Sunday 19 May 2024

Kim and Mao

More arrows to the left flank and fire at will.
Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern garrison of the king's army, he knows if the invaders gain access or overrun his position, the kingdom will be lost. It had been a hard war and he couldn't help but feel hopeless trying to use five thousand men and women to defend against a hundred thousand invaders. 
Kim couldn't help but reflect on how power had been entrusted to him, he was just a poor youth trying to live a solitary life until he met the general of the garrison General Sao, who took him under his command which surprised him because he wasn't a soldier but an aide to the general. His mind was brought back to the present when an arrow missed him by a finges breath, he snapped ofingershis daydreaming and surveyed the battle fie)d and was shocked to see how the invaders were gaining a foothold on the right flank trying to use scaling leathers and grappling hook due to fewer number of defenders. Kim smiles knowing they have fallen for his gambit, Eagle Squad to the right flank he shouted and bless them with the oil. He smiles with satisfaction as he sees a squad of his sappers's a hundred of them throw out burning oil over the invaders and are rewarded with a scream, he signals to the squad of bowmen to fire flaming arrows and they waste no time in carryingout the order and the floor was a maze of flaming corps and screaming men the air is ting with burning flesh. He feels a sense of relief when the enemy signals for retreat. He orders every squad leader to a meeting." This will not last, he told them we needed to end this war.
We also need reinforcement from the capital Eagle Squad leader complain.
That will take close to two weeks and we don't even have up to five days to hold this garrison, we are too few. Pak the logistics leader explained.
So what do we do? Jung the infantry leader asked.
Tonight I will infiltrate their camp and kill their king in his command tent Kim told them.
No!! They all exclaimed that is too dangerous.
Don't forget the men look up to you and if anything happens to you, we are sunk. Pak told him.
I guess it is time I told you guys the truth, Kim sigh's and look at each man in the eyes and told them I'm the last student of Master Mao.
Impossible exclaimed Eagle Squad leader Master Mao died twenty years ago and you are barely nineteen years old Kim?
Kim smiles and shakes his head, well Master Mao died about two years ago.
That is impossible they all shouted and he had to raise his hand for them to quieten. Please let me explain.
As you all know, Master Mao is a prince and the younger brother of our king, he looked at them and they all nodded in agreement.
Good, one thing Master Mao hated most in life was politics, he had such a great mind and he was one of the greatest swordsmen to have ever lived in our country's history. I was just a baby when Master Mao adopted me and raised me like his son, he taught me everything he ever knew and I believe he is the one who recommended me to General Sao. They were stunned and short of words.
Master Mao has a son though, but just like his father, he doesn't care about the title of a prince or that his uncle is the king.
Where is he? Asked Pak.
Oh, the little rascal is about and nearby if I'm not mistaken, he is keeping an eye on me even now.
Can we meet him? Eagle Squad leader asked.
Probably not and that is the best, he is stubborn, troublesome and very poor in following orders but he is my little brother and we will both infiltrate the enemy's camp because only we are students of Master Mao.
You know if the king finds out about his nephew, he will want to meet him.
Oh, the king already knows as from this moment if what Master Mao told me is true, the king is watching. At that moment they heard a curs behind a cabinet and a bang on the wall." Damn, the fool and his loud mouth.
Who is there? Pak asked drawing his sword.
Shut up said the voice and they heard footsteps retreating.
Kim was laughing hard and when they turned to look at him, he smiles gentlemen that was my brother Mao.
At the capital, the king mutters the word 'Mao' my nephew as he searches for him in his scrying glass. He turned to his court and asked General Kung when will the army reach the southern garrison.
Your Majesty General Kung Bow, they will be there in two weeks.
That is too long, my nephews are trying to infiltrate the enemy camp tonight.
Your nephew's Majesty.
Yes, it seems my brother adopted a son and had one also, I never knew he married.
We must hurry to save the prince, I will not be happy if anything happens to my brother's children, treat them as my children and see how urgent the matter is if they get themselves killed. I want to see them and I want them here in the capital at once.
Yes, your Majesty.
Now be gone and hurry with preparations.

Thursday 16 May 2024

The bargain

 You aren't supposed to see me like this, you just signed your death certificate.
 I'm sorry, I was told to come in at the gate.
That was no excuse.
It will never happen again I swear.
But it has happened and you have seen my true form, hence a price to pay.
I have nothing valuable with me and I'm here concerning a job interview.
The demon laughs and takes a menacing step toward Anna.
Please don't kill me, Anna pleaded.
The demon paused and looked at her and then it smiled a hideous smile with a fang as long as an index finger protruding as it enjoyed the fear and wanted to torment her more." Well, it seems there is a way out, the demon said stroking his chin with fingernails as long as two inches nail.
What can I do?
Are you sure you can do it?
I don't want to die, I'm only twenty years old, I will do it.
You don't even know what I want.
If it does not kill me I will do it.
Now that is the spirit, you look you and strong so I guess you get a lot of energy.
Energy for what?
To feed me.
Oh no, you just promised not to kill me. Anna said sobbing while the demon enjoyed every moment of her fear and distress it gave him energy and he marveled at her.
If you want to live, give me your soul.
My soul?
Yes, that is the price, you will serve me and do my bidding, and I will hold your soul and do with it whatever I want and when you die, you will be my plaything hell.

What would you do if it was you?

Tuesday 7 May 2024


 Jacob grew up in one of those poor slim sprawling cities, he is a timid boy and honest with a fault, he will never find trouble nor even think of doing anything that is illegal or can lead to a fight. He came from a middle-class family, his dad is a health officer while his mum is a nurse. They are not wealthy but they are comfortable. He is the third child in a family of four kids.

At a young age, Jacob was afraid of school and didn't like schooling, he could hardly read or write and everything seemed like jargon to him anytime he opened a book. One day, they were asked to write a letter to any of the girls they admired and each of the girls was also asked to write a letter to each of the boys they admired.

Jacob was perplexed because he couldn't be able to write anything, he was just there holding his pen and paper not knowing what to do, he craned his neck to look at what Mary was writing since she was his seatmate." Better mind your business and don't copy. Mary told him as she fumed covering her book. Just then someone tapped Jacob on his shoulder and he turned to see who it was and was shocked to see it was Thelma.

Thelma is the most beautiful girl in the class and the most brilliant one too, Jacob has always admired Thelma and always daydreamed about her and how he wishes they could marry. She is so sweet and her friend Eka is also brilliant and beautiful, but Thelma is the best, he looks into her eyes and is drowning in their beauty." Yes, he finds himself saying.

And she hands him a folded paper." Take this and find someone to read it for you. She said while shying away with a coy smile.

Jacob took the folded paper and noticed it was scented too, he put it in his bag and couldn't help smiling of all the girls in the class, he got a note from Thelma. He grins and hurry hurried home after school. He rushed to his elder brother Samuel to read the note for him." Sammy, could you help me read a letter?

Sure, who is it from?

My classmate Thelma.

So you have a girl now?

No! We were asked to write a letter and she send me one.

Alright, let me take a look. And Jacob hands the letter to Samuel who sniffs it and mutters something under his breath.

What did it say? Jacob asked.

Calm down man let me read it. And he starts.

 Dear Jacob.

