Thursday 2 February 2023

Prince Kanji

Chapter 1.

The friends

 Kanji lives a simple life as a sales executive with a retailer company, he lives in a modest one bedroom flat in the highbrow area in town. He doesn't have much friends and live as an introvert with just a few social parties he struggle to attend either drag out by friends or by the company he works for. He lack nothing and can get whatever he wants, money is not his problem, because he knows how wealthy he is, but can't say because he is running from his past and live a life known to no one.

Kanji train everyday before and after work in karate, sword fight, hand to hand combat, arrow shooting and how to be faster than the average human. He knows a time will come for his past to come calling and he intend to be prepared. 

Sharon is Kanji friend and people think they are dating which they laugh off, Sharon works as an event planner and due to her skills she is the number one event manager that the elite in society patronize. She has three close friends Linda, Sarah, Deborah popularly called Debbie. These four friends are so closed yet they don't know Sharon and Kanji are not dating thinking Sharon is playing with their intelligence. 

Linda is the bold one among her friends and she is the one with iron heart, she sleep with men now and then and don't care what people say about her, she go for what she wants and she gets it, no matter how longs it takes and she is well known by all as a woman who knows how to used her power to get any job done and in no time.

 Sarah is the peace maker among the friends and she is always calm, she has a boyfriend who cheats on her with every opportunity he has, she knows but she is hoping he will change and marry her when he is ready about it or when he gets tired of his cheating lifestyles, she has been advised by her friend Linda to leave but Sarah is adamant about it and don't want to hear such talk again.

Debbie is smart and came from a humble background, her dad is a plumber and she is the first daughter. She work hard to send money to her family for food and school fees of her younger ones. She work as a class room teacher and she is very shy when it comes to dating due to her experience she has vow to wait till a serious man who will marry her comes.

On this particular morning while starting the day activities in the office, Kanji got one of the message he has been dreading about, knowing he can never say No or turn down such for it is a letter coming from his home and the royal seat at that, for his father the king has summon him back home to play a role in his sister upcoming wedding to a distant prince from another kingdom. He left work going home without even a word to anyone for he was thinking ten years was not even enough and yet he is going back to a place he doesn't like or want to be due to the hard life and the many challenges as a prince, he chose to leave everything for his brother Bond, who want everything and who is the eldest. While he was thinking all this there came a knock on his door, when he open it was Sharon.

What is wrong with you and why are you sitting in the dark? I was at your place of work and was told you just left without a word. Kanji! What is wrong?

It is nothing to worry about Sharon, really am fine.

No way, you are not fine. Now tell me what is up?

Like I said it is not really Sharon, it is just about my sister getting married and I have been summon home.

Wow!! Congratulations that is a good news, why this sad face?

Well going home is another thing, beside I ran from home away from all the....never mind.

The what?

Just forget it.

Okay, anyway home you will let me and the girls come along?

What !!

So you mean you are not inviting us?

Oh no no no, am sorry I was not even thinking about it ha, eh see am sorry Sharon my mind was just too preoccupied. Sure you guys can come along. 

Good, let me get the girls.

While Sharon went out, Kanji was even brooding more, I can't believe I just invite them, oh no what was I even thinking ? This is really getting out of hand damn it. Beside it is not even safe there and with all the talk of breached? What am I even getting myself into.

Sharon made a video conference call with her friends telling them about the wedding invitation by Kanji.

Linda: I don't know about going please there is this client am about to catch-up with in a few days time.

Sarah: of course I will be there with you guys, Kanji is a nice guy and I would love to meet his family, as you all knows we know nothing about it.

Debbie: sure I go.

Linda: come to think of it, Sarah is right. Kanji as been a mystery, I think I will go, when is the date for departure?

Sharon: I think it will be tomorrow because before I left he was packing stuff.

Chapter 2.

Going back home.

When Sharon and the girls meet Kanji, he was at the wheel of a Prado Jeep waiting for them.

Sharon was like hey Kan, where did you get this Jeep? Or is it a rental?

No I just bought it today.

Stop kidding you don't have the money for such.

Well am not lying Sharon are you guys getting in or not?

Linda: oh Sharon stop the nagging please.

And they all enter, while Kanji put the jeep in motion. After driving a few miles he turn into a dirt road and told them they will be resting in an inn at the end of the road before they continue their journey.

Sarah: what place is this? I have never heard of a place and I don't even know where we are, Linda have you been around here before ?

