Thursday 9 December 2021


 Once upon a time, there was a kingdom name the upper world. This kingdom has been tormented by demons and so many underworld beast. 

At the age of thirteen every male is send to the border of the land between the Upper World and the UnderWorld to protect their kingdom from the beast of the dreaded demon clique. Everyone send at age 13 most serve seven years at the border before they are pronounced men. 

Most hadly survive and live to tell the tales, the land is frolicking with  evil at every turned that every injury is like the last minute to live.

Danzo was twelve year old when his father explain everything to him about the  land and the danger that they live in, unfortunately Danzo lost his family at that age and had to live alone and take care  of himself. 

So when Danzo turned thirteen years he is then send to the border to do his duty. 

On his first day while patrolling the land he was separated from his group and he found himself in a strange hole without the means of an escape. Then there was an apparition and the ghost of a legend of the land of Upper World appeared to Danzo. 

Danzo was not scared about ghost since he lives in a land full of evil, so he asked why do you separate me from my group?

And the ghost of Legend name Congo answer,  I am Congo legend of old and I chose you to pass my knowledge, I chose you for this generation to have another legend that can save them. 

Danzo asked how?  And Congo told him I will teach you my swordsmanship and everything I am known about so you can survive and save the world........

 Congo then appears in a mortal form for the last time to pass his knowledge and skills to the next saviour of the Upper World Danzo. 

He teaches him his swordsmanship skills and how to enter the underworld undetected, it was Congo that told Danzo about the tree of life that cure all sickness and bring those with their last breath back to life and it is the last seed he Congo used to come back to mortal just to passed his knowledge since it was prophesy so it should be.

In another ten years, the seed will be full grown again to be harvest by any who can enter the underworld and can survive the danger Congo told him, a time may come when a group or someone will be send to the underworld. Why ? Danzo asked.

It was prophecy a very long time ago that a time will come when such and such anyway you know how prophecy are right?

No idea.

Really, time have change Congo pipe in.

What does the prophecy says? Danzo asked.

A time will come when the legend will chose from the many, a young man of courage and skill to passed his knowledge.

The king must keep what he cherish most closed by for danger lurk in the palace for only the fruit of life can save and only so if the king failed.

Then will he seek he that must enter the underworld to get the fruit of life or life may be lost.

Meanwhile Danzo group thought he is dead and they have moved on since it is a regular occurrence where recruit disappeared and are never heard or seen again.

Danzo was a quick learn and in no time he mastered the swordsmanship of the famous Congo, he was train blindfold for the first three month and he has to do everything blindfold and when he complain, he was told that will be the trick that save him in the UnderWorld.

Congo then tell him, in the UnderWorld once anyone from the Upper World enter he will be noticed and hunted, everyone from the Upper World is like a signal and no matter where you hide you will be notice. 

Danzo then asked how do you survive if you are a signal in every direction? And Congo answered always on the move and fighting, from the boundary to the tree of life is about seven days and I was on the move and fighting till I reach the tree that was where there is safty and that was where you can get help. 

So why the blindfold? Danzo asked. 

Congo answered in the UnderWorld there is a place called the night eye where you can see nothing and you will have to move with your sense of touch, sound, hearing and smell.

 And there are those who dwell in the night eye that will turn you to stone if you open your eyes so you see why I train you on blindfold, it is no punishment but a means to save your life because you have a very crucial part to play for humanity salvation. 

So Danzo continue his training with Congo the legend and work his very best to pass every test thrown at him by the legendary Congo. 

They were training in a cave in the forest of Nowhere in the heart of the borderland between Upper World and UnderWorld. It is a place full of accident and sudden disappearance of people that was why his group never border to search for him when he goes missing. 

There was this time he was given a tasked to track a beast of the UnderWorld that is roaming the forest of Nowhere, Danzo was not scared because in his mind he has no one to missed him nor grieve for him so he takes everything as it comes and let fate decide. on this particular day he was to track the beast he went out from the cave with just his sword given to him by Congo a sword. Legend has it that the sword was the creation of substance from both Upper World and UnderWorld, it can penetrate and thing and can kill beast and demons without them reforming again and this was Congo sword which he hide for centuries for this particular day. 

So went Danzo on this day tracking the beast which he know nothing about but just following from the track and smell, he track the beast to the town of The Dwellers which is the last town to the forest of Nowhere and the last town to the borderland.

On instinct he decide to visit the stream which run behind the town just to see the lay of the land and there just a few distance he came across the beast trying to corner a maiden and so Danzo went into action.

He shout to distract the beast and when the beast turn he was shock to see it has the body of a man but with deformity and the face of a crush face with horns on either side of his head which are not too large but the horn on his forehead is larger and made it look hideous, and the beast roar with a screech like an Owl then he said who has come to disturbed me from my meal and Danzo answer it is I, and I am going to send you to the great beyond and the beast laugh and said I have live for centuries on the flesh of you humans and no one have dared to challenge me you weaklings dared and he attack with so much speed that Danzo shocked and off balance save him from the great fist of the beast.