It is nice to write to you and I feel glad this opportunity came by, I have been noticing you and I have no way to approach you to express how I feel about you. 

I like you, for you are humble and kind, you have a beautiful heart and I would like to be part of your story. Even my friend Eka is willing to tag along because she is also interested in you thank you.

Yours Faithfully 



Please reply.

Jacob snatched the letter from his brother and couldn't help smiling while his brother called him names, he ignored him and brought out fresh paper and asked his brother to help him with his words.

That will cost you, his brother told him.

I'm your brother he protests.

Then go and learn how to read and write. Jacob feels defeated." How much? He asked.

A hundred bucks.

That is a lot, I don't have that with me.

Start with your lunch money then.

I'm given only twenty bucks a day.

Well, that is not my problem you know.

Alright, you can have it.

His brother then crafts a short note.

Dear Thelma,

Thank you for your kind words, I accept.

Yours Faithfully 


Jacob took the note handed to him by Samuel." But this is not much he complained.

That will do.

Are you sure?

Damnit if you are not going to take it then go and write your own his brother said so angrily. And better start paying from tomorrow.

Jacob handed the letter the next day to Thelma after school closed and hurried home not wanting to see her reaction. He went home and was shocked to see his family packing out of the house, he hurried to his dad." Daddy, why are we packing out?

Sorry son, it was so sudden, I have been transfer and we are changing location.

But my school?

You will be starting a new school son. Jacob couldn't believe what he was hearing, he could see Sammy laughing at him behind their dad, he started crying not knowing if he could see Thelma again.

That was like ten years ago, he is now fresh from college and looking for a job, sometimes he will sit in a corner looking at the sky for a very long time with his mind focusing only on Thelma, he will wonder how she is and what she is doing now? Is she married? He will question himself not wanting to know the truth. The pain is always unbearable anytime he thinks of Thelma. He could do nothing but try to set his life in order.

He finally got a job as a Data Entry Officer with a telecommunications company and he discovered his boss was worth a billion dollars. Those who had been there claimed if you worked hard, you would be rewarded so Jacob put his heart and soul into the job, for two years he bled for his boss but later started noticing that his boss didn't appreciate hard work, his boss spends more money on prostitute and night club than he spends for his workers.

Jacob started using his head to make his own money and things was going well for him.

He was promoted to Branch Manager and he was enjoying life to the fullest, he could get anything and any woman he wanted. Money was no issue because he made more money from his side deals than his salary. Then one day he was visited by his boss." Good morning boss.

Good morning Jacob, how is everything going?

Everything is fine sir.

I have very bad news, Jacob. Jacob started panicking inside, he thought his side deals had been exposed, he started sweating even though the air-conditioning was at its fullest." Sir, I don't understand he managed to say after a few minutes. Did I do anything wrong?

No Jacob, it has nothing to do with you.

What is wrong sir?

Well, Jacob, I'm closing the company.

WHAT! Jacob exclaimed.

Yes, you heard me, I'm closing the company down.

But why?

Well seems like the government is not honoring the terms of the deal I made with them so he said shrugging his shoulder.

But sir, if you close the company I will be jobless and getting a new job is not an easy task in this bad economy.

I know Jacob, that is why I'm sorry. His boss said standing up, please when you are leaving, pack your belongings and hand over the key to security, I'm really sorry.

Jacob was stunned, he could only nod his head as he stared at nothing in particular, he started packing his stuff while his mind ran riot. He knows getting another job will not be easy in the bad economy with inflation so h

igher than Mount Kilimanjaro. He sat down and wept.

Two years later Jacob was seen on the street job hunting, it had been very difficult for him in the past two years as he was among the millions of people looking for a job, anywhere he turned there was no vacancy or more than ten thousand people are applying for a single vacancy and you need to bribe to get the job. He feels bad because he has become cashless and trying to feed has been very difficult, he is running out of his savings one thing he is grateful for is that he is still single and never married. He wonders what would have happened if he had a wife and kids, he can see how others are going through a tougher time than he is, he sighs after another rejection and comes out of the office, he wasn't looking where he was going and he steps on a lady who just alight from a range rover." I'm so sorry I was not looking where I stepped my foot please forgive me. He apologizes.

It is okay sir, it was nothing.

Well, I'd best go on then because I may miss out on opportunities, I'm sorry again.

What opportunities?

Well as you can see many people around here going on with brown folders in hand just like this he said showing her his own.

Yeah, I see them.

Are you new here?

Yes, I just relocated here to meet my husband.

I see.

What is the matter?

There is no job in town and for any single vacancy, you will see about a thousand people applying for it.

That is very bad.

Yeah, I guess so, people are going crazy and some have even taken their lives. It is a hard world here.

I'm sorry I never got to know your name.

My name is Jacob.

Jacob, that is odd.


I knew a Jacob back then in elementary school. At this Jacob gets intrigued and looks at the young woman well, she is beautiful and that smile and when he looks into her eyes he just knows.

THELMA! He exclaimed.

Jacob, is this you?

Yes oh my God Thelma I can't believe I'm seeing you after all those years.

Jacob, what happened?

Many things.

Start from that day you gave me that letter.

That is a very long time.

Yeah. Care to give me the story over lunch?

I'm not having a dim on me.

Don't worry come on. And she dragged him to one of the best joints in town and asked him to order whatever he wanted.

Jacob couldn't believe Thelma was sitting right in front of him, he had a few tears in his eyes just looking at her, he ordered a king meal for he was famished and after the meal, he told her his story until he met her.

Did you forget about me?

I never for once in my life, there is no day I never think of you.


I have always loved you before you wrote that letter to me.

Well, what about now?

I will never stop loving you, Thelma.

I'm married now, Jacob.

And I have wept every time I think of you knowing you are married, I have always known and my heart breaks every time knowing another man is having you.

Let me have your papers, I can find you a job.


My husband is the minister.

Jacob was speechless but he handed over his file to her.

We will talk again Jacob. And with that, she left.

Friday 3 May 2024

The prisoner

 Kendrick swore as he docked behind a dark doorway concealing him from the street light, his heart was beating faster and he slowed his breathing doing a little yoga in that moment of panic. It has been five years since he had been on the run, he is dubbed a murderer, a thief and a swindler by the authorities and he has been hiding for the past five years now from every cop. He lives in the lowest of society and comes out only when it is dark, the underground tunnel is the only way he used to move during the day. Word had come to him about a deal with a huge profit, hence the reason he is hiding now." What are they even doing here? He asked no one in particular. How can they be out right where I'm supposed to come out from the query? This is not good, I need to get out of here before things go south.

James wasn't having a good day patrolling the street of the urchins, he felt bad and bored about it, it seemed quiet yet everyone claimed it was the roughest place in town, yet James wasn't convinced. He turned to his partner Rodney who was humming a silent tune. " What a night! He exclaimed.

Yeah, some nights are quiet.

Not this part of town, if what I have heard is true.

What have you heard about this place?

I was told it is where all the dregs of society reside and where you can get anything illegal and murder occurs every hour.

Well seems like the wrong description.

I guess so.

Suddenly they heard a noise and they turned in the direction. " Did you hear that noise?

Yeah, it came from there. Rodney said pointing in the direction of the darkened door.