Linda: why are you all looking at me like that? Am I the one driving the car?

Debbie: you know you have got the experience.

Linda: experience?

Sharon: you know with men and places?

Linda: so are you guys mocking me just because I have plenty makes friends.

Kanji was laughing at that.

Linda: what is funny?

Kanji: sorry 

Sarah: everyone please calm down, Linda it is okay, you know they mean nothing about what they said, we just want to know.

Linda: then asked kanji.

Kanji: I will explain let us get there first, before we reach I will tell you guys a few things about me, for we are in the boarder between.

Sharon: okay guys shut it then till we get to the inn.

And so they drive for more than five hours before getting at the inn, which is on a lonely part at an hilly side of a mountain.

Linda: wow so this kind place exist and I know nothing about it, it is so beautiful, wow is that even possible?

Kanji: laugh funny enough it is possible and there are more to it too.

Linda: and I was thinking you are a dullard and unrepentant introvert.

Debbie: that is not cool Linda!

Kanji never mind and stop videoing Debbie it is not nice.

Sarah: can we even afford this place? Debbie what is wrong? You look sick.

Debbie: I just got a text, my dad need surgery and oh my God ! They said it will cost him a million dollar.

Sarah: oh Debbie am so sorry.

Sharon: that is a lot of money and things is even hard with your family am sorry babe I will give you any help you need.

Linda: am sorry Kanji can we head back tomorrow?

Kanji: please calm down, Debbie call your family and tell them to take your dad to Doctor Richard at the New York Specialist Hospital, do that now.

Debbie: but we can't afford it, that is one of the most expensive hospital in the world oh no and Debbie start crying.

Kanji: calm down Debbie tell them to take him now, your dad will be alright. Let me called doctor Richard. And Kanji brought out his phone to call Doctor Richard right there after a single ring Doctor Richard answered.

Kanji forgetting his phone was in speaker mode....

Kanji: Richy I need your help urgently as in now please do not leave the hospital, there is an emergency case coming now, a Mr Andrew is being brought and you should give him all the best treatment I mean the best and as quick as possible.

Doctor Richard: yes sir, let me be preparing.

Kanji: don't charge him, forward every expenses to the inn.

Doctor Richard: alright boss.

At this all of them were looking at him and Kanji was like what did I do?

Sharon: he just called you boss?

Kanji: so?

Linda: there is a meaning to that and the way you command him...

Sarah: that is that too.

Debbie: Kanji who are you really.

Kanji: am me Debbie, anyway since you are not around can you please gives me your mum account let me send them something they can used to hold their end?

Debbie: you have already done enough thanks.

Kanji: forget it just give me the account number now, because we will soon be out of network range when we step into the inn.

Chapter 2 

In the Golden Kingdom, the king was having breakfast with his family and he turned to Prince Bond his eldest son.

Son, do you think your brother Kanji will return ?

Father! whether Kanji return or not is no consequences, we will proceeds as plan with the wedding.

You are wrong son, there is more at stake than you know.

What is at stake father? Any kingdom that refused to form in line or try causing problem will be dealt with.

It is not as simple as you think son, beside you can't used the sword on every fight.

Father is right Bond, we have to be patient because the kingdom of the East have been up to something or they are cooking something and yet we are not the enemy and can't afford to fight among ourselves when the North is staring little by little. Princess Lisa replied her brother.

Shut up! What do you even know? when men are talking you too want to say something eh.

Your sister is right, Queen Lisandra told her son, you need to be patient and calculative.

Lisa are you feeling somehow in that other awareness of yours King Bruce asked his daughter.

What awareness are you talking about father Bond asked.

You know Bond your sister and brother have magical powers and when the North stares they can feel it, that is why we need Kanji here.

Why don't I have too?

I don't know Bond, your father and me don't have too.

Enough of this, and don't let people know about it, for it is our secret and weapons the King bark.

Alright father.

And Bond mind how you talk to your sister and mind your manners.

Yes father .

Back then in the INN after Kanji drove in, ones the attendant saw him they all rush to him with smiles to welcome him and his friends.

Welcome your highness how may we be of service please the lead butler asked.

Calm down Ray, 

You still remember my name after all these years and even though I have aged this much?

Ha... Ray I can't forget your smile, it is like a world full of hope.

Don't flatter me boy, who are these beauties, don't tell me you are doing four now.

What are you talking about Sharon asked him.

