Tuesday 7 February 2023

The cultist

Randy is a brilliant promising young man in his late twenties who believe the world is at his feet and he can get on and do as he likes. He grow up in a wealthy family, his dad is one of those famous politicians and he is always trending for the wrong reason, if not money scandal he is finger in the death of other prominent citizen but since there is no evidence linked to him, he goes scot free.

Randy has been trying to get admission to study medicine and be different from his father but he has always be deny admission and be has refused his father's side to secure admission by connection saying he want to do it alone without the help of his father so as not talk be talk down and look like he can't survive without this dad influence. Hence his struggle to gain admission, which finally came to reality one faithful day after weeks of waiting to hear from the school after their regular post university examination.

Randy got the SMS and he thought it was a prank of just one of those typical scammers, so he never care to check until his friend Bayo called him and told him of his admission and if he Randy has received a text too? Randy was excited and shout that he has but was not sure since he thought it was a typical scammers. So Randy went out to a cybercafe to check and low and behold it was genuine for he has just been given admission to study medicine his dream course in one of the most prestigious university in Nigeria. After printing out his admission letter and other document he went home to announce the good news. Right at the door step he meet his mum and dad going out and he can't contain his joy and bust out with a big grin on his face which his mum noticed at ones.

Randy what is all this excitement about? Just looking at you I can tell you have something to say.

Yes mum I do.

Out with it kid we have no time his dad replied.

Well I have just been given admission to study medicine! He exclaimed.

Wow congratulations that is great my Randy a Doctor in the making already his mum beam with a smile and hug him tight with delight.

That is good news indeed Randy congratulations just make the necessary list and drop it at my desk will sort you out as soon as I returned.

Thanks dad and mum.

First day in the university Randy was doing a sight seeing and wondering about, trying to know places and see things when he bump into Inara.

So sorry please forgive me it was not intentional.

Please mind where you are going and try to look where you step your feet, this is not your sitting room.

I'm sorry.

Better be.

While this was going on Frank a k.a Fastie was observing and he block Randy part after Inara has left.

Hey newbie you trying to hit on my guy babe?

I don't understand.

Are you mad?  Do you want to receive holy slap?

Please I don't know what you mean or what I have done please let me pass.

You say what? Are you talking to Fastie like this eh? Do you want to die?

I mistakenly bump into that girl while looking around and I have apologies to her, what then again?

It better be just a bump oh, I don't want to hear anything again or trouble will wake. And he let Randy go.

Hi my name is Dave, I saw you and Fastie, hope all is well?

My name is Randy, I don't know him, he just accost me of trying to work his guy babe who I mistakenly bump into while walking around.

Oh I see just be careful, he is a known cultist and a trouble maker.

Alright thanks.

Scorpion do you know who I ran into earlier today Fastie was telling his gang member Scorpion.

No idea Fastie, is it anyone to killed?

No Scorpio, it is that fuck up man Jano son.

You mean Jano that fu*cking politician that got two by two killed on our last operation while working for him?

The same one Scorpio, same dude aswear even resemble him good for nothing daddy.

Well we must take this matter to the clan and make a way forward.

Dave meet some of his friends and told them about a newbie they need to recruit before those sissy clan got him, and he told them the encounter he experience earlier and that eye will roll if they lose that potential target.

Randy was just getting back from the shower when he was blindfold and carried away and he couldn't even shout because of how they overpowered him. When next he open his eyes he find himself in a cycle and a burn fire blazing with almost twenty guys round him and all in black. A voice from the dark shout out.

Who is in our midst?

The rest answered a newbie.

Who brought a newbie to our cycle and for what purposed?

Dave then step out and shouted I did for he has potential.

Newbie! Will you join our clan?

No! Randy was terrified and Dave came to him and wishper see you better say yes because you are already here and if you don't join you will be killed.

But I never asked to join and why kidnapped me? What have I done to be brought here and on what purposed?

You don't have to say a word, they will asked you two more times and if your say No, you are done for, so better man up.

Newbie! Will you join our clan? For it is a privilege to be brought here for we are the best and the ruthless.

Yes, Randy answered.

I don't hear you Newbie! 


Correct boy, now let the invitation begin.

That was how Randy became a cultist and later the terror on campus.

As Randy delved deeper into the world of the cult, he found himself engulfed in a whirlwind of violence, power struggles, and illicit activities. At first, he was seduced by the allure of belonging to something bigger than himself, but soon he realized the grave mistake he had made.

Under the influence of his new "brothers," Randy became entangled in criminal activities, ranging from drug trafficking to extortion and even violence against rival gangs. The once-promising young man, with dreams of becoming a doctor and making a positive impact in the world, was now consumed by darkness and fear.

As his involvement in the cult deepened, Randy's relationships with his family and friends deteriorated. His parents, initially proud of his admission to study medicine, were now distraught and ashamed of their son's choices. His friends, like Bayo, who once celebrated his achievements, now distanced themselves from him, afraid of being associated with his criminal activities.

Despite the temporary sense of power and belonging he felt within the cult, Randy soon realized the true cost of his decisions. He witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of violence and crime on his community, and he found himself haunted by guilt and regret.

In a moment of clarity, Randy came to understand that the path he had chosen would only lead to destruction and despair. With the help of a few remaining shreds of his conscience, he mustered the courage to break free from the clutches of the cult.

It was not an easy journey. Randy faced threats and intimidation from his former "brothers," but he refused to be swayed. With determination and the support of those who still cared for him, he managed to escape the cycle of violence and crime that had ensnared him.

As he rebuilt his life, Randy learned a valuable lesson: the allure of power and belonging is often a facade, masking the true cost of one's choices. He realized that true strength lies not in fear and violence, but in integrity, compassion, and the courage to stand up for what is right.

In the end, Randy emerged from the darkness a changed man, determined to use his experiences to help others avoid the same pitfalls. He dedicated himself to advocating against the dangers of criminal gangs and providing support to those who were struggling to break free.

And though the scars of his past would always remain, Randy found solace in knowing that he had chosen a new path—one guided by hope, redemption, and the belief that it is never too late to change for the better.

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