Kendrick was frozen in place when he saw the officers looking in his direction, he swore silently and cursed the low life who left a can in the area where he stood. He prayed they never investigate and wait silently.

Must have been a cat, James was saying.

Does it matter? Asked Rodney if we were on the beat and needed to investigate it no matter what.

Okay, I will cover you.

Kendrick's heart started racing when he noticed the officers coming his way, he swallowed hard and tried to wet his dry mouth, and he felt a movement on his foot and stifled a gasp, he could hear the damn rat chewing at his shoe and then he feels a pain on his toe and he screams.

James and Rodney hurried and came across a young man battling a hoard of rats, he was jumping up and down screaming get off me, get off me you little suckers.

Rodney grabbed the man on his shirt and yanked him into the bright street light, the young man was still screaming so he slapped him once and he quietened." Who are you? Rodney asked.

My name is Kendrick Jeff. Kendrick wasn't aware he just gave them his real name until he had said it.

James started laughing, so you are the wanted man?

Kendrick kept silent, wondering how something as stupid as a rat could get him caught.

Well, you are under arrest for multiple murders and theft.

Officers I can explain, he pleaded.

Keep silent, anything you say will be used against you in court, you have the right to an attorney and if you don't, one will be provided for you.

That was how Kendrick was put on trial convicted of his crime and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The bus was given entry into the prison yard and those who were out working in the yard stopped what they were doing to get a look at the new inmate, there were a few catcalls and a threat which the warders silenced with just a look. The prisoners were led in line to the warden who was waiting at the front. When they were arrayed in front of him, he looked every one of them in the eyes and nodded." Welcome to the prison, in this place you are nobody but babies who need to learn how to crawl before they can walk, and I as your parent will make sure you learn to walk in a few days he chuckled looking at the first prisoner, grips him at his collar and shouted who are you?

I'm Brodrick sir.

The warden hit him hard and shouted you are a baby and I'm your parent. He turned to the others and looked at them." Who are you?

We are babies they shout back.

Who am I?

You are our parents.

Now that is good, put that in mind and we will have no trouble, and remember when your parent asked you to do something you did it without complaint or excuse is that clear?

Yes, sir, they shouted.

Now dismissed.

Kendrick was taken to cell twenty-five and as the iron bar closed, he let out a nervous breathing he had been holding. He turned around to inspect the cell and was shocked to see the biggest guy bunking at the lower bunk, the guy was just staring at him without a word. Kendrick moves in toward the guy and extends his hand." My name is Kendrick, I guess we are going to be bunkmates as of today.

The guy looked at him and stood up. Kendrick swore silently and took a few steps back, for the guy was huge and Kendrick could only reach him just below his chest.

Who the hell do you think you are? The guy asked him in a voice like two gravel scrapping together." How dare you talk to me without my permission? In one swift motion, he grabbed Kendrick by the neck with one huge hand and used the other hand to slap him.

Kendrick's eyes water and he is shocked as his breathing becomes difficult, he tries to pry the big guy's hand but his efforts are abortive." You can call me Basher because I have bashed many heads and I know who you are because one of your victims was my cousin and you have a debt to pay. He lets go of Kendrick who gulps in the air while coil up on the floor grasping, he starts crying silently and regrets every action he has taken that has led him toward where he finds himself presently, he has always wanted quick money and to get rich easily and doesn't care if blood got spilled in the process. He is brought back to reality when Basher gives him a vicious kick, he yelps and looks up to see Basher looming over him." I said get your ass out my way and don't think of bunking on the top bunk or you will have it coming hot.

Kendrick crawled out of his way and went to the foot of the bunk to sleep.

Friday 26 April 2024


 This is one hell of a day to be on duty and at night. Bella complains inwardly not airing her view or she will be queried by her boss. It was a nice Friday night and she had a good plan, only to be called that she had a shift to replace one of the morticians. Working as a morgue attendant for the past four years has made her see things beyond human comprehension and that is what sore her mood the more because she prefers spending the weekend with the living and not the dead.

Bella sighed as she sat in her office, she looked around at the small tiny space and grimaced not sure how she came to even be there in the first place, her office contained a small desk and an old HP computer with the paint even peeling from the wall. The chair she sat on wasn't even comfortable and it gave her pain in her back, she yarn and her eyes closed with her chin coming slowly to rest on her chest.

Suddenly there was a blaring of alarm and Bella jumped up with a start, it took a few moments for her to remember she was in the office, she raced to the door and was shocked to see a few people hurrying into the reception area with a body on a trolley and a young man wailing like a baby.

She stood back watching the drama unfold with a sense of a little excitement since she had been bored this was turning into a nice night, she watched as Doctor Eric pronounced the victim dead on arrival and she looked as the young man faint from the loss or heartache she couldn't tell, it was her duty to get the body to the morgue.

She advanced toward the body and Doctor Eric nodded to her, she pushed the trolley to the morgue and wondered if they would do an autopsy, she didn't care as long as she did her duty and got back home in time for her plans and there is still time, as she moved on, she was called by a nurse." Bella"

What is it? Benita.

What happened over there? Benita asked while pointing at the reception area.

No idea, a dead body was brought in. She said nodding at the trolley.

Benita looked down and noticed the victim. " Damn, she is so young."

Bella followed her gaze and looked down with a fran, she never noticed while she moved the body." I guess so."

Anyway, can't keep you standing by, go on we will catch up later Benita told her as she went about her duty.

Bella wheels her trolley with the body on, hoping to be done and she prays let this be the only body tonight. When she reached the morgue, she was helped by her assistant Rose.

A new one I guess, Rose announced looking at the body.

Yeah just came in, Bella answered.

What do you think caused the death?

That is not my place, let the pathologist do their work, I never know if there will even be an autopsy.


Don't but me Rose, if the family wants it fine, if they don't want it still fine with me.

Yeah, I guess that is right.

You aren't paid to guess but to do your duty and follow an order.

Yes ma'am.

Good, as they turned to the body, they saw the hand move, Bella turned to Rose." Did you see that?

Yeah, I was thinking it was my imagination.

While they look, the head turned to face them and they both hold their breath, hoping it isn't what they are seeing. Bella took a few steps back while Rose moved to the body to see if what she was seeing was real." I don't think that is a good thing to do she told Benita.

What do you mean? Benita asked her.

Look at her face, her eyes are bloodshot and part of her cheek is decaying just now they brought her in.

Well, what if she is alive and needs medical attention?

Doctor Eric announced her death on arrival Rose.

What if he is wrong?

Are you mad? You are questioning the best Doctor in the world? Bella noticed the body moving slowly toward Rose, I think you better take a step back, that body is moving toward you.

Rose turned and on seeing the body moving toward her with hands outstretched, she ignored Bella and moved to the body." Are you okay? She asked.

While trying to get a hold of the woman." That is not a good idea, Bella told her. But Rose still ignored her and suddenly the light flicked off, Bella held her breath and when the light flicked on for a mere seconds, she gasped as she saw the corps of the dead woman standing and advancing toward Rose. And then she heard Rose scream, she took a few steps back until her back touched the wall and then the light came on which blinded her for a moment and when she could see, she saw the dead corps feeding on Rose who had stopped screaming but choking on her blood pouring from her neck where the dead woman bites her. Bella scrambled toward the door at the other side which drew the dead woman's attention to her and she stand up from the body of Rose and looks at Bella with her head cock to the right and then left as if she is listening to something. Bella was shocked to see Rose's eye dangling on the lips of the dead woman, she thought this was a dead body coming to life, and she looked at Rose and was amazed to see her twisting and snarling on the ground she wasted no time in running away, as she barges out of the door, she bumps into Doctor Eric." What is the matter?