Linda was laughing at that .

Debbie was like you can't be serious.

I have a boyfriend Sarah told him.

Oh that has never stop Kanji from having his way if you want to know he like challenge and go for those already taken.

Ray! You are embarrassing me please.

Are you blushing Kanji?

Shut up Sharon. And will you stop laughing at me Linda.

Well can't stop laughing and I was thinking you are gay.

And they all shout WHAT! Linda 

Oh don't look at me like that, why not when a handsome man keep to himself without looking at these tittie's and ass and she burst out laughing.

Ray this is all your fault anyway let me introduce my friends to you. This one here with the big eye is Sharon, the one looking around with calculative eye is Sarah and that one with the big tittie's is Linda and the quiet one is Debbie. Now where is Dave?

Oh I figure he will be here soon, he has been sent for. In the main time let me get you guys to your rooms.

Ray put us all in one room please.

Really Kanji. 

Oh just do it and don't look me like that.

I'm not going to cheat on my boyfriend Sarah replied.

Linda keep laughing or don't be a kid I thought you were smart, I figure he has something to say to us all and don't want to repeat himself right Kanji?

Thank you Linda, let us go in.

Ray turned to the workers around, what are you guys waiting for? Carry their bags to the King Chamber. After they were all set and Ray have order food and refreshment to be served, he left them promising to send Dave as soon as he returns from wherever he is.

After Ray left, Kanji turned to his friends but before he could speak, Debbie turned to him and asked Kanji why is it that those four picture frame are facing front with their face showing while the last one is not facing front but turn with the back showing?

Oh that, go and turn it and see the face if you want.

And Debbie went to the frame and try to turned it but her hand pass over it like a smoke. She turned to him but I can't.

Oh really Debbie? You can't turned a frame picture really Sharon asked?

Come and try it and see then.

And Sharon went to the frame and try to turned it but her hand too passed over it like a smoke, she turned to Kanji, why can't we do it?

Because it is magic.



How come?

Everything here is magic, that is why you can't make calls or text again I told you guys.

Sharon and Debbie will you guys keep quiet while Kanji tell his tales Sarah asked them. And she turn to Kanji please go on with your story.

Kanji turned to them well as you may have figured out, am a prince and this INN is own by my half brother Dave and those people in the picture are my family my father King Bruce, my mother Queen Lysandra, my brother Prince Bond and my sister Princess Lisa, and the last picture is me.

Why is it not showing and why turned it ? Sharon asked.

That is because I keep it so on the day I left the Golden Kingdom.

But why did you left? Debbie asked I mean you are a prince with lot of privilege.

I left because it is getting really bad, I mean power is really intoxicating and I don't want to caused conflict in the royal family, my brother is supposed to take over after our father but he is not fit to be a king, he can't reason and he is very aggressive he shoot before asking question and every disagreement with him will result in a sword fight. I just want a normal life and I want to be myself and live a quiet and uneventful life.

Go on with your story please Sarah said casting Debbie a dark look.

Well there is a boundary between my world and yours and everything there is magical, I don't know much about who my sister is marrying so don't asked me that, your government know about my kingdom but they can do nothing about it since they know we are stronger and beside they work together to stop bad things from happening, remember when the first lady was sick and she wasn't seen for month?

Yeah we do they answered.

Well she was taken to my kingdom for treatment.


Can my dad be brought there too? Debbie asked.

I will asked Doctor Richard to bring him if he can't treat him.

But how? When there is no network here.

Don't worry Dave will take care of it.

So Kanji ?

Yes Sharon.

Your frame, how can it turns let us see your face?

Well if I turn it to show my face, it means I will not be coming back to New York again.

But you can turn it back if you want to?

It is not as easy as you think, I had to under go some rituals anyway I will turn it since am going back to my land of birth. And he went to the picture frame they crowd around him to see what he is doing. Kanji bring out a knife and cut his palm then he made an incantation with just one word GAFRU and he smear his blood on the frame and it went solid and then Kanji turned it.

In the Golden Kingdom while King Bruce was admonishing his son to have manners and not to talk to his sister in a derogatory way, there was a slight vibration and they all look up to see Kanji picture frame turning slowly with his face showing.

He is coming home finally the King bark. While Queen Lysandra was weeping, Bond was open mouthed while Lisa was smiling.

Now we will be complete as a family and to hell with who ever try our family the King turn to Bond prepared to welcome your brother, chose the best soldiers and make it a secret, escort him home safely and you too be safe out there for it is not a safe trip.

