Tuesday 27 February 2024


Jessica was working on her computer in the office, she had a deadline to meet and she was tired of the workload she had accumulated and she needed to be done. Suddenly her screen goes blank and a message pops up "YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN" Then the screen goes back to normal, she is stunned and she shakes her head hoping she is not dreaming. She admitted she was tired and maybe imagining things, but she concluded that she couldn't finish the work that night. She checked the time and was shocked to see two pm-midnight. She hurriedly closed her computer and roundup her things to go home, she can't believe she is alone in the office and wasn't aware when others left. 
She closed her office and locked the door, she take the lift from the 50th floor, when she reach the down floor, the door man was glaring  at her without any embarrassment, she raised her eyes to his face to asked what was wrong but shocked on her own words when she noticed his eyes, his eyes are blank with pure white. She hurried out trying to put a distance. A cab was parked a few meter and she hurried to hailed it but stop on her track when she saw the cabbie face, like the door man, his eyes were blank staring too and his meter have the same word as her computer "YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN".
Jessica is now afraid, she ran along the silent road alone and with no idea what is happening. Her regular coffee shop display have the word "YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN JESSICA". She ran and ahead there was a turn. if she take it, she will be in her friend Dave home. As she take the turned on a full speed without slowing, she bump into a man and lost her balance, but before she could fall, he catch her and smiles. 
Jessica was unprepared to see such handsome face, his eyes were dark and his face is as smooth as silk, he has a firm jaw line and a pointed nose with fit with his lean face. His hair is shoulder length and cascade over his face as he bend to catch her from falling. 
Do I have something in my face? He asked her.
She blushed not knowing she has been staring for long. I'm sorry I don't know what is wrong, everything is getting out of control.
Hmmmmmm... really like you bumping into me at full force.
Sorry, who are you?
You really don't want to know "Jessica".
Her head snap to his face with a speed unbelievable with eyes bulging and mouth gaping she asked how did you know my name?
Hahaha Jessica after all I send you a message.
So it was you?
Actually it wasn't me, but my father.
Who are you really?
Can't say but let me advice you, move forward and don't step back or you will be taken.
Taken by who?
No who but them, and he point behind her.
Jessica turned her head but saw no one, she turn back and the man wasn't there again. Her nerves were so jumpy and ran ahead this time she will never stop for anything, as she ran she heard a voice shouting "Mark my son where are you"? 
Please Mark, it is me your granny. Don't leave me here alone 
Jessica stop on her track, she reason all those she has meet has blank stare, what if this woman is facing same situation as me? What if we can worked it out together? And so she ran to the old woman.
Ma'am what is wrong?
It is my son "Mark" 
What happened to him?
He got angry at home and walk out, everyone know the night is not safe, I need to find him before others do.
I'm heading to the next street, will look around and if I see him, I will tell him where you are, so just wait here.
Okay thank you, young lady.
And she hurried on after rounding the street, she saw a figure moving ahead. And she hurried on. From a few meter she called "Mark"?
The figure stop and turned, she was relieved to see it was a young man her age.
Sorry who are you?
My name is Jessica, I saw your grandma looking for you and I offer to check.
Okay, where is she?
Just a few street back.
Sorry I'm new around here, I lost my way back, can you lead me to her?
And Jessica step back with him. While they were walking back, she noticed the landscape changing and now there is mist, were there used to be building. She notice a bridge ahead across a river and then she stop abruptly.
What is wrong "Jessica"?
This is wrong.
Why? This feel like home.
And she turned to look at him, only to notice the man she bumps into earlier. She screams but he silence her with a wave of his hand.
I told you not to take a step back right. You can speak now 
She was still screaming when she wakes up.

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