She was breathing hard." Don't go in there."

Why? I was just coming to see you about the dead body.

Don't go in there, please.

What is wrong?

The dead body came back to life and attack Rose.

That is absurd.

And then the dead body came out while Doctor Eric was trying to get into the room.

Doctor Eric jumped back with a start, he saw the dead body making her way toward him with hand outstretched blood dripping from her mouth and an eye dangling on her lips, not far behind he saw another figure moving behind the dead body. He heard a gasp behind him and risked a turn and he saw Bella mouthing the word Rose."that must be the assistant he thought. Before he could say something they attacked him so fast he stumbled and fell and they both fell on him and then Bella screamed as she turned running, she burst into the reception area with eyes wild shouting." They are killing Doctor Eric! 

Who? Asked Bianca the old receptionist. 

The dead body they brought in a few minutes ago just attacked Rose, and now Rose and the dead body are attacking Doctor Eric.

At this, the young man who brought the dead body jump-up and ran in the direction that Bella came in.

Benita was skeptical about what Bella just said." Are you really okay Bella?

What do you mean?

How can you say a dead body attacks Doctor Eric?

Of course, that is what happens.

Bella you need to calm down all this hysteria will do you no good.

I'm outta here, call 911 now or you will regret it.

Wait, don't go we are still on duty.

At that moment there came screaming and the light switched off, Benita grab Bella hands and Bella hit her and backed away toward the door, she saw a shadow creeping toward where she was standing a moment ago and silently she went down on her belly and crawl slowly toward the exit. She heard Benita calling her name but she still willing herself to be silent and then she heard Benita saying." What the hell Bella, you stink."

As she crawled, she mistakenly hit a glass jar besides the door and it fell shattering the silence, she stood up and scrambled at the door and risked a glance back, even at the dim light coming from the street, she could see Benita getting embraced by a dark figure, she never wait to find out what happened as she ran out into the night.

Outside was chaos, people were running everywhere and some boarding house doors and windows, she saw a woman staggering about with blood pouring from every part of her body and she was laughing trying to grab at a teen. Bella ran around the block and saw a young man trying to board a door." Please wait, don't board it yet she called out while running toward him.

The young man looked up and stopped waiting for her." Hurry up, before these freakiest get to me. Bella ran and barged into the room just as a few walking dead appeared at the start of the street, she helped the young man to board every entry to the house.

Thank you, my name is Bella.

Morris, he said extending a hand.

Thank you, Morris, you just saved my life.

You are welcome.

What happened?

There was an announcement about an experiment gone wrong and how everyone is to stay out of the CODEX BAR, but I guess people don't listen because everything starts from there.

Oh really, that means I was lucky, I planned to hang out there but I was called to duty.

Are you a nurse?

No, a Mortician.

What the hell is that?

We take care of the dead in the morgue.

What the hell, and I let you in here.

I'm okay as you can see.

Yeah, I'm the president of the United States.

I'm okay.

How do I be sure about that?

See I'm not bleeding from the eye or nose she said turning around and showing him her body.

Yeah, so what do you think of these freakies?

I don't know, I had to run out of the morgue when these bodies kept coming back to life.

That sounds crazy.

Yeah, they got my assistant and a Doctor.

How did you get out of it?

I had to leave everything and run.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What do we do?

Now we wait and let the government do their damn thing.

I hope you are stocked.

Yeah, lucky me.

And with that, they both fall silent waiting for that good news that will usher them int

o a new day with no worries or fear.

Wednesday 24 April 2024


 The water goddess was so bored in her domain and everything her subjects did irritated her, that she banished a few to lesser rivers and had a few beheaded all this she did without a thought of the protests from the council who felt she was turning into a tyrant and they could have none of such in their kingdom. 

It had been since tradition that when the goddess turned twenty years old she was to produce an heir that would take over from her at the age of ten. But the council was shocked to see their goddess turning twenty-five years old and had refused every available male from her domain and other faraway domains hence they felt she was turning into a tyrant so they hitched a plan to imprison her in the blackest of the sea belly where even the bravest of heart dare not ventured.

The plan was for them to trap the goddess with the chain of confusion which would render her senseless and easy to apprehend but unfortunately, she got wind of their plans and escaped to the dry world.

Harry has run a small town grocery's store since he was twenty years old, he is thirty now and still struggling to pay his bills and manage his business which has been nose-diving in the last two years now, he feels he has failed as a businessman and he needs to close his store to look for another thing to do. On that faithful Saturday morning, while running at the beach, he came across a beautiful lady lying on the sand and he stopped to see how he could help." Are you alright? He asked while cautiously moving slowly so as not to frighten her.

She turned her head at the sound of his voice with a look of confusion on her face.

Are you alright? He asked again.

And she stared at him, not knowing what to say for the sadness she felt was overwhelming, she just lost her home and her kingdom and had no idea how to live her life, she looked at him and tears spilled from her eyes.

Harry crouches down beside the lady crying, his heart goes out to her." What could make such a beautiful woman cry like this he wondered." Is everything alright? He asked feeling stupid at the same time how can things be alright when she is crying and felt lost he thought." Sorry, what happened? She didn't answer and he looked around hoping to see anyone to call for help, but he was alone so he asked." What is your name? She looked up into his eyes wondering what to say, he pointed at himself and mouth I'm Harry now who are you?


Nice name Oliver, what happened to you?

I don't know.

Where is your family?

I have no family, they are all dead.

So you mean they died in the sea?


How did you end up here?

I don't know, I have never been here before. We were coming from Africa and she trail off looking around.

It's okay, will you come with me?

Where is here?

This is America as in the United States.

And who are you?

I'm Harry, I run a small business in town.


And that was how Harry took Oliver home.

After Harry took Oliver home, he made her comfortable and provided her with clothes and food. As days went by, Oliver started to open up to Harry, sharing bits and pieces of her past and the events that led her to the beach that fateful morning.

Harry listened attentively, offering comfort and support whenever she needed it. As they spent more time together, Harry's grocery store began to see a turnaround. Oliver's presence seemed to bring luck and prosperity to his business, attracting more customers and increasing sales.

One evening, as they sat by the fireplace, Harry took Oliver's hand and looked into her eyes. "Oliver, you've brought so much light into my life. I can't imagine living without you. Will you marry me?"

Oliver's eyes widened in surprise, and then a smile slowly spread across her face. "Yes, Harry. I would love to marry you," she said softly, feeling a warmth in her heart she hadn't felt in a long time.

They planned a simple yet beautiful wedding, surrounded by friends and loved ones from the town. Harry and Oliver exchanged vows, promising to stand by each other through thick and thin.

Two years flew by, and Harry and Oliver welcomed a baby boy into their lives. They named him Samuel, and he brought even more joy and laughter into their home.

But as Samuel approached his tenth birthday, a group of people from the water kingdom appeared in the town, demanding the return of the heir to the throne. They had heard of Samuel's birth and believed he was the rightful heir to the water kingdom.