Yes father.

Lisa can you contact him?

I don't know father.

Please try.


Lisa close her eyes and access her inner power after a few minute she turn to her father, yes father I can contact him, he is at the Inn.

Will the boundary affect you?

No father, beside we have done it before .

Eh really but I warn you guys about the danger.

Oh really Bruce now is not the time, allow her to do her thing.

Okay go on Lisa.

And she close her eyes again and then she open it and it was as white as snow, she point to the mirror in the dinning room and said an incantation ummbacuru er Kanji ba ka ki.

Kanji was talking to his friends when the mirror in the King Chamber flash and he turn to look at it.

What is it Debbie asked 

Sssssssh I think it is my sister, they know am here as I turned the frame.

How are you going to answered it?

Just watch and see. And Kanji went to the mirror he close his eyes and then after accessing his powers he open it and said his own incantation OSHRU and his family appears in the mirror.

Kanji my son King Bruce intone.

Oh Kanji Queen Lysandra was weeping. How have you been? Please do come home.

Mother, father are you guys well.

We are fine, we were just having dinner when you know, where is Dave?

He is not around yet, is that Bond hiding?

I'm not hiding 

And Lisa, I know you are the one creating this.

Of course it is me brother, who are they?

Oh they are my friends coming to your wedding.

Are you not going to introduce them?

Later when we reach, let me talk to father.


I'm sorry father on how I left.

It is alright son, I understand and I respect your decision but things are changing and you need to come back.

I know father there is much I have to tell you, I visit the Northern Land you know where I mean.


 I know and am sorry father I was worried and need to find out information, no one is capable to go there you know how it is, so I have to do the needful.

That is very risky and dangerous.

Come-on father am here now and even talking to you, nothing will happen.

Okay, am sending Bond with some soldier to wait for you at the pass, so till then you are on your own, it is risky now and not as it used to be so you have to protect your friends alone till you reach the pass.

Is there still transportation at the boundary?

Not that I know of.

There is a guy who run it to the pass with his daughter.

Really Bond?

Yes father.

How did you know?

Well I was hunting.

Lisa laugh at this, and what were you hunting Bond.

There are wild boars there you know.

Really if am not mistaken I will say it was this man daughter.

Linda laugh at that.

Shut it you two the King bark. He turn to Kanji keep your wit and shine your eyes the North is staring so say your sister.

She is right on what I saw there, it is more than I can say here.

Alright. Talk to your mother.

Mother don't worry I will be fine and I will be there with you soon.

Alright son, I have missed you.

I know mother, I'm not a kid anymore you know.

You will always be a kid to me.

Mother you are embarrassing me.

Really which of them are you bedding ?

No one mother.

What a shame, I hope Bond can do it with all four of them, he knows nothing except bedding every girl.


Oh don't patronize me Bond.

Are you guys done am getting tired Lisa exclaimed.

You need to keep practicing Lisa, it is simple.

I'm not you Kanji.

Anyway we have to go.

Kanji tell Dave a time will come when he will have to returned to the palace with everyone till we sort the North.

Alright father.

Good luck and come home safe.

I will.

And Lisa let go of the connection.

Chapter 3

Journey Through The Boundary

Nice family you have got Kanji, Sharon was saying, your sister is very pretty and she is like those princess spoken of in fairy tales.

Oh Sharon don't mind Lisa I don't think she is the way you see her, she is just calm and calculative and very good at scheming but she always pretend to look like a daft person.

So what about what Ray said about you and even your mum just confirmed that you bed lot of ladies and the ones that are taken at that eh.

If you listened well it was Bond she was referring to right guys, and he turn only to see all four of them staring at him incredulously what?

Well are you really up to four ladies at a go Linda asked.

Well I have tried it ones so it is no big deal.

Hmmmmmmm Kanji seem like I will have to bed you if Sharon don't mind about it.

What! Linda 

Well Sharon will you bed him or should I?

And at that there was a knock on the door and kanji turn and order the person to enter and it was Dave. And Kanji was overjoyed he rush Dave and gave him a great hug oh man I have missed you man look at you growing bears now Dave.

Calm down your highness.

Dave if I hear that again I will throttle you. You can call me Kanji please don't embarrassed me like mother.


Yeah, I just had contact with them through Lisa you know.

Oh I see.

Man where have you been ?

