Friday 26 April 2024


 This is one hell of a day to be on duty and at night. Bella complains inwardly not airing her view or she will be queried by her boss. It was a nice Friday night and she had a good plan, only to be called that she had a shift to replace one of the morticians. Working as a morgue attendant for the past four years has made her see things beyond human comprehension and that is what sore her mood the more because she prefers spending the weekend with the living and not the dead.

Bella sighed as she sat in her office, she looked around at the small tiny space and grimaced not sure how she came to even be there in the first place, her office contained a small desk and an old HP computer with the paint even peeling from the wall. The chair she sat on wasn't even comfortable and it gave her pain in her back, she yarn and her eyes closed with her chin coming slowly to rest on her chest.

Suddenly there was a blaring of alarm and Bella jumped up with a start, it took a few moments for her to remember she was in the office, she raced to the door and was shocked to see a few people hurrying into the reception area with a body on a trolley and a young man wailing like a baby.

She stood back watching the drama unfold with a sense of a little excitement since she had been bored this was turning into a nice night, she watched as Doctor Eric pronounced the victim dead on arrival and she looked as the young man faint from the loss or heartache she couldn't tell, it was her duty to get the body to the morgue.

She advanced toward the body and Doctor Eric nodded to her, she pushed the trolley to the morgue and wondered if they would do an autopsy, she didn't care as long as she did her duty and got back home in time for her plans and there is still time, as she moved on, she was called by a nurse." Bella"

What is it? Benita.

What happened over there? Benita asked while pointing at the reception area.

No idea, a dead body was brought in. She said nodding at the trolley.

Benita looked down and noticed the victim. " Damn, she is so young."

Bella followed her gaze and looked down with a fran, she never noticed while she moved the body." I guess so."

Anyway, can't keep you standing by, go on we will catch up later Benita told her as she went about her duty.

Bella wheels her trolley with the body on, hoping to be done and she prays let this be the only body tonight. When she reached the morgue, she was helped by her assistant Rose.

A new one I guess, Rose announced looking at the body.

Yeah just came in, Bella answered.

What do you think caused the death?

That is not my place, let the pathologist do their work, I never know if there will even be an autopsy.


Don't but me Rose, if the family wants it fine, if they don't want it still fine with me.

Yeah, I guess that is right.

You aren't paid to guess but to do your duty and follow an order.

Yes ma'am.

Good, as they turned to the body, they saw the hand move, Bella turned to Rose." Did you see that?

Yeah, I was thinking it was my imagination.

While they look, the head turned to face them and they both hold their breath, hoping it isn't what they are seeing. Bella took a few steps back while Rose moved to the body to see if what she was seeing was real." I don't think that is a good thing to do she told Benita.

What do you mean? Benita asked her.

Look at her face, her eyes are bloodshot and part of her cheek is decaying just now they brought her in.

Well, what if she is alive and needs medical attention?

Doctor Eric announced her death on arrival Rose.

What if he is wrong?

Are you mad? You are questioning the best Doctor in the world? Bella noticed the body moving slowly toward Rose, I think you better take a step back, that body is moving toward you.

Rose turned and on seeing the body moving toward her with hands outstretched, she ignored Bella and moved to the body." Are you okay? She asked.

While trying to get a hold of the woman." That is not a good idea, Bella told her. But Rose still ignored her and suddenly the light flicked off, Bella held her breath and when the light flicked on for a mere seconds, she gasped as she saw the corps of the dead woman standing and advancing toward Rose. And then she heard Rose scream, she took a few steps back until her back touched the wall and then the light came on which blinded her for a moment and when she could see, she saw the dead corps feeding on Rose who had stopped screaming but choking on her blood pouring from her neck where the dead woman bites her. Bella scrambled toward the door at the other side which drew the dead woman's attention to her and she stand up from the body of Rose and looks at Bella with her head cock to the right and then left as if she is listening to something. Bella was shocked to see Rose's eye dangling on the lips of the dead woman, she thought this was a dead body coming to life, and she looked at Rose and was amazed to see her twisting and snarling on the ground she wasted no time in running away, as she barges out of the door, she bumps into Doctor Eric." What is the matter?

She was breathing hard." Don't go in there."

Why? I was just coming to see you about the dead body.

Don't go in there, please.

What is wrong?

The dead body came back to life and attack Rose.

That is absurd.

And then the dead body came out while Doctor Eric was trying to get into the room.

Doctor Eric jumped back with a start, he saw the dead body making her way toward him with hand outstretched blood dripping from her mouth and an eye dangling on her lips, not far behind he saw another figure moving behind the dead body. He heard a gasp behind him and risked a turn and he saw Bella mouthing the word Rose."that must be the assistant he thought. Before he could say something they attacked him so fast he stumbled and fell and they both fell on him and then Bella screamed as she turned running, she burst into the reception area with eyes wild shouting." They are killing Doctor Eric! 

Who? Asked Bianca the old receptionist. 

The dead body they brought in a few minutes ago just attacked Rose, and now Rose and the dead body are attacking Doctor Eric.

At this, the young man who brought the dead body jump-up and ran in the direction that Bella came in.

Benita was skeptical about what Bella just said." Are you really okay Bella?

What do you mean?

How can you say a dead body attacks Doctor Eric?

Of course, that is what happens.

Bella you need to calm down all this hysteria will do you no good.

I'm outta here, call 911 now or you will regret it.

Wait, don't go we are still on duty.

At that moment there came screaming and the light switched off, Benita grab Bella hands and Bella hit her and backed away toward the door, she saw a shadow creeping toward where she was standing a moment ago and silently she went down on her belly and crawl slowly toward the exit. She heard Benita calling her name but she still willing herself to be silent and then she heard Benita saying." What the hell Bella, you stink."

As she crawled, she mistakenly hit a glass jar besides the door and it fell shattering the silence, she stood up and scrambled at the door and risked a glance back, even at the dim light coming from the street, she could see Benita getting embraced by a dark figure, she never wait to find out what happened as she ran out into the night.

Outside was chaos, people were running everywhere and some boarding house doors and windows, she saw a woman staggering about with blood pouring from every part of her body and she was laughing trying to grab at a teen. Bella ran around the block and saw a young man trying to board a door." Please wait, don't board it yet she called out while running toward him.

The young man looked up and stopped waiting for her." Hurry up, before these freakiest get to me. Bella ran and barged into the room just as a few walking dead appeared at the start of the street, she helped the young man to board every entry to the house.

Thank you, my name is Bella.

Morris, he said extending a hand.

Thank you, Morris, you just saved my life.

You are welcome.

What happened?

There was an announcement about an experiment gone wrong and how everyone is to stay out of the CODEX BAR, but I guess people don't listen because everything starts from there.

Oh really, that means I was lucky, I planned to hang out there but I was called to duty.

Are you a nurse?

No, a Mortician.

What the hell is that?

We take care of the dead in the morgue.

What the hell, and I let you in here.

I'm okay as you can see.

Yeah, I'm the president of the United States.

I'm okay.

How do I be sure about that?

See I'm not bleeding from the eye or nose she said turning around and showing him her body.

Yeah, so what do you think of these freakies?

I don't know, I had to run out of the morgue when these bodies kept coming back to life.

That sounds crazy.

Yeah, they got my assistant and a Doctor.

How did you get out of it?

I had to leave everything and run.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What do we do?

Now we wait and let the government do their damn thing.

I hope you are stocked.

Yeah, lucky me.

And with that, they both fall silent waiting for that good news that will usher them int

o a new day with no worries or fear.

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