Harry refused to even listen to them and demanded that they leave his home." You people should leave us alone and never come back again.

How dare you speak to us like that?

Yes, he dares Oliver looks at them in the eyes, you have no power or authority here and never forget I'm still your goddess.

They laugh hard and turn to Samuel." Come with us and be a ruler of a world full of riches and everything you will ever need, leave your parents and see the wonder of your powers in the sea.

Harry jumped in front of his son protecting him from their words." Get out of here or I will call the cops on you and see if your damn powers can get you out of jail for harassment and trespassing.

We will go, but we will be back again take heed while you can. And that was how they left, Harry turn to Oliver." What can we do?

I have a solution she looks at her son and her husband who she had come to love with everything in her." What solution? Harry asked her.

I need to get back to the sea.

That is not an option he replied, you aren't getting anywhere near there and those people.


Cut it out, you aren't getting anywhere near there and that is it.

You wouldn't understand, I need to get an object that will protect our son. At this, Harry perks up." What object?

There is this chain called the chain of submission, he will have to wear it till the day he dies.

What will it do to him?

Nothing, when he wears it, every water being will come under his power and command.

Including you?


Where is this chain?

In the blackest part of the sea.

That sounds dangerous, I don't want to lose you.

Don't worry, you will not lose me remember I'm a goddess with powers.

What if they came back when you were not here?

That is a problem.

I think so, you know I could rent a place in the FLY A MONTH TOUR they can't come in a plane right?

Yes, you could do that.

Olive took Harry and Samuel to the airport where they boarded the FLY A MONTH TOUR. She then returned home contemplating what to do, she had a dilemma because the moment she entered the sea, they would know she had returned to the sea. She had never been to the deepest part of the sea but had been to the boundary and even that wasn't easy for her considering what she faced back then and now she is going back with no knowledge of any change of that part of the sea. She went to her son's room and looked at his picture with a sad smile, she touched his clothes and sniffled with a pang of hurt" I will not let you down my love" She sent her thoughts and love to him.

She went to the jetty and hired a boat with a fast sixteen-power horse engine, she wanted to take it there so as not to step on the water until it was necessary, so she started the boat and fired it into the sea. She enjoyed the scenery and the cool breeze that blew her dart brunette hair knowing it was a life-or-death situation she was going to face. She drove from morning till dusk and at midnight the blackest part of the sea appeared, she slowed down the boat and stared at where her family's destiny lay. When the boat reached her destination, she stopped it and looked around for the first time, she saw it above the water she came to appreciate the serenity, she wasted no time bringing out her sword and jumping into the sea. The moment she touched the water, there was this blaring alarm in a form of electricity that shocked the whole being of the sea. She felt the change immediately and knew she had to hurry, she never told Harry it would take a week to reach the bottom and a week back up. With sword in hand, she moved on going deeper with the speed of light hoping to hurry before anything could gets to her. She noticed a distortion immediately and slowed her speed which instantly saved her life, she created a shield around her and just as she was done a thousand swords struck her, she gasped and nearly lost her hold on her shield, she turned around trying to see what or who is controlling it.

She couldn't see that far due to the blackness of the sea, she imagined how it would be when she went deeper, she was about to use force and push on when she noticed a little glow just to her right, she wasted no time in sending her sword in that direct and she was reward with a scream knowing she had hit something and immediately the swords attacking her shield stopped. She recalled her sword and tentatively moved to where she saw the glow and she saw a body, without another thought she moved on for every moment count.

The water goddess is in her world and she carries fury with her, with sword blazing in hand she heads on deeper into the abyss of the blackest part of the sea. Suddenly a water monster appears just ahead and she approach cautiously looking around hoping not to get ambushed.

You will not be going any further, or turned back, this is no part of your domain.

The sea is my domain, how dare you stand in my way?

What do you seek? That you would enter the blackest part of the sea Goddess.

It's none of your business, get out of the way.

I can't do that, for if you move further you will die, you are weak here and your power can only work just at the surface deeper you will be hopeless.

The water goddess knew this monster was right, that is why the sea is divided into two parts so those in her domain can never set foot in the blackest part of the sea to protect what is kept there, she looked around and saw thousands of eyes looking at her and all with weapons at the ready. How did I miss them? She took deep breaths with her heart pounding as she thought of her family. Harry with his marvelous smile and a heart full of love and care, is a man who will do anything for his family, Samuel her baby, that innocent smile full of wonder and trust no she can't let them down she looks at the monsters around her knowing fighting all will end in her death, she lowers her sword." I seek the chain of submission for my son's life is in danger.

Now that is not so hard to tell, why come with sword blazing and you killed the doorkeeper with thousands of swords?

He attacked me first.

That is no excuse. Come, I will take you to the chain of submission, but there is a price to be paid for killing one of us.

What price?

That will be decided by the elders.

Oliver is taken deeper into the blackest part of the sea, she can't tell how long they traveled, but at some point, she grows tired and tries to stop but she is dragged and can do nothing but follow for a very long time she starts getting confused and wonder what will happen when they reached their destination, she feels hopeless but when she thinks of Harry and Samuel, she feels her strength getting stronger knowing if she failed then everything will be lost.

After a prolonged journey, they came to a building that was a wonder of majesty. The building is made up of white crystal and everything glitters with a simmering white light emitting frequently from every section of the building. She stands there looking at the building in awe. A prod as her back made her turn and she saw they were gesturing her toward the building, she obliged by moving where they directed her to a massive door that dwarfed the tallest building she had ever seen, even in her domain there was nothing like it, she gawps at everything she saw and feels like a fool, she turned to look at her escort with a questioning eye.

" What do you expect? He asked her".

I was told the blackest part of the sea is full of monsters.

That is right.

But...I'm seeing different.

The monster chuckles and gestures to himself." Well, am I not a monster?

That is hard to tell.

We will see.

Is the chain of submission here?

No, we are here to see the elders for your crime.

Oliver is ushered into the massive building, she was ready to face anything if her family will be safe, she would do anything. As she walked in she noticed a massive amphitheater with a raised platform at the far end with six figures sitting atop the platform and looking down at her, when she came near she was impressed to see there were three males and three females each looking at her as if she just came out of the trash can. The male on her right looks like he is having a dinner made of the chilliest pepper, while the female on her left is being physically restrained from attacking her which she was not sure if she had offended her. She came right in front of them and waited for them to acknowledge her presence.

" Why are you here? Sea goddess one of the six figures asked her.

I'm here for the chain of submission.

Is that so? Fumes the male to her right, how dare you pretend as if you have not committed any crime?

Before I'm judged I would like to know every one of your names so I can address you properly with due respect.

Is she commanding us? Demand one of the females.

I'm sorry, I command no one here.

You aren't here to know our names but to be judged.

So what is my crime?

You killed the keeper of the gate.

As I have said, it was self-defense, he attacked me first.

That is no excuse.

I have nothing to say then.

Are you saying we should pass our judgment?


Then excuse us, let us confer and we will announce your judgment soon.