Calm down I got your message but I wasn't able to welcome you personally don't be angry I was attending to business you know private things.

Dave really, so like this you were having a go with someone daughter?

Chill bro, this one is different, now who are these beauties Kanji are you keeping them to yourself?

Ha sorry this one here is Debbie and the one with the coy smile is Linda, that one sizing you up is Sharon and the one over there is Sarah.

Ladies, it is my utmost pleasure in welcoming you to the INN, I hope your stay have been good and eventful.

Thank you your highness we are grateful for your accommodation and entertainment Sharon answered.

Oh don't worry about it, if there is anything you need just let me know infact just asked anyone you see and they will attend to you immediately.

Thank you sir.. I mean your highness.

Oh cut it you guys can call me Dave.

Thank you Dave.

I hope you guys don't mind if I borrow Kanji for a moment.

Oh no problem you can have him, me and Linda have a word to say concerning him too.



Okay. Come on Kanji and at the door kanji stop and turned to them I hope you guys are not considering that nonsense?

Get on with you, it is none of your business Linda replied.

Come Kanji time wait for no man Dave was dragging him.

I can slow time you know Dave.

Shut it man, are you not getting any goosebumps?

What do you mean?

Come on we need to talk.

Alright ladies see you guys tonight.

So Dave take Kanji to his own study and close the door which have a sound proof from eavesdropping. After hugging again he push Kanji to sit on the best chair in his study and then he was popping wine into two glass, Kanji swallow his in one gulp eh Kanji now that is a new one and he pour in three finger of scotch on the rock. Kanji gulp it down again this time slowly.

What has gotten into you man?

Dave you know how it used to be and now am going back there.

Yeah I know but you need to be at your wit and vigilance man it is not as it used to be over there and the damn road to the pass is not as safe as it used to be.


So ? Are you getting stupid? you are traveling with four ladies who know nothing about the end of a sword, how do you intend to protect them?

Ha that.

Yes now get out of it let us talk business.

What is up Dave?

The North and the East.


Well I think the East is trying to run down the Golden Kingdom while the North have been weakling the barrier that create the boundary.


Human sacrifices. 

What do you mean ?

They used humans as sacrifice to weaken the the gateway so they can come in full force when it is weaken and don't forget there are dark wizard worshipping that bastard below there.

I never heard of this and during my brief visit below I don't know all I saw was mass gathering of soldiers and making of weapons.

Well I don't expect you to know about that much like I said I have been doing my own investigation and if you will recalled there has been news about missing people, remember a whole family getting lost in the woods and the only woods I know that can do that is the one near the boundary.

You are right, we need to stop this and informed father about it.

No you will have to do that.

Father said I should tell you a time will come when you will have to bring everyone to the palace so get preparing.

Kanji, we are prepared but you should know if what you told me last time is true then I think this INN maybe the last stand if everything else failed.

You are right, but will father listened to it?

You just have to convinced him, I will be doing more research.

Be careful man.

You know me low key and inconspicuous.

This is the shadow we are talking about.

Calm down I will be fine.


And Kanji left not knowing what to think of what Dave had just told him because it changes everything and he knows the fight coming will not be an easy one, but Kanji has never been one to back out of any challenge or to run from a fight. He just hope he gets to the Golden Kingdom in time to warn his father about everything and he is thinking Lisa wedding need to be postponed to another day hopefully there will be no fighting.

Back in the room he shared with his friends he stopped at the door hoping what Sharon and Linda were planning was just a prank because he is not in the mood for their games, but knowing Linda, he shake his head and enter the room, Sarah was sleeping while Debbie is reading God knows what. Both Sharon and Linda were whispering to each other and that has never been good in his opinion, they are good at plotting things and he wondered if he will used other means to handle them, he was brooding about what to do when the two plotters came to him.

Ladies am not doing anything with you guys so don't try any nonsense please.

Oh shut it, we will not take you to bed. Sharon told him.


Yes dummy, we just want to talk.

Talk about what?

Well Linda was saying she....and Linda interrupted her.

Please don't used me as an excuse Sharon.

Alright we were wondering if you could show us magic.


Yes can you show us stuff and can you tell us how you come about it too?

Really it is nothing, I was born with it, you guys should not go about me having powers please it is a secret and people don't need to know about it.

Alright, show us a trick then.

You mean this. And he wave his hand over Debbie book which disappeared 

How did you do it?