 Danzo used the opportunity to put distance between him and the beast, the beast was enraged and charge again this time Danzo was ready when the beast attacked with his fist again he time the speed and the fighting stance of the beast and move forward as the beast raised his arm to crush him, he move forward and jabbed the beast with the point of his sword which nick the beast and draw green blood, the beast roar and attacked this time Danzo was not lucky as the beast great feet kick him in the stomach and he was lifted with such forced that he slammed into a tree.

When he look up he saw stars and he saw the beast in two place due to his blurt state and he was kick again with the unmistakable crack of his ribs. The beast was on the move and he was fast enough to sidestepped the third kick when he  swing his sword widely which bite into the beast leg which distract the beast as it scream in an agonizing moan, that gave him opportunity to roll and came behind the beast for a final thrust, but the beast was not done yet and he moved with such remarkable speed even though it has an injury leg that his back swing take Danzo by surprised as he was struck in his right shoulder which send him sprawling into the stream, when he emerg front the stream the beast was nowhere to be seen. 

Danzo listened intently to Congo's teachings, absorbing every word like a sponge soaking up water. As the days passed, he honed his skills with unwavering determination, his resolve strengthened by the knowledge that he was destined for greatness.

One night, as Danzo sat by the campfire, sharpening his sword, Congo appeared before him once again, his ghostly form flickering in the dim light.

"Congo, what must I do to fulfill my destiny and save our kingdom?" Danzo asked, his voice tinged with both eagerness and apprehension.

Congo's ethereal gaze fixed upon Danzo, his presence commanding yet comforting. "You must journey to the underworld, young Danzo, and retrieve the fruit of life from the sacred Tree of Life. Only then can you save our people from the clutches of darkness."

Danzo nodded solemnly, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. "But how will I find this tree? And how will I navigate the dangers of the underworld?"

Congo's ghostly form shimmered with an otherworldly glow as he imparted his wisdom to Danzo. "You must trust in your training, young warrior. The path to the Tree of Life is fraught with peril, but with courage and skill, you will prevail. Remember, always keep moving, and never lose sight of your goal."

With newfound resolve, Danzo set out on his quest, his sword at the ready and Congo's teachings echoing in his mind. The journey to the underworld was treacherous, every step fraught with danger as he battled fierce creatures and navigated dark, twisting caverns.

Finally, after days of relentless pursuit, Danzo emerged into a vast chamber bathed in an eerie, ethereal light. At its center stood the majestic Tree of Life, its branches laden with glowing fruit that pulsed with life-giving energy.

As Danzo approached the tree, he could feel the weight of his mission bearing down upon him. With steady hands, he plucked a single fruit from the tree's boughs, its radiant glow illuminating the darkness of the underworld.

But just as Danzo turned to leave, a sinister voice echoed through the chamber, sending shivers down his spine. "So, the legendary Danzo has come seeking the fruit of life," a dark figure sneered, emerging from the shadows.

Danzo tightened his grip on his sword, his senses on high alert. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice ringing with defiance.

The figure stepped forward, revealing a twisted visage that sent a chill down Danzo's spine. "I am the Guardian of the Underworld, sworn to protect the sacred tree from those who would seek to abuse its power," the creature hissed, its eyes burning with malevolent intent.

With a fierce battle cry, Danzo lunged forward, his blade flashing in the dim light as he clashed with the Guardian. Their swords rang out in a symphony of steel as Danzo fought with all his might, his every move fueled by the determination to protect his kingdom and fulfill his destiny.

But the Guardian was a formidable opponent, its strength and agility matched only by its ruthless cunning. With each strike, Danzo felt the weight of his fatigue bearing down upon him, threatening to overwhelm his resolve.

As the battle raged on, Danzo's mind flashed back to Congo's teachings, his words echoing in his ears like a guiding light in the darkness. Drawing upon every ounce of strength and skill he possessed, Danzo pressed forward, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

And then, in a final, desperate gambit, Danzo unleashed a flurry of blows that sent the Guardian reeling. With a mighty roar, he delivered the decisive strike, his sword piercing the creature's heart with a resounding thud.

As the Guardian crumpled to the ground, defeated, Danzo stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion. With trembling hands, he retrieved the fruit of life from where it had fallen, its radiant glow casting a warm, comforting light upon his weary form.

With the precious fruit in hand, Danzo knew that his journey was far from over. But as he gazed into the shimmering depths of the underworld, he felt a renewed sense of purpose burning within him, guiding him forward on his quest to save his kingdom and fulfill his destiny as the savior of the Upper World. 

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