Tuesday 16 April 2024


Poor man

 Mr. Ray could hear his son wailing from a distance, he shook his head not knowing what to do as he walked home. It had been a bitter and sad experience for him that faithful morning. His mind was far away, thinking of his situation when his foot hit a loose sharp stone on the ground. When he saw the red trickle from his toe, he swore with a snarl on his face and everyone who looked at him, gave him a wide berth.

He had woken up around "four o'clock that morning and had hurried to the construction site where he worked, only to be told there was no slot at that moment that every artisan had been hired." What are you talking about? He asked the foreman.

"Sorry man, so many people were here as early as "two o'clock, you know how hard things are in this country.

This is not fair, Mr. Ray protests.

What is not fair?

How am I going to feed my family?

That is your problem.

And that was how Mr. Ray turned back home only to hear his son wailing from the entrance of his street. He looks at his toe with an angry stare and keeps walking home, as he turns a corner, his house comes into view and he can see his wife sitting at the front of his door, while his son sits on her knee wailing his lung out. He quickens his pace trying not to look at passersby watching the drama unfold.

"What is the meaning of this? He snarled at his wife as he came near enough to be heard.

What do you mean? She asked back.

Shut the kid up, you are embarrassing me.

The kid is hungry, so am I. What did you bring for us to eat? And why did you come back this early?

There is no work today.

No work?


Then what are we going to eat?

I don't know please shut the kid up.

With what?

Give him breast to suck. His wife laughed a menacing laugh with a wild glint in her eyes.

Mr. Ray takes a few steps backward, she snarled at him with spittle flying about." Do you mean these dry and flat breasts? She asked hitting her chest." How dare you say such to me? Don't make me angry please, our son is five years old, did you know that?

So what do you want me to do? I have no money.

Are you not the man of the house?

Don't patronize me, please. He told her looking around at the small crowd of people congregating at the expense of his family.

Shut up! She shouted while standing up, her son fell on the ground and his wailing intensified, she looked at him and turned to her husband." I'm twenty-four years old, but I look like an old woman of eighty, I have only seen suffering right from the moment I married you, I don't even know how you tricked me into this hell you called marriage.

Stop it, please.

Stop what? She snarled bending down to pick her son.

You are embarrassing me.

Oh, so you still feel embarrassed? Wow, what a man you are, such a foolish and useless man, are you not embarrassed enough that you can't provide for your family?

What can I do? 

You are asking me? Oh no how did I get into such situations? I hurried to leave my family because I wanted freedom as a young girl back then, and they disowned me for marrying you, I lost everything and you have the guy to ask me what should you do? You must be mad.

Don't say such words to me or you will regret it.

Regret what? Is marrying you not regret enough? Is going hungry every day not regret enough? Is seeing your child cry night and day because there is no food not regretful enough? You better do your worst Mr. Man.

And he takes a few steps towards her, but a man in the crowd stops him." What do you think you are doing?

This doesn't concern you, stay out of it.

Shut up, you fool.

How dare you call me a fool? I will teach you a lesson you will never forget.

Like I said shut up you fool if you know what is best for you. Mr. Ray stopped in his tracks and assessed the man, he looked in his early fifties and that suit could feed me and my family for six months he guessed in his mind, is that a Diamond Rolex am seeing? He looked around and saw a few security men." Who are you?

I'm Mary's dad and I changed my mind about disowning her, I have been sitting across the other side of the street observing how my daughter is fairing and how you treat her, it seems I made a grave mistake and I will be taking her and my grandson with me.

You will be doing no such thing Mr. Ray snarled.

I think you will find a fight you will never win if you try me. 

They are my family, you can't take them away from me.

That I will do after seeing how you treat them and to think you could have hit my daughter, what sort of man are you? Trying to hit a weak and defenseless woman. At this Mary look up and was relieved Ray was not coming to hit her she felt weak and tired, she looked around and was surprised to see a crowd and a well-dressed man talking to Ray in an angry tune, she hurried over and was shocked to see her father, she stood there with mouth open.

Her father raised his eyes and looked at her, he flicked his finger in her direction and a car opened his PA rushed over to her and gestured her to the car she stumbled over not looking back at Ray who was shouting her name with tears in his eyes." Don't do this to me MARY!

Go and hustle and you will not be treated so. Someone in the crowd shouted.

That was how Mary and her son were taken and her father lectured her about what she needed to look for in a man before she could agree to marry him 

and not to jump into something blindly.

Friday 12 April 2024


 Rose is always afraid when the noise starts, it isn't always like this, she remembers all those happy days and how her family used to be, but now she can't tell what went wrong and how her father is treating the family trash. On this particular night, she is in her room reading a book and trying to forget her family problem, she is fourteen and yet most people think she is eighteen due to her body. She has a full breast and hips that baffled even her, her lips are full she gets whistled at any time she walks on the street. She has complained to her mum so many times about how uncomfortable she is while walking in the street and getting whistled at, but her mum told her it is normal since she is a teen it is bound to happen but she must be careful and never lose her guard and so she has let it go.

While she was thinking about it, she heard a shout at first she couldn't make out the words and was straining to catch a word or two when it came crashing on her." How dare you let me stand at my door for hours before you let me in? Her father roared.

I'm so sorry I was busy in the kitchen and it wasn't even up to an hour, just a few seconds.

Are you questioning me?

No! I can never do that, my love. She could smell his breath as he shouted and she knew this intoxication was not the usual, he had gone far today. His words are slurred she needs to be careful. 

Rose started crying in her room, it is always so any time her father is drunk, he used to be a good man and still good but when he drank so much everything seemed hateful to him, how and when he became a hard drinker she couldn't tell, it is so painful leaving in a house full of hatred and malice. She heard a loud sound like a hand hitting something and she knew he had hit her mum her mum would be silent to endure so as not to let her hear her cry.

She heard him coming up the stairs and pretended she was sleeping, she cringed when his footstep stopped at her door, did she lock the door? She questioned herself and praying she did with the hope that he move on. Her hope was dashed when the door handle rattled and her door open, she held her breath and prayed he would not step in, she heard a staggering footstep come her way and stopped at the edge of her bed. She is facing the wall, with her back to the door trying to hide her face, she even her breathing. With another shuffle of his foot and a hand cupping her ass, she held her breath as the hand move to her breasts." Nice combination he murmurs, seems like someone is enjoying my daughter more than me, it will have to end. He shifts his hands down and slides them under her nightgown, she stiffens and holds his hand to stop him from going any further." Father! What are you doing?

Shut up, are you questioning me while someone else enjoyed my daughter?

Please Father stop, no one has ever done this to me. He smacked her hand away with a snarl." I will be the judge of that you wasted fool, your mate is getting married and having babies, while you spread your legs for some cheap fools, now shut up and be still he orders. And with that, he parts her pants while she cries which never deters him, he is far gone in his hibernation and suddenly the door opens and her mum is standing there." ROWLAND! That is enough, she is your daughter stop it now.

He froze with his finger a few meters from her virginal, he turned with a look of death in his eyes, and she backed out hoping he would come for her, which he did and as she moved backward, she start undressing before entering their room, she lay naked on the bed and spread her legs apart. He came in with violence in mind but stopped when he saw how she was, playing with his daughter caused him to get an erection. He doesn't wait as he rushes his wife and slides in with an animalistic behavior grunting and slapping her and when he is about cumming, he bites her on the shoulder and roars. He lay on top of her panting. And that was how they were till morning.