Oh it is complicated I just manipulate the essences of the book to suit my purpose. Like in this case, I asked the book to be invisible with a small touch of will and it obeyed.

What more can you do?

I can do anything I want and even summons anything I want too. Anyway am tired and need to sleep tomorrow is a long day.

Return my book now Debbie told him.

Oh sorry and he wave his hand again and the book appears. Good night ladies.

What will happened tomorrow Kanji? Debbie asked.

Get all the sleep you can now, tomorrow we cross the boundary. Good night and with that he close his eyes and sleep.

This is so scary and exciting guys Linda was saying, it is an adventure worth taking.

I know Lin. Sharon answered her, but don't be too excited. And with that she too lay down and sleep.

It feels as if she had not even close her eyes when she was woken with a start. Whoooos that?

Come on Sharon, get up, it is time, stand up and get dressed time is ticking and we must be at the pass as soon as possible. And with that they all start hurrying up and started getting dressed, everyone was trying not to forget anything and Sarah suddenly stop and exclaimed Ha...what about breakfast?

You will eat along the way, a voice answered and they turned to see Dave standing at the door.

Is there restaurant along the way?

Dave laugh hell No. Sarah you will be eating while you walk, I trust Kanji has instruct you guys on what to expect in the boundary?



Oh Dave! Sorry I have been preoccupied and they have been questioning me about stuff so it was out of my mind.

Alright ladies, first I will provide a rope which you will each tied around your waist, Kanji will be at the lead since it is a narrow way but mind you, you will see things that will try to take you away from the path, please have a strong will and don't step off the path, you can think of something you cherished and focus your mind on it or you can practically blank your mind so those things will not affect you. Hence the rope so if one try to sidestep others will put em back in line that goes for all of you if any of you is unable to resist.

How long from the boundary to the pass? Debbie asked.

I don't know, time is different there,it could be two days or three no one knows, there is no night in the boundary Dave paused to let that sink in.

What! Sarah exclaimed you mean we will just keep walking and not knowing what time it is.

But be rest assured there are safe place to rest and there are people living there too, it is not as bad or dangerous as you may think, beside you have a warrior as your guide so fear not.

Are you done Dave? We are on a schedule you know.

Alright Kanji, follow me. And he lead them to the back of the INN, and there he open a trapdoor and beyond the trapdoor, there is a curtain of light.

Is that it? Asked Linda .


We just have to go through it?

Not yet, first read these words on this paper, not out loud please, read it in your mind and released it to the boundary. And he passed a pieces of paper with these words written on it.


That is the password or code to pass through the boundary, you can see why no evil person can set foot in there because the boundary will kill em. But everything is not as certain these days so be constant vigilance, because some people have ways in manipulating magic. Now say those words in your mind and be off, everything you need is in your backpack good luck guys and he hug everyone of them.

Ladies time to get moving, Debbie get the rope and the rest of you stay in line and be brave, don't talk much and try to used signal, in this boundary there are lot of things apart from the evil, there are things that can do more harm so be careful and don't touch anything let us go. And they start the journey with Kanji taking the lead and he move fast, knowing his hands is full and he will have to protect four people gives him the the first fear in his life, not even when he visit the underworld with the kind of terror he saw there, unlike now he knows if anything happens to any of them, he will never forgive himself and he knows life will not be the same again so he takes a fast pace hoping to be the three days prediction by Dave.

Debbie was amazed at what she saw in the path, she guess it was early and a good sign since there are birds singing, in most of the movie she had watched silence is a bad thing which says there is a greater evil. She was glad at the fast pace Kanji keep and she thought she can understand his reason, knowing how he is says a lot right now so she try not to complain and keep matching his pace.

Sarah love the green scenario she is seeing and she wished she could explore, is that berries am seeing or are my eyes deceiving me? She question herself and turn to look at Linda to asked, but she remembers Kanji warning and keep her mouth shut, damnit this is frustrating, what sort of pace is that pig head keeping? Rushing us as if we are going to be slaughter how dare he made her run, anyway she hope she can get her mind of the trek with the interesting things she is seeing. Was that a movement I just saw she thought and she look back to see Linda staring at exactly same place she thought she saw the movement.

Linda have a feeling Sarah want to talk to her, but damn Kanji and his rules, she really need someone to talk to and was that really movement she saw? That look really nasty can't complain of this pace Kanji is keeping, I don't think I want to be around that thing oh man this is tedious and excruciating, so this kind of place exist and we have been living a life not knowing what is beside us, even Albert that fat rich pig of a man who claimed to have been to places not in the world map could not have been here. This is extraordinary and I can feel the magic around here, it is suffocating.

