dollars. Those who had been there claimed if you worked hard, you would be rewarded so Jacob put his heart and soul into the job, for two years he bled for his boss but later started noticing that his boss didn't appreciate hard work, his boss spends more money on prostitute and night club than he spends for his workers.

Jacob started using his head to make his own money and things was going well for him.

He was promoted to Branch Manager and he was enjoying life to the fullest, he could get anything and any woman he wanted. Money was no issue because he made more money from his side deals than his salary. Then one day he was visited by his boss." Good morning boss.

Good morning Jacob, how is everything going?

Everything is fine sir.

I have very bad news, Jacob. Jacob started panicking inside, he thought his side deals had been exposed, he started sweating even though the air-conditioning was at its fullest." Sir, I don't understand he managed to say after a few minutes. Did I do anything wrong?

No Jacob, it has nothing to do with you.

What is wrong sir?

Well, Jacob, I'm closing the company.

WHAT! Jacob exclaimed.

Yes, you heard me, I'm closing the company down.

But why?

Well seems like the government is not honoring the terms of the deal I made with them so he said shrugging his shoulder.

But sir, if you close the company I will be jobless and getting a new job is not an easy task in this bad economy.

I know Jacob, that is why I'm sorry. His boss said standing up, please when you are leaving, pack your belongings and hand over the key to security, I'm really sorry.

Jacob was stunned, he could only nod his head as he stared at nothing in particular, he started packing his stuff while his mind ran riot. He knows getting another job will not be easy in the bad economy with inflation so h

igher than Mount Kilimanjaro. He sat down and wept.

Two years later Jacob was seen on the street job hunting, it had been very difficult for him in the past two years as he was among the millions of people looking for a job, anywhere he turned there was no vacancy or more than ten thousand people are applying for a single vacancy and you need to bribe to get the job. He feels bad because he has become cashless and trying to feed has been very difficult, he is running out of his savings one thing he is grateful for is that he is still single and never married. He wonders what would have happened if he had a wife and kids, he can see how others are going through a tougher time than he is, he sighs after another rejection and comes out of the office, he wasn't looking where he was going and he steps on a lady who just alight from a range rover." I'm so sorry I was not looking where I stepped my foot please forgive me. He apologizes.

It is okay sir, it was nothing.

Well, I'd best go on then because I may miss out on opportunities, I'm sorry again.

What opportunities?

Well as you can see many people around here going on with brown folders in hand just like this he said showing her his own.

Yeah, I see them.

Are you new here?

Yes, I just relocated here to meet my husband.

I see.

What is the matter?

There is no job in town and for any single vacancy, you will see about a thousand people applying for it.

That is very bad.

Yeah, I guess so, people are going crazy and some have even taken their lives. It is a hard world here.

I'm sorry I never got to know your name.

My name is Jacob.

Jacob, that is odd.


I knew a Jacob back then in elementary school. At this Jacob gets intrigued and looks at the young woman well, she is beautiful and that smile and when he looks into her eyes he just knows.

THELMA! He exclaimed.

Jacob, is this you?

Yes oh my God Thelma I can't believe I'm seeing you after all those years.

Jacob, what happened?

Many things.

Start from that day you gave me that letter.

That is a very long time.

Yeah. Care to give me the story over lunch?

I'm not having a dim on me.

Don't worry come on. And she dragged him to one of the best joints in town and asked him to order whatever he wanted.

Jacob couldn't believe Thelma was sitting right in front of him, he had a few tears in his eyes just looking at her, he ordered a king meal for he was famished and after the meal, he told her his story until he met her.

Did you forget about me?

I never for once in my life, there is no day I never think of you.


I have always loved you before you wrote that letter to me.

Well, what about now?

I will never stop loving you, Thelma.

I'm married now, Jacob.

And I have wept every time I think of you knowing you are married, I have always known and my heart breaks every time knowing another man is having you.

Let me have your papers, I can find you a job.


My husband is the minister.

Jacob was speechless but he handed over his file to her.

We will talk again Jacob. And with that, she left.

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