When he opened his eyes, he saw what he had done and started crying." I'm so sorry honey please forgive me he was shocked.

It is okay honey, it was the drink.

No! Drinking can't let a person to do this, I believe it is part of me. What did I do last night?

Don't worry about it honey, I hope you will stop drinking so all this will not happen again.

What happened? I remember a bit or two, did I enter Rose's room? At this, she avert her face not looking at him.

Please tell me I don't do anything to her.

You nearly do, I had to stop you as you can see the results in my appearance.

He couldn't hold it anymore and he started crying more, he stood up and went to Rose's room, but she wouldn't let him in and he sat at her door crying and begging for forgiveness." My darling I'm so sorry please forgive me.

Please go away, you aren't my father.

I'm your father, don't say that, please.

My father will never do what you did to me last night she screamed.

Yeah, I guess you are right and I'm sorry, I promised never to do that again and I will make it up to you for my bad behavior.

I can't forgive you just like that, if you want my forgiveness then stop drinking and with time if I see a change I will decide.

Fair point my darling, I agree. With that, he stood up and became a better father, he stopped drinking and staying out late at night, and he declined every offer from his friends with introduced him to late-night parties and drinks. He always has had tears in his eyes anytime he sees his daughter hoping one day she will talk to him and forgive him for his sins.

Wednesday 10 April 2024


 It was quiet in the woods, and a weak breeze blew to try to penetrate the trees. The path was dark yet it was morning, there was no bird singing nor any insect making any noise, even the cricket that usually chirps couldn't be heard that particular morning. Brandon was curious about the silence in the woods, this was the first time they are experiencing it and he couldn't make anything of it. He walk just behind his father on the well used part, he glance behind and saw a dark shaped the moves behind a tree before he could make anything of it. He moved on not wanting to lost track of where his father went. He remembers how he got lost in the woods and spend every moment trying not to shit on his pant from fear of what may jumped on him, it was an experience he wished not to repeat again. Suddenly the path open up and he increase his stride to walk beside his father " father, seem like something is wrong".

"And what is that supposed to mean"? His father asked in a hush voice.

The woods is too quiet. Brandon answers, he plug on when he noticed his father shaking his head." We have never witness anything like this since we started hunting in this woods, I feel something have change.

Well you know hunting deers is not easy with every noise, the silence helps to give them assurance that they are safe.

But this is different. Brandon was not done and he feels the hair on the back of his hands stand up, he stops making his father to stop and look around with an inquiry in his gaze." What is it"?

Something is following us he replied.

Don't be a fool, nothing can follow a hunter unless such animal want to be guest in the cook pot.

What if the hunters becomes the hunted?

Never mind, let us get going. And so they keep walking, but Brandon couldn't help looking about now and then he will glance, believing something is after them. While he was looking about suddenly he bump into his father who was standing."what the hell...he tried to curs, but his father stopped him with a hand in his mouth and nodded in an eastern direction. Brandon take a looks and was impressed to see the massive deer munching on the grass in the distance. He looks at his father who nodded again and they both went down flat and slide on their stomach as silently as they can be, when they were about one hundred meters from the rear of the deer, they stopped and as silent as the grave, his father unslung the riffle from his shoulder and prepare to take a aim, when his elbow land on a stick and the stick snap. Both hunters hold their breath and look in the direction of the deer whose head is turned to the noise. Brandon eyes bulge for what he is seeing is not normal, the deer face is rotten with fly and maggot oozing out, and the smell is nauseating even from as far as the one hundred meters he gasps and the deer takes off." What is really going on father? We need to get out of here.

You are right son, it seem we have stumbled into something beyond us. And at that moment there was a deafening roar a few meters away from them which made them both stiffen.

" What was that? His father asked to no one in particular.

I believe that was the shadow I have been seeing earlier as we enter the woods.

You have been seeing shadows and you said nothing?

I think it was nothing.

You are right, the hunter is now the hunted, we need to get moving and fast too.

And so they ran.

As Brandon and his father fled through the dense underbrush, their breaths ragged and hearts pounding, fear gripped them like icy claws. 

"We need to find a safe place to hide," Brandon gasped between strides, his voice strained with panic.

His father nodded grimly, his eyes darting from shadow to shadow as if expecting the beast to materialize at any moment. "Keep moving, son. We can't let it catch us."

They pushed forward, branches scratching at their faces, thorns tearing at their clothes. The woods seemed to close in around them, suffocating and oppressive. 

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending shivers down their spines. 

"It's getting closer!" Brandon cried, his voice tinged with desperation.

His father grabbed his arm, pulling him onward. "We can't let it catch us. We have to keep moving."

But as they ran, their strength waned, and hunger gnawed at their stomachs. Days passed without food, and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm them. 

"We can't go on like this," Brandon said hoarsely, his voice barely audible over the pounding of their footsteps. "We need to find something to eat."

His father nodded, his face drawn with fatigue. "But how? Everything in these woods seems to be hunting us."

They stumbled on, their bodies weak and their spirits fading. But just when they thought they couldn't go on any longer, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. 

"There!" Brandon exclaimed, pointing to a cluster of berries hanging from a nearby bush. "We can eat those."

His father nodded, his eyes brightening with newfound determination. "Let's go."

With renewed energy, they reached for the berries, their mouths watering at the thought of food. But as they plucked the fruit from the bush, a low growl echoed through the trees, freezing them in their tracks.

"It's here," Brandon whispered, his voice trembling with fear.

But instead of running, they stood their ground, ready to face whatever horrors lurked in the shadows. For they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

As they stood their ground, the tension in the air was palpable. Brandon's heart hammered in his chest as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation. But when the beast emerged from the shadows, its massive form towering over them, Brandon's courage faltered. He felt a warm trickle down his leg as fear overwhelmed him, and without a second thought, he turned and ran.

"Brandon, wait!" his father called out, but his voice was drowned out by the roar of the beast.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Brandon sprinted blindly through the underbrush, his only thought to escape the monster that pursued him. But as he ran, his foot caught on a root, and he stumbled forward, crashing to the ground.

"Brandon!" his father's voice echoed in the distance, but Brandon was too consumed by fear to respond.

As he struggled to his feet, he saw the beast closing in, its eyes blazing with hunger. But just when it seemed all hope was lost, a glimmer of light appeared through the trees. With a surge of desperation, Brandon pushed himself forward, running as fast as his legs would carry him.

And then, miraculously, they stumbled across the boundary of the woods, the sudden transition from darkness to light blinding in its intensity. With a final burst of energy, Brandon and his father broke free from the confines of the forest, collapsing onto the grassy expanse beyond.

For a moment, they lay there, panting and gasping for breath, the sounds of the forest fading into the distance. And as they looked back at the dark canopy that had nearly been their undoing, they knew they had escaped by the narrowest of margins.

"Are you okay, son?" his father asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Brandon nodded weakly, relief flooding through him like a wave. "I think so. But I never want to go back there again."

His father placed a hand on his shoulder, his expression grave. "Neither do I, son. Neither do I."

Tuesday 9 April 2024



The maker was tired of creation and wanted to really rest, he has expand so much energy creating the world so he feel it was time to rest but before he goes into the eternal sleep, he has one tasks before that time. He used his last energy to create three sons he wished to continues where he stopped.