Sharon feel like she belong here and she has been considering if she will permanently thinking of it, she has no one not even a relative and Kanji has been part of her life since from day one she meet him, she wonder what he will say about her decision beside she know he will make sure she have the best anyway she thought of how serene the boundary is and she feel like to explore, damnit with rules, I see no evil here and it feels safe really was that my old neighborhood I just saw? Really let me go and look it properly and she try to move off the path unknown to her about the rope round her waist. Linda was walking when she feel the tugging at her waist and nearly lost her balance as she was nearly drag back from the path, she turn back to see Sharon trying to drag her off the path without a care and she hold firm and called to kanji.

Kanji mind was on the task hoping to get the a safe place for rest when he heard Linda calling to him, he swore under his breath hoping the silence would have last for longer than this, he turn to see Sharon frantically trying to untie the rope round her waist and he hurried to them.

What in the name of the damn gods are you trying to do Sharon! He exclaimed.

Don't dare stop me, I was just going to look at my old neighborhood.

Really Sharon, when did a Werewolf became your old neighborhood?

What !


They are used by dark wizard to hunt stray human who went off the path, while the Werewolf clean the skin of you, the wizard takes the bone, it is a kind of partnership. Here put this round your neck, and he bring out four necklace which he hand over to all of them, I could have done this since guys sorry, let us get going we still have a long way to go before we reach a safe place to rest.

Will this stop them from luring us? Debbie asked.

Yeah it will stop them and if they try to invade your mind again they will regret it, don't worry they can only attack us physically which they can't do as long as i'm here.

Okay thanks.

It is nothing let us keep moving. 

As they continued their journey through the boundary, Kanji remained vigilant, constantly scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. The group encountered various challenges along the way – from treacherous terrain to cunning magical traps set by dark wizards. Each step forward was met with uncertainty and the ever-present threat of lurking evil.

Despite the odds stacked against them, Kanji's determination never wavered. He led his friends with unwavering resolve, guiding them through the dangers with skill and precision. His hands were always ready to defend, his mind sharp and alert to any potential threat.

Dialogue filled the air as they pressed on, exchanging words of encouragement and reassurance amidst the chaos surrounding them.

"Keep close, everyone. We're not out of the woods yet," Kanji urged, his voice firm yet comforting.

Debbie tightened her grip on the rope, her eyes darting nervously from side to side. "I don't like the look of this place, Kanji. What if we don't make it out?"

Kanji shot her a reassuring smile. "We'll make it through together, Debbie. Trust me."

Sarah's curiosity was piqued by the strange flora and fauna they encountered along the way. "Hey, Kanji, do you think those berries are safe to eat?"

Kanji shook his head. "Best not to risk it, Sarah. We can't afford any missteps here."

Linda remained silent, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. The suffocating aura of magic weighed heavily on her, but she remained resolute. "I've got your back, Kanji," she said softly, her voice filled with determination.

Sharon, however, grew increasingly restless with each passing moment. "I can't take this anymore, Kanji," she declared, her voice tinged with frustration. "I need to find a way out of here."

Before Kanji could respond, a menacing growl echoed through the air, freezing them in their tracks. A hulking beast emerged from the shadows, its eyes gleaming with malice.

Kanji sprang into action, drawing his sword with lightning speed. "Stay back, everyone! I'll handle this."

The beast lunged forward, teeth bared in a vicious snarl. Kanji met its attack head-on, his movements fluid and precise as he fought to protect his friends.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a familiar voice rang out from the darkness. "Need a hand, little brother?"

Kanji's eyes widened in disbelief as his brother, Bond, stepped into view. "Bond? But how-"

"There's no time for questions now," Bond interrupted, his expression grim. "We've got a long way to go before we're out of here."

With Bond by his side, Kanji felt a surge of newfound strength coursing through him. Together, the brothers fought side by side, pushing back against the forces of darkness with unwavering determination.

As they finally reached the edge of the boundary, Kanji turned to his friends with a weary yet triumphant smile. "We made it," he said, his voice filled with relief. "Thanks to all of you."

Debbie, Sarah, Linda, and Sharon exchanged grateful looks, their bond stronger than ever after facing the trials of the boundary together.

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