The first son he named Raji whom he gives the power of creation, to create life to fill the world he has created. And the second son he named Raja whom he gives the power of destruction of all things that is harmful to life and to the world he has created. And the third son he named Ravi whom he gives the power of balance. For Ravi is the balance between creation and destruction and if Ravi is to die, the world created by the maker will be destroyed. And so the maker take his eternal rest after creating sons that will take over from him.

Raji is as gentle and compassionate, he feel the world is empty and need to be filled, so with his power he created human beings. He was pleased to see his first creation and was amaze how they looks beautiful and full of life. He knew they can't live like that and so he created animals and the living plant so the humans can sustain themselves, he was so pleased that he informed his brothers about his new creation. Raja was angry because his desires is to take everything from Raji, but he can do nothing unless Ravi is eliminated. He sulk and whine about it deep down but knows his hands are tied but then a small voice at the back of his mind asked " are you sure your hands are tied"? Raja ignored the voice knowing it is not right.

Ravi loves his two brothers so much and can practically feel them in his mind if he really concentrate, he believes the beings with the brighter light is Raji and the other with darker light is Raja, sometimes he wonder how can their maker think of creating something so dark, knowing it is full of destruction. Ravi was glad to see the creation of Raji and he can't help viewing them from the castle high above the clouds. The castle is made of crystal and it float above the clouds rounding the universe so they can be monitoring the event taking place. One particular day he notice a beautiful lady, one of those created by Raji and can't help wanting to be with her after all Raji have warn them not to interfer or mingle with the human he created, but Ravi was beyond reality and he went down on earth to woo this beautiful lady he later impregnate and gift his unborn son ninety five percent of his power. "You must name him Rama". Alice laugh it off not wanting to listen.

Please my lady do as I say.

What does it matter, you will always be there for him.

It matters that you name him so, I fear something may happen to me.

My father is the king, nothing will happen to you.

Ravi smile and hold her hands, "it is not your father I'm afraid of, but my brothers.

Okay, I will name him as you wished.

Ravi was happy knowing he store the power in the name, if his some is given the name at birth he will inherit the power of balance.

Raja couldn't ignored the constant yapping of the voice in his head, it keep buzzing around no matter what he does. "What is this in my head he exclaimed!

I can give you power to create life too, the voice coo, just follow my instructions.

Let me be, I'm not meant to create but to destroyed.

Lies, you can create life too.

Really ?

Yes, all you need is a few drop of Raji blood, a lot the better the voice smile with malice.

Nothing can penetrate our skin.

That you are wrong again, follow my instructions and you will have what you wanted.

Which is?

Ha Raja don't play with me, I know your mind and your heart desires.

So what do you want me to do?

Get Raji blood and we will start from there. And with that he gives him a knife made of crystals, but this one is dark unlike the clear and translucent one used in their castle. Even touching the knife send a tingling sensation and he had to wrapped it with his cloak. "Never touch that with your bare hand for long or there will be consequences the voice instruct him. First you get Raji blood and then you bring me two of those humans he created, a male and a female and then we will start your creation.

Why blood? And why the humans?

A life for a life that is how it has been before the beginning of time and so it shall be to the ending of time.

And so Raja take a bottle of wine to Raji which he has already put a sleeping drought on it. "Raji look what I found from the humans you created, I heard them say this vintage is the best to ever grace the earth, give it a try let me hear your thoughts about it?

Raja! So you have visit the humans? I asked you and Ravi to let them be, we need to never caused anything to influence their lives.

Oh calm down told you I heard them talking about this vintage so I guess I got intrigued and want to taste it too, which I did. I was hoping you can appreciate their development by having a taste of their production and you are here saying trash, get of your high horse and be a father to all. And with that Raja dump the bottle on Raji table and left.

Raji was shocked by Raja behavior and he thought it has merits after all he created the humans and need to keep eyes on them and their development and so he went to the bottle and give it a try, he was amazed at the taste and believe it was as great as Raja had said. Unknown to him Raja was watching him from a hideout and he smiles knowing the first of his plan have worked all he had to do now is to wait for Raji to sleep off, but he has a doubt, will it worked on him? Since they have power beyond anything in the known world, will the poison worked ?

Calm down it will work, but you have just five minute before it wear off said the voice in his head.

How do you get into my head that I can hear you?

Now is not the time, go to him he is done.

Raja turned to look at Raji and was surprised to see him laying down and so he hurry to him with the knife and with that he cut a thin line in his wrist and collect the blood from a glass jar he conjor and in no time he see the wound healing and was surprised until the voice in his head shout" now get out of here quickly before he wake up, he will be confused and thinks the wine was too strong.

As Raja retreated to his dark domain, fueled by the twisted whispers in his mind, he began his dark experimentations. Using the blood of Raji, he forged his creations, infusing them with malice and chaos. From the depths of his corrupted imagination, he birthed demons and beasts of hideous visage, each more monstrous than the last.

Meanwhile, Ravi, sensing the disturbance in the balance, sought out his brothers. He found Raji, still groggy from the effects of the poisoned wine, but unharmed. Concern etched his features as he realized Raja's treachery.

"What has Raja done, brother?" Ravi's voice carried a weight of sorrow and anger.

Raji recounted the events, his brow furrowed with worry. "He took my blood, Ravi. I fear what he intends to do with it."

Ravi's resolve hardened. "We must stop him before it's too late."

Together, they set out to confront Raja, unaware of the depths of his depravity. In the dark recesses of his lair, Raja reveled in his newfound power, commanding his monstrous creations with a cruel grin.

"You thought you could thwart me, brothers?" Raja's voice echoed with madness as he faced them, his eyes alight with dark intent.

Ravi's gaze never wavered. "You've forsaken your duty, Raja. You've upset the delicate balance of our world."

Raja scoffed, his laughter echoing off the cavern walls. "Balance? What need have I for balance when I hold the power to reshape reality itself?"

With a wave of his hand, Raja unleashed his demonic horde upon them, their twisted forms lunging forward with feral hunger. Ravi and Raji fought bravely, their powers melding in harmony against the onslaught.

But in the chaos of battle, Raja's treachery knew no bounds. With a cowardly strike, he plunged his dark crystal knife into Ravi's heart, a look of betrayal etched on his face.

Raji's cry of anguish pierced the air as he cradled his fallen brother. "Ravi... no!"

But even in his dying breath, Ravi whispered words of hope. "My son... Rama... he holds the key to balance..."

Raja, drunk with power, scoffed at their grief. "Your precious balance dies with him, brother."

But Ravi's final revelation sparked a glimmer of hope in Raji's heart. With renewed determination, he vowed to protect Rama at all costs.

And so, as Ravi's life faded into the void, Raji and Rama were left to carry the weight of the world's balance upon their shoulders.

In the aftermath of the battle, Raji banished Raja to the depths of hell, where he would forever be known as the first devil, cursed to dwell in darkness for eternity.

And thus, the tale of the three sons of the Maker came to a tragic conclusion, but their legacy would live on through Rama, the beacon of balance in a world torn between creation and destruction.

Kim and Mao

 Fire!!! More arrows to the left flank and fire at will. Kim has been shouting at the top of the battlement trying to defend the southern ga...